郑渊洁的作品>不约而同的近义词ineffective areas翻译
ineffective areas的翻译为"无效领域"。
1. The company identified veral ineffective areas in its marketing strategy and decided to make changes. (公司确定了营销策略中的几个无效领域,并决定进行改变。)霜降文案
2. The government is focusing on addressing ineffective areas in its education system to improve the quality of education. (政府正专注于解决教育系统中的无效领域,以提高教育质量。)
莫泊桑代表作3. The rearch study aimed to identify and analyze ineffective areas in the healthcare system to propo improvements. (这项研究旨在确定和分析医疗系统中的无效领域,以提出改进措施。)
动物特点4. The team conducted a thorough evaluation of their project and identified veral ineffecti中频电疗法
ve areas that needed to be addresd. (团队对其项目进行了彻底评估,并确定了几个需要解决的无效领域。)
各种发型图片男5. The manager implemented new strategies to tackle ineffective areas in the company's production process, resulting in incread efficiency. (经理实施了新的策略,以解决公司生产过程中的无效领域,从而提高了效率。)爱琴海歌词