这是《新概念英语》中的一篇经典说明文,介绍了世界著名的大本钟。文章开篇指明该钟位于英国伦敦,且全世界的人们通过BBC就能够听到钟声。接下来讲述了大本钟的由来,特点不仅外型巨大,而且走时准确,在结尾处讲了大本钟的一个幽默的小插曲油漆工把油漆桶挂在指针上,把钟弄慢了。细读这篇文章,我们不难发现,区区159个单词就把大本钟的光辉形象牢牢地刻在读者的脑海里,为什么?基于事实,分析了主题的来龙去脉,语言简洁又不失生动贴切,作者态度客观又充满幽默,使读者既明白了事理,又对事物有较完整明晰的了解认识,此乃说明文之真谛也。以 Goals 为题打开一篇说明文的思路。参考思路
范文点评GoalsE verone h as goals. Man pe ople donot reah their g oals for lak ofplanning. Thethree se ts of go als shou ld be de velope
d: life time, in termedia te and s hort ter m.Lifeti me goals shouldbe ritte n out. T he goa ls shoul d be lea r and re asonable. For in stane, t he goalto in arearhprize is lear an d measur able. Ot her life time goa ls might inludepublishi ng a ert ain numb er of in fluentia l booksor artil es, earn ing a
de partment al hairm anship a t a majo r univer sit, sue ssfull
生物群落p eting fo r a gran t from t he Natio nal Sien e Founda tion oruringa onsult antshipith a bi g orpora tion.Int ermediat e goalsrelate t o outesduring t he nextfe ears. For the beginni ng dotor al stude nt, inte rmediate goals m a inlude pletion of ours e ork an d
prepar ation of a dotor al rea rh propo sal. Lik e lifeti me goals, theare meas urable a nd learl stated.Short-te rm goals involve outes e xpeted d uring th e next 12 months. Thegoals ar e more p erforman e orient ed, andthe help ith ahi evementof
inter mediategoals. E xamplesof short-term go als areearningan A ina our, learnin g ho toprograma puteror perfo rming an experim ent. 说明文的说明方法对这些方法我们要了解并且掌握:
1. 定义法(definit ion)定义法是用下定义的方式去揭示事物本质特征或概念内涵。它能使读者迅速抓住本质属性和基本特点。此法的句型:
① isathe ofhihthat
② rel ate toin volveref er to【例】
(1) Languag e is a s stem ofarbitrar voal sm bols hih is ud for hum an munia tion. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的语音符号体系。
(2)Inter mediategoals re late tooutes du ring the next fe ears.
(3)Sh ort-term goals i nvolve o utes exp eted dur ing thenext 12months.
亚特兰大机场举例法(illustra tion)举例法就是举出实际事例来说明事物的方法,是最常见,往往也是最有效的阐释模式。专家提醒举例时应挑选具体、典型且有能力表达清楚的例子,并注意按照一定的顺序编排。请看上述范文第二段:
For in stane 引出 lifetim e goals的实例,如,赢得研究奖金、出版有影响书或文章、获得大学的系主任职位、获得国家自然科学基金及大公司稳定的顾问职位。
3. 分类法(lassi fiation)分类法就是把说明的对象,按一定
4. 比较法(parison)比较法是用一个事物和与其有联系的其他事物加以对比的说明方法。目的是为了帮助读者准确地区分事物,通过对比达到对该事物的深刻认识。如:
(1) Lifet ime goal s should be ritt en out.
(2)L ike life time goa ls, thes e are me asurable and lea rl state d.
(3)Thegoals ar e more p erforman e orient ed, andthe help ith ahi evementof inter mediategoals.
5. 数字法(statist is)数字法是运用数据来表明事物的本质和特点,准确合理的数据使文章精确可信。【例】
(1) Nearlhalf ofall Amer ians ove r age 20ear a b ridge or denture,and mor e than 20 perent have pl ete uppe r and lo er dentu re. B ag e 50, on e out of ever to persons has gum diase.
(2)And items se nsible t o ait. O ne quart er of al l marria ges bete en peopl e undertent-one end inp>说明文的说明方法除上面介绍的常见的几种以外,还有诸如分项法、列举法、比喻法及引用法等,只有综合运用多种说明方法,才能多角度、多层次地全面、清晰、准确地展示客观事物的本来面貌。
CET-4:the Ol mpi Game s:a skel eton inthe upbo ar
d:H ope Proj et:quali fiations:
3. 用分类法说明:
4. 用比较法说明:
留学的利弊:兼职的好坏:不同的减肥方法:题海战术与素质教育: 5. 用数字法说明:大学生的身体状况:大学生的就业现状:汽油价格上涨带来的影响:手机的使用情况:中国人住房状况:
(1)The Laou t of a H ospitalD iretion:You are asked t o rite a positio n aboutThe Laou t Of a H ospital. Loatesome imp ortant d epartmen ts in th e hospit al bad on thepiture a nd infor mation g iven bel o. Yourposition s should be no l ess than 100 ord s. 1) the Eme rgen Dep artment
2)the Out-pat ient Dep artment
3)the SurgerDepartme nt
4)Dispensa rPharma
5) Ph siian De partment
6)th e Ee, Ea r, and T hroat De partment7)the De ntal
Dep artment8)the Lab orator9)the X-ra Departm ent10)th e Admini strative Buildin g1
1) the War d参考范文Nea r the ga te, on t he est s ide of t he roadis the E mergen D epartmen t. Oppos ite theEmergenDepartme nt aross the Mai n Road i s the Ou t-patien t Depart ment. Th e buildi ng to th e southe st of th e lake i s the Di spensar,hih fae s the Su rger Dep artmentling onthe othe r side o f the ro ad. Alon g the es t all, f rom sout h to nor th, stan d threebuilding s: the P hsiian D epartmen t, the E e, Ear,and Thro at Depar tment, a nd the D ental De partment. The La boratoris to th e northe st of th e roundabout, a nd besid e the La borator,the X-r a Depart ment isloated o n the sa me sideof the r oad.A in ding roa d b thelake lea ds to th e Ward.Near the end ofthe main road, t he Admin istrativ e Buildi ng is si tuated o n the ea st side.The hos pital is niel an d onveni entl
lai d out.
1. Ho to Lose Weight思路提示:
减少摄入的卡路里,通过运动增加卡路里的消耗量。参考范文Ho to Lo We ightA be autifuland heal th figur e is eve rone s d ream. Ho ever, no t everon e an eas il fulfi ll thisdream. O vereight peopleoften ha ve to fi nd preis e as tolo eig ht.For n ormal he alth peo ple, eig ht is ga ined b t aking in more al ories th an the b od needs. Theref ore, ifou ant t o lo e ight, ou eitherhave toeat feer alories or find as to u up mo re alori es ou ta ke in. D ieting i s probab l the mo st popul ar a oflosing e ight, be au hen on a di et, ou a re takin g feer a lories.H oever, t he bod n eeds man element s in ord er to st a health, and fa d or
sta rvationdiets ar e bad be au the are not nutriti ousl bal aned. Abetter a of diet ing is t o keep t rak of e verthing ou eat,eitherb our on arefulhoies or b buing, for aeek at a time, t he pakag ed meals sold bsome die t panies. If oudo not n ormall e xeri,ou shoul d also b egin n sible ex eris f or our a ge and l ife to h elp ourbod uup surpl us alori es.In sh ort, a b ined eff ort of r eduing t he alori es ou ea t and us ing up m ore alor ies than usual t hrough e xerisshould h elp ou s hed offpart ofour bod.关键字: