
更新时间:2023-08-01 05:46:31 阅读: 评论:0

                                长包房协议 独到的意思
  出租方:                        ,以下简称甲方。
  承租方:                        ,以下简称乙方。
  一、 甲方将本酒店      房间,出租给乙方。长包价:          ,公司协议价:           
  二、 租赁期限:从      斑字组词  日至        日止。收取房费:人民币(大写)          (小写      元 ),房费月结月初缴纳当月费用。协议成立即刻缴纳房租,如需续约,在合同到期前一周告知甲方,并支付房费。住宿未满全月,按公司协议价结算。
  三、 乙方在租住期间,根据所租住时间享受本合同规定的优惠。乙方向甲方提供个人相关资料,甲方承担保密责任。
  四、 乙方保证在租住期间不改变酒店房间用途,不破坏房子结构,保证自己的行为符合法律、法规和有关政策的规定,且遵守本合同之各项约定。
  五、 甲方在出租房间内配备的所有设施均属甲方所有,甲方保证出租房间及其配套设施的安全符合有关法律、法规的要求。乙方应正常使用并妥善保护房间及配套设施,防止非正常损坏,如有设施物品损坏、缺失、污染及房卡丢失等情况出现,经甲方客房部查房确认后,乙方须照价赔偿。(可从乙方押金中扣除赔偿费)。
  六、 乙方在入住期间禁止进行任何非法活动,包括:赌博、吸毒贩毒、卖淫嫖娼、非法集会、传销等非法经营活动。
  七、 乙方事先未经甲方的书面同意:
  6.乙方在租赁甲方的 房间以外的任何区域,不得张贴广告及摆设各种宣传品。
  八、 乙方在房间租赁过程中,发现酒店本身或内部设施出现或发生妨碍安全、正常使用的自然损坏时,应及时告知甲方并采取有效措施防止损失的扩大,甲方应于接到乙方通知后尽快进行维修。本条维修费用由甲方承担。甲方维修期间,乙方应积极配合,不得阻挠施工。
学英语必看的20部电影九、 因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,导致房间内的设施损坏、丢失或发生故障,乙方应及时告知甲方,由甲方采取措施进行必要的维修和安装或重新添置。乙方承担维修、安装或重新添置的费用,并赔偿相应损失。
十、 租赁期间相关服务优惠说明:1、洗衣免收服务费;2、免费自行车租赁;3、优先享受酒店其他优惠政策;4、餐饮标餐打9折(香烟、酒水、海鲜除外);5、住店期间免费提供简易厨房使用。6、每天赠送水果一份,客房每日提供清洁服务;7、免费WIFI-百兆光纤
十一、 最终解释以中文协议版本为准
十二、 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。本合同自双方签字之日起生效。
甲方(盖章):                      乙方(盖章):           
签署人(签字):                    签署人(签字):          
          年    月    日                  年    月    日
Permanent Room Agreement
Lesr:                                                   hereinafter referred to as Party A.
Le:    hereinafter referred to as Party B.
In order to clarify the rights and obligations, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.
1.Party A will lea Room           to Party B.
Permanent Room Package Rate:             yuan per room per night (including a breakfast),
Corporate Rate:         yuan per room per night (including a breakfast).
2.The  term  of  lea  will  be  from  _____(month)_____(day)_____(year)  to
The total room rate will be _____ RMB (Say Chine Yuan ______ only)
The payment of the room rate will be one installation per month, and should be paid by the beginning of each month. Once this agreement is signed, Party B is required to pay th
e first month’s room rate immediately. The lea is renewable for a further period provided that Party B notifies Party A of the intention to renew at least one week before and pays the room rate on time. If Party B lives shorter than one month, the room rate will follow the Corporate Rate Package.
3.Party B can enjoy the guest benefits listed in this contract during its lea period. Party B is required to provide personal profile to Party A. Meanwhile Party A shall undertake confidentiality obligations and liabilities.
天秤女和什么星座最配4.Party B shall not change the structure and purpo of u of the hotel room during the residence. Party B shall also strictly comply with the Chine laws, polices and regulations, as well as all the provisions of this contract.

5.Party A has the legal ownership of the rented premis and all the facilities in it. Party A shall guarantee that the rented premis and all the facilities’ safety conditions are in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Party B shall guarantee reasonable usage and proper protection of the rented premis and all the facilities and shall try best to avoid abnormal damages, such as facilities damage, loss, pollution and loss of room card. Party B shall compensate for all above damages according to Party A Houkeeping’s confirmation. (The compensation will be deducted from Party B’s deposit)
6.Party B is prohibited from any illegal activities during the residence, including gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution, illegal asmbly, pyramid schemes and other illegal activities.
7.Without Party A’s written approval, Party B shall not do the following things.

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标签:甲方   乙方   设施   酒店
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