例 1 : The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transver vibrations, and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis. 译文:为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物 理性质的介质。这种介质尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振 动的具有上述假定所认为的那种物理性质的发光介质,但后期的试验结果表明 上述假定所认为的那种物理性质的发光介质并不存在。 分析:原文是用一个长句表达了一个较为复杂的概念,为了使原文信息清楚 易懂,译文中使用了大量名词化结构及长句,逻辑严密,结构紧凑,并多次使用被 动句以强调客观事实。 例 2: Aardvark ( Afrikaans: earth pig ),a nocturnal African mammal, Orycteropus a fer, is also called ant bear. It is about 1.5m long, lives in grassland, and has a long snout, large ears, and a thick tail. Its strong claws are ud to dig burrows and tear open the mounds of termites, which are picked up with its long sticky tongue. The aardvark is the onl
奕的成语y member of its order ( Tubulidentata). 译文:土脉aardvark(南非荷兰语名:土猪earth pig)-种非洲夜行哺乳动物, Orycteropus a fer,又名大食蚁兽。体长约1.5米,栖居草原;长鼻,大耳,粗尾巴。 爪子锋利,用以挖地洞,扒白蚁穴;舌长,有黏性,用以舔食白蚁。属管齿目(Tubulidentata) 是该目唯一的品种。 分析:原文出自《麦克米伦百科全书》,译文打破了英语句法、词法的束缚, 以简明扼要、短小精悍的短句再现了原文的描写内容,这就是汉语译文力求顺应 中文百科全书释文的语体特征而做出的调整。整式的定义 例 3: Costs will drop as microelectronic processing components shrink and become integrated with micro-mechanical devices.通讯报道 译文:随着微电子处理元器件体积的不断缩小,并与微机械装置集成使用, 生产成本将会下降。打功夫的英文 分析:原文结构简单,小信诚则大信立专业翻译公司的译者翻译难点在于microelectronic processing components和 micromechanical devices两个术语以及与这两个术语相关联的动词shrink和动词 词组become integrated with,译文综合使用了“词性转换法”“省译法”和“调整语序法”等多种翻译方法。