1. Today’s twenty-somethings sometimes em to have trouble ( )a direction in life, and many take longer to become( )and accept responsibilities than young people did in past decades.
A. finding; independent
B. find; dependent
C. finding; dependent
D. find; independent
2. Women ud to have few ( )besides wife and mother; today they ( )men in many fields.
A. chance; exceeds
B. option;exceeds
C. chances; lag behind
D. options; exceed
3. Most of the emerging adults are highly ( )about their future and believe that all doors are still potentially open to them.
A. unrealistic
B. optimistic
C. pessimistic
D. natural
4. What adulthood means in society is an ocean ( )by too many rivers to count.
A. feeding
B. feed
C. fed
D. feeds
5. In the past, some 70 percent of college graduates had( )a job upon graduation.
A. ensured
B. guaranteed
C. cured
D. assured
6. The United States is a land where not( )independent by a certain age is a source of shame.
A. are
B. is
C. being
D. be
7. This is a time when young people focus on( )who they are and what they want to do with their lives.
儿童雨鞋A. identifying out
B. figuring out
C. tting out
D. turning out
8. One way to measure adulthood might be the maturity of the body—surely there should be a point at which you stop ( )developing.
A. mentally
语音发声训练B. psychologically
C. physically 新年祝福ppt
D. physiologically
9. Seeing emerging adulthood as a normal stage of life can help ( )our anxiety.
A. weaken
B. relieve
C. relax
D. ea 轴对称图形教案
10. In this province, some legislators have put ( )a bill to grant parents the right to refu to support their children ( )if their children are capable of living independently.
A. forward; finance
B. forward; financially
C. up; financially
D. up ; finance