防蚊III.—The Cau of the Mammoth's Extinction 期刊名称: Geological Magazine
我的母亲4作者: Howorth Henry H.
年份: 1881年五英寸
期号: 第9期男人养生
摘要:In a previous paper we showed that the extinction of the Mammoth was sudden, and was accompanied by a sudden change of climate throughout Northern Siberia, which enabled its soft parts to be prerved intact. We did not mean that the change of climate was the cau of the Mammoth's extinction. This it clearly was not, for this change on a large and marked scale was apparently confined to Siberia, while the Mammoth disappeared from a much wider area, where this climatic revolution could not have been so fatal. A sudden change of climate could not account for a catena of Mammoth carcas found buried veral feet underground from the Obi to Behrings Straits. If they had been killed by the cold merely, their bodies would have lain on the surface where they fell and become long ago the prey of the predatory animals. Nor again can we,