Unit 2 Empathy and Justice
Pre-class exploration
2. Look at the people around you. Select one of them and make a carefulobrvation of this person such as his or her appearance, clothing, hairstyle, facialexpression and behavior (such as chewing gum or typing a text message). As youlook at the person, what general impression do you get? Do you like his or her lookor not? Does the person make you smile, chuckle, frown or feel annoyed? Then writedown your obrvations and discuss them with your partner.
Suggestions for instructors:
1 The instructor can ask students to describe someone in class in detail and let the others guess who that person is.
2 The instructor can provide some pictures from newspapers or magazines so that the students can u tho as discussion materials. Ask one group to describea certain charact
er in words and another group to draw the characterbad on the description.
落花成冢Part I: Learning the Skills
Activity 1 Beaver Goes Shopping
Read the following story and discuss with your partner the techniques ud in developing the character Beaver.
What Beaver says
Beaver talked to different animals about what food to buy. He communicated with veral animals about his food.
What Beaver does
Beaver talked and acted and kept trying different food after listening to different people’s advice.
What Beaver thinks and feels
He felt sad ( unhappy) when he couldn’t find the food he wanted and happy when he got the carrots.
Activity 2
The following two passages are about two best friends, Deanna and Beverly. Read thetwo passages carefully and discuss with your partner the techniques the authors uto develop the characters in each passage. In Passage 2, highlight tho ntences thatcan correspond tothe ntences ([1], [2], [3] and [4]) in Passage 1 and think about theimpact of the differences on readers’ impressions of the two characters.
笔记本按键无反应The technique here is whether using showing or telling in character development. While the first us telling, the cond mostly ud showing with specific details and dialogues.
Part II: Ca Analysis
Activity 3
Read Text A and consider how the author keeps moving the plot of the story forward. What techniques are employed to develop the characters?
Task 1 Understanding the text
A policeman, the man waiting for his friend.
Adimly-lightedstreet corner in New York at a chilly night.
Beginning: A policeman was patrolling the street.
Middle: The man who was waiting for his friend talked to the policeman.
关羽的资料Ending: The man turned out to be a man wanted by the police.科普研究
Point of view:
Objective third point of view.
Justice comes before friendship.
Task 2 Responding to the text
Write your answer to each question in full ntences. Then discuss your answers withyour partner.
1) What had happened in the past 20 years to Jimmy and Bob?
Jimmy became a policeman while Bob got rich by involving in criminal activities.
2) What kind of person was Jimmy in the eyes of Bob? Could you imagine Bob’sfeeling while he was waiting for Jimmy?
Jimmy was a nice and honest guy. He was excited and proud that he had been “successful”.
3) How did Jimmy deal with the awkward situation? He did not reveal his real identity.
4) If you were Jimmy, how would you deal with the awkward situation? Answers may vary.
Activity 4
Read Text B and consider how the author prents the change of the Selfish Giant. What techniques are employed to develop the character Giant?
Task 1 Understanding the text痛经吃什么中药