国际结算2009-2010下学期 第一次作业交作业时间:3月31日上课前交
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Negotiable instruments
1.签发汇票 the issue of a draft
A draft for USD$100,000.00 is drawn by The American Exporter Co. Inc. Tampa, Florida, USA on The French Issuing Bank, Paris, France payable at 60 days sight to the order of ourlves dated 25 Feb., 2008 marked “Drawn under The French Issuing Bank, Paris, France L/C NO. 12345 dated 25 Feb., 2008”
Plea fill in the following blank form as per above instruction to issue a draft.
25 April , 哑舍老板图片2008
Signed by: Tom Cru
For 金属化学性质French Issuing Bank
b)背书 Endorment
Pay to the order of JJ Brother Co. Ltd.,
感光度Signed by: Lorries Lee.
For American Exporter Co. Inc,
Feb 27,. 2009
c)保证 Guarantee
Payment Guaranteed
For account of French Issuing Bank
Signed by: Jack Zhang, 财帛宫在哪个位置
For Citi Bank, Paris Branch
Date on 29 Feb., 2008
Good as avail
d)贴现 Discount: 假设汇票20天后贴现给第三家银行 The French Discount Bank, 贴现年利率6%,请问贴现后的净现值是多少?
A) What are the characteristics of negotiable instruments? What do the characteristics mean? 票据的特性有哪些?这些特性的具体含义是什么?
1. Negotiability. Although it may or may not be circulated, a negotiable instrument is usually capable of being transferred or negotiated. The title of a negotiable instrument can be pasd from one person to person by merely delivery or by endorment followed by delivery.如果给我一次机会
2. Unconditional Promi or order to pay. No matter whether it is a bill of exchange, a promissory note, or a cheque, it must contain an unconditional order or promi to pay a fixed amount of money at a certain time.
腐烂水果3. Requisite in form。 A negotiable instrument must be in the form of a document containing required items.
4 Non-causative Nature. A negotiable instrument exists independent of the commercial relations from which it originated or which occasioned its transfer.
B) 简述支票本票汇票的区别.
| Bill | Cheque | Note |
Payable Clau | Pay to | Pay to | Promi to pay |
Main Relative Parties | 3 basic parties | 3 basic parties | 2 basic parties |
Tenor | Sight, time | Sight | Sight, time |
Primary Liable | Drawer, Acceptor | Drawer | Drawer |
Drawee | Trader, Bank | Bank | Drawer: Trader Bank |
Pieces | A t of | 1 piece | 1 piece |
Distinct Acts | Acceptance | Crossing | |
| | | |
| 汇票 | 支票 | 本票 |
支付条款 | 付款命令 | 付款命令 | 付款的承诺 |
主要参与方 | 3个基本当事人 | 3个基本当事人 | 2个基本当事人 |
期限 | 即期或远期 | 即期 | 即期或远期 |
第一责任人 | 出票人(承兑前),承兑人(承兑后) | 出票人 | 出票人 |
受票人 | 贸易对象,银行 | 银行 | 贸易方银行 |
份数 | 一整套(两张) | 一张 | 一张 |
特殊票据行为 | 承兑 | 划线 | |
| | | |
a)What’s the criteria for recour, and explain it with an example.什么是票据的追索(recour)行为?其追索条件是什么?请举例说明。
4)、 追索金额:包括被拒付的票据金额、票据金额自到期日至付款日的利息、取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。
b)What’s guarantee? What’s the responsibility of a guarantor?什么是票据的保证(guarantee/aval)行为?保证人的权利和义务是什么?
Chapter 3 Remittance 汇付
1.请写出汇付方式的流程图,并说明它主要用于哪些形式的贸易结算中?Plea answer in both Chine and English (思考题) (课本P83,89-89)
2.操作题: 按如下要求填写票汇方式下开立的汇票。
Draft No. 2008081
Amount: CHF 89,215.00
Place and date of draft: Shenzhen, March 10,2008
Paying bank: Bank of China, Bernec Branch
Payee: the order of United Trading Company, Switzerland
Pay against this draft to the debit of our account
Remitting Bank: Bank of China, Shenzhen branch
Remitter: China National Light Industrial Production Imp. & Exp. Corp., Shenzhen Branch, Shenzhen.
Question: Plea draw a demand draft to make remittance by D/D.空白银行汇票如下
Chapter 4 Collection托收
1. 请写出跟单托收结算方式的流程图。Plea answer in both Chine and English. (思考题) (课本P100)
2. 银行对托收业务的融资有哪几种方式?出口商如何预防托收中潜在的风险? Plea answer in both Chine and English. (思考题) (见课本P103-108或笔记相关内容)
用后,净额付给出口商。托收行对出口商有追索权,保证由出口商负责赔偿托收行的一切损失。对出口商的托收押汇的申请,托收行还得考虑出口商的资信状况、履约那里和清偿能力。为控制出口托收押汇的风险,银行通常核定相应的融资授信额度,只在额度内叙做出口押汇。如果出口商投保了出口信用险,银行可要求出口商将保单提交银行叙做抵押,并将保单项下的权益转给银行,对这类托收的融资比例一般不超过发票金额的80%,D/P的托收押汇的风险小于D/A的托收押汇,银行的托收押汇限额控制较松,但D/P中所交的单据必须包含全套物权单据。 在托收押汇中,银行也会要求出口商安排相应的货物运输保险,并掌握保险单,以控制风险。