What Is New In Version 10
This document introduces the new features and improvements included in OptiTex version 10. Following a summary of the new features, they are detailed parately for the PDS, Marker, Modulate and the 3D Runway applications.
OptiTex version 10 prents a significant advance to a more ur-friendly pattern design / grading and 3D system, which you will find far easier to operate. It incorporates:
•New File Structure to reduce memory usage and assure forward compatibility and XML connectivity.
•New licen management architecture.
• A greatly improved ur interface.
•New utilities to speed up the production process and connection between different departments. See Utilities ction.
•Additional tools and features to speed up your actions and meet pattern design needs. See the PDS, Marker, 3D Runway and Modulate ctions.
生活自律20条•New converters to eliminate data transfer difficulties and increa the flexibility of communicating with various CAD systems.
• A new Online Help site, including software documentation, knowledge ba and tutorials, is accessible at the URL.
New File Structure
•Two new file types (.pds, .mrk) are included in the PDS, Marker and Modulate software.
o The .dsn and .dsp file types continue to be supported.
•XML connectivity: XML structure files (.pdml, .mrkml) are also supported.
o Saving as *.mrkml and *.pdml will allow easier access for third party software engineers trying to access OptiTex PDS and Marker files,
since they are written in an XML format.
o MRKML and PDML files can be loaded into OptiTex products as if they were the native format of the product.
New Licen Architecture
The new licen management architecture handles OptiTex licensing through files. For further details e OptiTex Protection Ur Guide.
Ur Interface
•Redesigned GUI
•New menu customization facilities
•New hot keys
•New docking panes
•Dynamic changes to toolbars
Ur Interface
Visual Styles And Themes
You can change the look and feel of the program to match your personal taste.
Reorganized Toolbars
For a complete list of the reorganized toolbars and a short description of each tool, e the Toolbars Reference Guide.
OptiTex version 10 features a new Toolbox, which provides easy access to all the available tools. The tools in the toolbox are categorized according to functionality. Each tool in the toolbox is reprented by the tool icon, along with a brief description of the tool's function.
Unified Tool WorkFlow
防辐射装The workflow for using tools has been unified. You no longer need to lect specific gments or poi
nts to get started on using a tool. Simply lect the tool and follow the prompts which appear in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
New Status Bar Messages
Clearer and more comprehensive tool instruction prompts have been added to the status bar.
Undo/Redo History
You can undo and redo up to 25 previous actions. You can also view a list of undone actions, which you can then redo using the same method.
Toolbars And Menus
1.Toolbar chevrons: group tools together according to functionality.
2.Tear off tabs and menus to place them on screen as toolbars.
3.Add a command from a menu to a toolbar.
Keyboard Shortcut Customization
Define your own keyboard shortcuts for any tool and menu command you wish.
New Panes
In version 10 of the OptiTex software, you will notice that the look of the screen (GUI) has changed. The icons have been updated, new panes have been added, and you can now easily shift all windows around the screen. Shortcuts are available to open all windows.
Docking Mode And Position
•The OptiTex version 10 windows and toolbars can easily be shifted around the screen.
•All windows can be either viewed or hidden (auto-hide, floating, visible at all time, clod).
•This feature allows you to “dock” toolbars on the top/bottom/left/right of the main window.
•Windows can be docked and stacked together with other windows to enable multiple tool access without having to open and clo each window.
腾达n300The Preferences window allows you to customize the program to fit your personal working style. Here you can define your screen colors and ttings, notches and internal element attributes, font style and sizes, pop-up dialogs you would like to e or hide, and many other personal preferences. The Preferences window is categorized according to functionality, and thus provides easier access to all available preferences.
A description panel has been added to this window to describe each field of the Preferences.
New Merge Style File Window
OptiTex version 10 features a new Merge window which provides a preview of all pieces in the lected style file.
The Properties window in OptiTex version 10 replaces the Information window in version 9. The Properties window is dynamic, and changes according to the lected element. Clicking on a dart, button, notch, internal contour or piece, displays the appropriate form of the Properties window, where you can enter the properties of the lected element. A description panel has been added to t
中国最长隧道排名his window. When you point to any field in the Properties window, a description of the field appears in the description panel at the bottom of the window.
• A Short Form option has been added to the Preferences window to hide the Marker attributes.
View And Selection
The View and Selection Attributes window replaces the General View Attributes window in version 9, and is accesd using the same key – F10.
•U this window to define which elements / texts / information you wish to e on your screen.
• A new Lock option allows you to lock specific elements. Locked elements cannot be lected or edited.
•Plotter view options have been moved to the File menu >> Plotter Setup >>General Plotter Attributes window.
•To view the V9 F10 dialog, lect SHIFT-F10.
New Piece Appearance
Line Quality
Lines have three ttings of anti-alias: high, medium, and low, to give them a crisp or smooth appearance. Choo the Low tting to view any line that is not perfectly horizontal or vertical.
Grading Point Shape
Grade Points in Version 10 are round.
Zones prent a new approach for working on patterns. Since patterns are often altered and corrected, you can now define every part on a master pattern, or Map, as a zone. When the Map changes, the pieces created from it are changed automatically. The geometry is copied from the Map to the pieces created from it, including the contour, internal contour, baline, grain line, notches, and grading.
Style Set
The Style Sets option is a new function that allows for multiple orders in one style. Create sub-ts f
or a single style by lecting only certain pattern pieces, and then changing their fabrics, properties, and quantities without affecting the main style. You can create veral 3D draped files in one style, save variations in one style, save lf, linings, and contrast fabrics combined with variations in one style, and build multiple marker orders from a single style.
•The import of DXF, AAMA and ASTM formats has been improved.
• A new option to merge imported data to an existing file has been added. Digitize
• A Return to Digitizer option has been added to allow you to edit a piece that was already inrted through the Digitizer.
• A new option has been added to the Digipen to allow digitizing veral pieces at the same time.
•Table Of Sizes - In OptiTex version 10, you can inrt or append more than one size at a time.
•Baline Grading - an option to grade the baline has been added.
•Stack By Baline - an option to stack grading to the baline has been added.
•Remove Rule Reference - You can remove the rule reference from a piece or veral pieces. The grading rule itlf will be deleted, but the grading values
will be kept.
•Grade Notch Tool - U this tool to view and edit grading values of a lected notch for each size.
•Reshape Variation Grading - Merge two grading ts (variation grading) into a single t.
New Tools And Commands
New Line Direction (F2) Dialog
The F2 dialog has been improved, and arrows have been added to each direction.
Reopen Dart
U the Reopen Dart tool to reopen a dart that has been clod.
Create / Edit / Clo Dart By Pivot
Three new functions have been added to the Dart tool. You can now Create, Edit, and Clo darts by distributing dart intake without disturbing a defined area that is fixed between two pivot points.
Arch And Cut Dart
U the Cutting Dart by Arch tool to lect an existing dart, arch the lected dart legs symmetrically, and cut the dart out.
Measure Tool Ruler
When you u the Measuring tool, you can now view the line dimension as you measure.
Seam Allowance