I.Supply the missiog paragraph.(20 poiots)
The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragrapb in about 100 words.Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
Embraciog Scbool Uniforms安阳教育信息网
意见建议怎么写Where do you stand on the issue of school uniforms? Does the dress code have a direct impact on students' overall performance? In the past few decades,many schools have made wearing school uniformns mandatory.Although critics of mandatory uniform policies remain,the evidence of positive efects is substantial.Mandatory school uniforms offer extraordinary benefits to students and school systems,including improvements in students' lf-esteem,academic performance,and graduation rates.
It has been obrved that wearing uniforms boosts students' lf-esteem.When everyone wears the same clothing,students from underprivileged families do not stand out from others.No one wears expensive jewelry or designer labels,and no one wears gang colors or other clothing that shows they are part of a special group.Uniforms can enhance students' n of
belonging and increa morale.Meanwhile,peer pressure and competition are reduced.Uniforms help to create unity amid diversity by easing ethnic and cultural tensions and encouraging positive values,such as tolerance and empathy.Uniforns eliminate the pressure to conform and allow students' attention to be directed to leaming and growing.
Mandatory school uniforms can also lead to an increa in students' graduation rats,which would h
ave positive efects on socicty as a whole."Dresd for Success," a pro-uniform editorial,highlights a recent study showing that graduation rates at sixty-four high schools in five cities improved after they implemented mandatory uniform policies.The study found that
graduation rates at the schools ro by 10.9 percent in the past decade,while graduation rates at similar high schools without mandatory uniform policies dropped by 4.6 percent.The editorial concludes that,since high school diploma is often en as a galeway to success beyond the classroom,more diplomas will translate into incread job and training
opportunities for young people.
The subject of school uniforms has generated a good deal of controversy.Some sce the policies as discouraging free speech and repressing individuality,However,their objections are not persuasive enough.There is convincing evidence that mandatory school uniforms have significant benefits.If such policies are conducive to improving students' lf-esteem,academic performance,and graduation rales,the policies should be embraced and promoted.After all,the potential for positive changes has proven a big plus.
II.Write an outline.(20 points)
Read the following passage carefully and compo a "Topic Outline" for it.
When to Get Married
Over the past thrty-five years,we have been waiting longer before ttling down.A study shows that men are gettingmaried for the first time ven years later and women six years later.This means that the average man is aged 32 when he asks "Will you marry me?" and the average woman is 29 when she says "Yes." But is this trend towards the
thity-something mariage making us happier and more satisfied? My answer is:The earlier the marriage commitment is,the greater the chances of a long,happy partnership are.远去的乡村
My past conversations with people who maried in their twenties show that they often report tough times in the early stage:living with in-laws,managing financial problems or moving around the country as one partner gets promoted.Also,couples who marry relatively early can grow apart,especially when one partner has been successful at work.
However,the greatest threal to the twenty-something marriage is wondering if they could meet a better person when reaching 40.This is particularly dangerous when someone who married his or h
er first love starts dreaming about what he or she has misd.They don't know who they are and what they need from a relationship.
Yet,when faced with forty-something couples in crisis,I always feel more optimistic about the outcome for tho who maried in their twenties than tho who married in their thiries.Why should this be? If you mary later,you are more likely to bring old baggage into your relationship.In some cas,1 help couples understand the infuence of a partner from two or three relationships back.For example,to tho who once had a suspicious partner forever questioning them about their movements,an inocent inquiry such as "What time will you be
back?" can sound aggressive.
People marrying later may expect more from the rlatioship.This is becau one of the best ways of recovering from a failed relationship and starting to look again is to tell onelf:
“I derve bttr," or“Next time I'll meet Mr.or Miss Right." There is nothing wrong with this strategy.But unfortunately,if the next relationship does not deliver,the bittermess becomes a bit greater and the desire for perfection a bit stronger.
The final issue about getting married at thirty-something is the need to start a family almost immediately.Many couples have no time to get to know each other properly or put down solid roots together.If a relationship has been built on long weekend lie-ins and late breakfasts,the demands of small children can be a shock.The couple may,to a large extent,be deprived of social life.This n of isolation is wor if the grandparents are correspondingly older,too,and not fit enough to help.
Although the ulimate deciding factor in the success of a relationship is the character,delermination and generosity of each partner (and that is not determined by age),my advice is always to ize the day and commit.
IIL.Compo an essay.(60 points)
顿悟法People often fear darkness,failures or uncertainties.Yel,as the saying goes,"The greatest fear is fear itl." What does the saying imply? Do you agree with i? Write a 300-word expository essay to express your opinion.