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Rearch on the configuration and Capability of
Dyeing of Richcel Fiber
学科专业名称 纺织化学与染整工程
摘 要
3. 采用三种类型活性染料对丽赛纤维和粘胶纤维进行染色后,丽赛纤维用X型活性染料染色的效果较粘胶纤维略好,但差别不大;采用中温型的活性染料染色后其上染百分率较粘胶纤维有比较明显的提高;而用K型活性染料染色后的效果最不理想,较粘胶纤维的上染百分率低。因此,丽赛纤维比较适用中温型活性染料对其进行染色。
Study on the Structure and Dyeing Properties of Richcel fibers
Richcel fiber is a kind of regenerated cellulo fiber, is the high degree of polymerization, high strength and high wet modulus new visco fiber’母亲芙美s general name. Richcel fiber is a kind of regenerated cellulo fiber with high wet modulus which is been produced by refined virgin wood pulp with high purity. It’s raw material mostly come from the refined virgin wood pulp of natural conifer, and it’s production technologies adopt the knowhow of Toyobo of Japan. In this paper, the structure of Richcel fiber was first characterized, and then its dyeing properties and dyeing mechanism were studied in detail.
In this paper, Richcel fiber’s physics structure is been studied, include the cross ction and portrait configuration, the chemical compositions, crystalline and orientation, thermal properties and so on; direct dye with good flatness and substantivity is been made u of in order to rearch the dyeing dynamics and thermodynamics of Richcel fiber; respectively u different kinds of reactive dyes dyeing Richcel fiber, by means of extermi
nating of dye-uptake, fixation rate, soaping rate and so on. Through comparison of the exterminating between Richcel fiber and visco fiber, Richcel fiber’s dyeing properties were rearched. The main results are as follows:
1. Richcel fiber’s the cross ction is a circle or clo to circle, it’s appearance is smooth, it almost has the same chemical compositions with visco fiber, it’s crystalline and orientation are both higher than visco fiber and it has good 春天的诱惑thermal stability.
2. Through the study of dyeing dynamics and thermodynamics, it ts out that Richcel fiber’s dyeing dynamics is better than visco fiber and it’s adsorption isotherm parameters completely come up to the classic Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm parameters which is the classic mode of cellulo fiber, it puts across that Richcel fiber has the similar thermodynamics as visco fiber.
3. Using three kinds of reactive dyes to dye Richcel fiber and visco fiber, the results show that the dye-update of Richcel fiber is a little bit more than visco fiber after dyeing with X-style of reactive dyes; the dye-update of Richcel fiber is obviously higher than visc
o fiber by dyeing with M-style of reactive dyes; besides, it’s the most non-optimal result by dyeing with K-style of reactive dyes. So, the M-style of reactive dyes are suitable for dyeing Richcel fiber.