Chapter 3 Morphology
1. What is word?
•Definition: A unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers, whether it is expresd in spoken or written form.
•A vague definition. Three ns are involved in defining “word”, none of which is satisfactory to cope with all the situations.手工钱包怎么折
1.1 Identification of words
•Stability: stable linguistic units.
chairman, but not *manchair
•Relative uninterruptibility: though we recognize three components in the word disappointment, we cannot pau and add another component in between, as in *disinterestappointment.
But we can add another word between words: Paul, (John) and Mary生日小蛋糕 ...
•A minimum free form: the smallest unit that can constitute a complete utterance by itlf.
Sentence---the maximum free form
Word---the minimum free form, the smallest unit that can constitute, by itlf, a complete utterance
•Eg --Is Jane coming tonight?
一 词具有固定的语音形式。
二 词具有一定的意义。词可以分属实义语类和功能语类。实义语类主要表示词汇意义,包括名词,动词,形容词,副词和介词。功能语类主要表示语法意义,起连接或附着作用,包括限定词,助动词,代词,标句词和连词。
三 词是能够独立运用的最小的语言单位。
2 Classification of words
2.1 Variable and invariable words
•Variable words:1980年什么命 One could find ordered and regular ries of grammatically different word forms; on the other hand, part of the word remains constant follow, follows, following, followed; mat, mats
•Invariable words: tho words such as since, when, ldom, through, hello. They do no
t have inflective endings.
2.2 Grammatical words and lexical words
Grammatical words: express grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns
Lexical words: have lexical meanings, tho which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The lexical words carry the main content of a language (content words) and the grammatical words rve to link the different parts of a ntence together (function words).
2.3 Clod-class words and open-class words:
Clod-class: a word who membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added. Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.
Open-class: A word who membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
•Note: The distinction is not quite as clear-cut as it ems. Prepositions: regarding, throughout, out of, according to, with regard to, in spite of, be means ofnahco3加热
2.4 Word class:
•It is clo to the notion of Parts of Speech in traditional grammar.
•Eight or nine word class are established: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, article.
3 The formation of word
3.1 Morpheme(语素) and morphology(形态学)
Chairman: chair, man
Boys: boy, -s
Checking: check, -ing
Disappointment: dis-, appoint, -ment
The components of a word are known as morphemes. They themlves cannot be further analyzed.
•Morphology studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
•Morpheme: the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.
•The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.
3.2 Types of morphemes
3.2.1 Free morpheme and bound morpheme (In terms of their capacity of occurring alo
•Free morphemes(自由语素): tho which may occur alone, i.e. tho which may constitute words by themlves E.g. dog, nation, clo. 苏辙代表作All monomorphemic words are free morphemes.
•Bound morphemes(黏着语素): tho which cannot occur alone dis-, -ed, -ful
3.2.2 Root, affix and stem diy戒指
•A root(词根) is the ba form of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total loss of identity. E.g. Internationalism. All words contain a root morpheme.
A root may be free or bound, but an affix is naturally bound.
All words contain a root morpheme.
蒋光鼐•An affix(词缀) is the collective term for the type of formative that can be ud only when added to another morpheme (the root or stem). Affixes are limited in number in a languag
e, and are generally classified into three subtypes, prefix(前缀), suffix(后缀), and infix(中缀).
Prefix: para-, mini- un-
Suffix: -i, -tion
Infix: foot/ feet, goo/gee
•A stem(词干) is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix(屈折词缀) can be added.