1、Type of Problem
Ur specifies identifying header for the output file and lects whether direct or inver problem is solved. The ur also has to specify which type of input data are available for inver procedure. Experimental hydraulic data need to be provided to solve the inver problem (i.e., optimization of parameters in hydraulic model). For the direct problem, RETC calculates the hydraulic functions from ur-specified model.
2、Time and Space Units
Ur lects the length and time units for the data in the input and output files. When the units are changed, data in the input file are converted accordingly.
One also specifies the maximum number of iterations (MIT) for the inver problem and maximum number of iterations (KITER) to be printed into the output file. U a large number (e.g., MIT=30) for the simultaneous fit. Improved estimates for the unknown coefficients are printed during the first KITER iterations of the least-squares analysis. This input parameter eliminates excessively long output files if many iterations are needed before convergence is reached. Results for the last iterations are always printed.
每月5号3、Type of Retention/Conductivity Model
The code allows urs to lect eight model combinations to describe the soil hydraulic properties.
For the retention data the models:
word序号怎么自动生成a) van Genuchten [1980] with variable m and n,
b) van Genuchten [1980] with m = 1 - 1/n,
c) van Genuchten [1980] with m = 1 - 2/n,国家助学金申请理由200字>章程英文
d) Brooks and Corey [1964],
e) Kosugi [1996] (log normal distribution model对数正态分布模型),
f) Dual-porosity model 双重孔隙度模型
For the conductivity data model a), b), d), e), and f) can be coupled with Mualem's model;
a), c) and d) can be coupled with Burdine's Model
4、Hydraulic Parameter
身份证年龄公式The ur specifies the initial estimates for the model parameters and lects which parameters are unknown and fitted to the experimental data, and which are suppod to be known and kept constant. Initial estimates of the hydraulic parameters may also be lected from a soil catalog by specifying the soil texture. This approach has inherent errors; it is always the ur's reponsibility to evaluate the initial estimates in view of the optimization results. Finally, the ur can cho characteristic names for the model parameters. When the direct problem is solved, there are no fitted parameters, and the initial estimates are the values for which the forward problem is solved.
5、Retention Curve Data
Specifies obrved retention data. This window is ud to enter pairs of pressure head/suction and water content data as well as the weight of this retention point. A new pair of data is entered after clicking on a "Add Line" button. A pair of data is deleted by locating a cursor on a particular line and clicking button "Delete Line". RETC can also import a ur-specified ASCII input file.
指定土壤水分特征的观测数据。这个窗口用于输入成对的压力水头和土壤含水量数据,以及这一持水点的质量。点击“Add Line”按钮将增加一组数据。点击“Delete Line”按钮将删除光标指定的行。RETC还可导入用户指定的ASC Ⅱ输入文件。
7、RETC Guide
8.1 Soil Hydraulic Properties
8.2 Output File