1.Your prence today really honored me.你今天能够出席让我增色不少!
2.The poor beggar is lame and blind.那个穷叫花子腿跛着,眼睛也瞎了。
3.He has been in the room all day.他一整天都呆在家里。
4.The show is already on.演出已经开始了。
5.She came in, book in hand.她进来了,手里拿着书。
6.A gentleman is, rather than does.绅士是生就的,不是做出来的。
7.If thou would work, I have bread for thee.如果你愿意劳动,我为你准备了面包。
8.Attention, everyone!大家注意了!
9.Ticket, plea.请出示车票。
12.There is a knock at the door.有人敲门。
13.Let’s take a rest.我们休息一下。
14.My pleasure.别客气。
15.Peace! And no war!要和平!不要战争!
16.Take good care of yourlf.注意保重。
17.She is a good singer.她歌唱得好。
18.Someone is calling for you.有人打电话找你。
19.The Americans have a passion for grandeur.美国人酷爱豪华的气派。
20.You have done a good job.你干得不错。
22.He is drunk, dizzy, and feeling that he is the world.忆念他喝醉了,头脑晕眩,感觉他就是整个世界。
23.Wet paint!油漆未干!
24.Dead end/ no passage.此路不通。
25.You are welcome.别客气。
26.Are you ready?你准备好了吗?
27.What your choice?贼眉鼠眼你选什么?
28.He is in persistent pursuit of knowledge.他追求知识,孜孜不倦。
29.Up the hill you will e a temple.爬上山你会看到一座庙。
30.For 特此通知你...
31.At your convenience.看您方便。
红楼梦章节概括32.After you.您先请。
33.Be at home.请随便。
34.I’ll be back.我还会回来的。
35.Are you up?你起床了吗?
36.Business only.闲人莫入!
37.The football team was down and out soon.这支队伍气士不高,很快就出局了。
38.The table has a leg off.桌子有条腿掉了。
39.He came in, book in the armpit.他进来了,胳膊下夹着书。
40.I stood there, silent.我站在那儿,一言不发。
41.She sat there, still, chin in hand.她坐在那儿,手托着下巴,一动不动。
42.Winning the game in the end, he felt extremely excited.最终赢得比赛,他兴奋极了!
43.With this understood, you may understand other problems readily.你如果理解这一点,就很容易理解其他相关问题了。
44.Finally, he died, gun in hand.最后他还是死了,手里握着枪。
45.The old man said, pipe in mouth,”when I was of your age, I dug coal for a living.”老头嘴里叼着烟斗,说:“你这个年纪的时候,我靠挖煤谋生。”
46.All problems elaborately discusd, they now decided to do into action.所有问题都深入讨论过了,他们现在就决定采取行动。
47.One marvels at the breathless swiftness with which Luxun’s text “flows”...in a single paragraph.鲁迅寥寥数言,一气呵成,如风行水上,让人叹为观止。
48.He is a good eater and sleeper. Partly becau his parents are good workers.他能吃能睡,部分原因在于他父母能干。
49.An unguided ramble into its recess in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction
with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.若是气候恶劣,又没有向导带路,一个人如果闯进这儿的腹心地带,很可能对它那狭窄、弯曲、泥泞的道路感到不满。
50.The father was prent at the birth.婴儿出生时其父亲在场。
51.By reason of his lameness, the boy could not play basketball with his friends.由于跛足,那男孩不能和朋友们一起打篮球。
52. In the event of rain, the sports meet will have to be put off.如果天下雨,运动会将不得不推迟。
53.Officially, he’s on holiday; actually, he is in hospital.官方说他在度假,实际上他住院了。
54.The grotto was about fifteen feet in depth.这个洞穴深约15英尺。
萨克斯名曲55.This kind of products in our country has been on the increa.这种产品在我国一直在增加。
56.The colonel had a firm handclasp and a brilliant smile for everyone.上校和每个人都坚定地握握手,灿烂地笑一笑。
57.Of all forms of the commercial xual exploitation of children, child prostitution is by far the most common and widespread.以盈利为目的对儿童进行性剥削,形式多种多样,其中强迫儿童卖淫是最常见和最普遍的形式。
58.After she was baptized, the Godfather began to teach her the importance of gratitude to God.她接受洗礼后,神父便开始教导她对上帝感恩戴德是如何重要。
含夏的诗句59.It was only after bitter experiences that David began to understand the complexity of this world.大卫只是在经历了许多痛苦磨难后才开始理解这个世界有多么错综复杂。
60.The signs of times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration.时代迹象表明,有必要改进行政管理体制。
61.No year pass without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.有人说政府工作越来越难做,每年都有证据
62.I marveled at the relentlessness determination of the rain.雨决意下个不停,毫不留情,对此我感到诧异。
63.Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.请置于阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。
鸡子清64.Hard work is the only shortcut to success.努力工作是过得成功的唯一捷径。优良反义词
65.He is the slowest student in his class.他在班里学习最迟钝。
66.A cond thought about it made him change his mind.再一次想想,他又改变了注意。
67.The children are at play.孩子们正在玩。
68.The flight from Shanghai to San Francisco takes 8 hours.从上海飞到三藩市需要8个小时。
69.Did you really e the appearance of the UFO?你真的看到UFO出现了吗?
70.The u of computer software in translation is certainly a possibility.用计算机软件做翻译当然有可能。
71.Her marriage with the millionaire two years ago proves to be a failure.她两年前与那位百万富翁结了婚,结果证明这桩婚姻是不幸的。