Ⅰ. 阅读理解
Its tough to e or hear of a friend in crisis. One idea to keep in mind is that it is healthy for the distresd person to feel what he or she feels in the moment. When a person in crisis feels understood, he or she feels less alone and connected to the person who understands.
A person who experiences empathy(同理心)from a friend who can “go there” for a few minutes in order to authentically understand while still maintaining a strong and supportive attitude may be relieving and healing. While a friend is telling you about the circumstance, the first and most important step is to listen for feelings, not ways to solve the problem.
For example, a friend is terribly upt becau her husband is threatening to leave her. After fully honoring the feelings, it is important to ask the friend what would help. Maybe it is a good cry and some ice cream. Perhaps its a glass of wine and a walk. Everyone has dif
沙锅排骨ferent ways of dealings. Be respectful and ask the friend what she needs or wants, not what you prescribe.
Take a cond example, say a clo friend is being misreprented by other friends. The friends are gossiping about him or her. During a conversation with him or her, listen for feelings. Honor his or her hurt and shock. The same equation is uful with a partner.
Helping a friend or partner in crisis not only helps the person, but creates cloness and trust in the relationship, making opening up in the probable future. In addition, the person who is empathizing feels positive becau he or she was able to help. When a person is truly able to comfort and reassure a loved one, he or she feels vital and uful, strengthening the relationship.
独与天地精神往来1. What should we do first when we know a friend is in crisis?
A. Keep away from him or her.
B. Buy him or her a glass of wine.
C. Understand how he or she feels.
D. Show him or her ways to solve the problem.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. A way to solve the crisis.
袁枚B. A way to relieve a bad mood.
C. A way to listen for feelings.
D. A way to honor the feelings.
3. How does the author prove his or her idea?
A. By listing data.
B. By quoting sayings.
C. By giving examples.
D. By conducting surveys.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. How to keep a loved one.
B. How to make new friends.
C. How to work with your partner.
D. How to help a friend in trouble.
Ⅱ. 补全信息
Getting along with people can be tough. The following are some suggestions that can help you in some way.
Accept human nature. Humans make mist? akes. People arent always nice. They also have all of the problems that you have in your life. 1 This is important to remember whe
n youre trying to get along with people who are very difficult or em to be ignoring you; everyone is just doing the best that they can.
2 People are all very different: thats what makes life interesting. And just like people are all different, the world is also very complex. Every situation is different, always. That someone doesnt make the choice that you would make or that they take a less efficient or smart path to get where theyre going doesnt make them wrong.
Practice forgiveness. Forgive people when they do make mistakes. Sometimes you just have to stop and give people the benefit of the doubt (to believe someone even though you are not sure whether what the person is saying is true). They might really be sorry or they might really not know that what they did was bad. 3
Keep an open mind. Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. 4 For example, when people invite you to parties, really consider going instead of just brushing the invitation aside becau you dont think theyre rious.
Do something together. 5 You can work together on a project for school or work. You can also try a new activity together. The activities will give you more to talk about and lots of chances to interact and get to know each other.
A. Think about what your words really mean.
B. Respect that there are lots of valid ch?oices.
C. Everyone is dealing with their own t of problems.
D. Cooperation is a great way to bond with people and make friends.
E. You have to forgive them so that you can move on to happier feelings.
F. You might think that they hate you but they might be honestly trying to be nice to you.
太空生活趣事多G. Even when someones making you mad, thank them for their suggestions or their effort to help.
Ⅲ. 完形填空
Many people say that their childhood was the happiest time of their lives But that was not