题目:The impactof the Internet on interpersonal communication穷人评课稿
要求:commentingon “Dad:Hi sweetie, howwas school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad”
In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety ofanecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: “Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today?Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad巧治便秘。” Funny as it ems, this conversationcan be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an eraof Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by onlinechats or blogs.
Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonalcommunication are diver. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet bringsgreat convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, andhelps humans to keep in touch wherever and whenever. For another, it isInternet that does not enables family members, friends or class
mates tocommunicate more in a face-to-face way. One ca in point is that youngstersmay spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely dothey talk with other face to face. Unfortunately, it we let this trend tocontinue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definitely, becomealienated。
To my understanding, it is advisable for people to communicate morewith their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merelythrough the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. (213words)酬乐天扬州初逢见赠
1. B) Tocut students’ expens。
2. C)college facilities could be put to more effective u。
3. A)suppress creative thinking
4. A) Itsstudents have to earn more credits each year。
5. A) Ithas been running for veral decades。
6. B) Morestudents have Advanced Placement credits。
7. B)Students don’t have much time to roam intellectually。
8. thecore curriculum
9. staycompetitive and relevant
10.bright, motivated students
11. C) The injury willconfine Anna to bed for quite a whileword添加字体。
12. C) She can get aballet ticket for the man。
13. B) He has to do otherrepairs first搬字组词。
14. B) Give hiscontribution some time later。
15. C) Tell Tony’s motherthat she eats no meat。
16. D) The coverage ofnewspapers。
17. A) Limit the number ofparticipants in the conference。
18. A) The apartment isstill available。
19. C) to e if dolphinscan communicate with each other。
20. B) Press theright-hand lever first。
21. A) Only one dolphinwas able to e the light。
22. C) In a resort town。
23. A) It is an idealplace for people to retire to。
24. C) It is protected asparkland by a special law。
25. A) The beautifulflowers。
26. D) He specialized ininterpersonal relationship。
27. B) Black freshman withhigh standardized scores
28. D) They broke up moreoften than same-race roommates
29. A) The racialattitudes improved。
30. D) It will help solvethe global food crisis。
抵触心理31. C) It is still farfrom being sufficient。
32. D) They are not asnatural as we believed。
33. D) He was wronglyimprisoned
34. C) The two victims’identification
35. D) Many factorsinfluence the accuracy of witness testimony。
About700,000 children in Mexico dropped out of school last year asrecession-stricken families pushed kids to work, and a weak economic recoverywill allow only a (36)slight improvement in the drop-out rate in 2010, atop education (37)official said。
Mexico'conomy suffered more than any other in Latin America last year, (38)shrinking
an estimated 7 percent due to a
(39)plunge in U.S. demand for Mexicanexports such as cars。
(40)decline led to a 4 percent increa in the number of kids who left
(41)primary or middle school in 2009, said Juan de Dios Castro, who
(42)heads the nation's adult education program and keeps a clo watch ondrop-out rates。
ro and that is a factor that makes our job more difficult," Castro toldReuters in an interview earlier this month。
(44)Hinderedby higher taxes and weak demand for its exports, Mexico's economy is en onlypartially recovering this year。
As a result, drop-out rates will not improve much, Castro said。
"Therewill be some improvement, but not significant," Castro said。
(45)Mexico has historically had high drop-out rates as poor families pull kids outof school to help put food on the table, and children often ll candy and craftsin the streets or work in restaurants。
(46)Thenation's drop-out problem is just the latest bad news for the long-termcompetitiveness of the Mexican economy. Mexico's politicians have resisted mendingthe country's tax, energy and labor laws for decades, leaving its economybehind countries such as Brazil and Chile。