
更新时间:2023-07-31 23:50:49 阅读: 评论:0

[原创]FME函数速查手册(9)-Transformer Quick-Reference(9)
Segments a raster (coalesces similar components) by analyzing the histograms of the components and identifying units that are homogeneous with the fuzzy c-means technique.
Saves a copy of all the features that enter to a disk file.
Calculates the reprojected angle of a line, which is uful for calculating reprojected text angles.
Calculates the reprojected length of a line, which is uful for calculating reprojected text heights.
Reprojects feature coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
Rotates features in a counterclockwi direction about the specified point by the rotation angle (measured in degrees).
Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features.
Discards input features, prerving only every <sample rate>th feature.
Scales the coordinates of the feature by some multipliers.
The SchemaMapper is ud to map the schema (attributes and feature types) of features bad on a schema mapping table.
Point features are input with the following data contained in the chon attributes: site name, ctor name (optional), azimuth, and radius.
Checks each feature and removes lf-interctions.
Snaps end points of lines together if they are within the <tolerance> distance of each other.
Sorts features by an attribute’s value.
Filters features bad on spatial relationships.
SpatialRelator 沈金明
Determines topological (spatial) relationships between ts of features
Executes an arbitrary SQL statement against a databa.
Calculates statistics bad on a designated attribute of the incoming features.
Reformats the given source attribute according to the Tcl format command. Strings, charact
ers, and numbers in decimal, octal, and hexidecimal format can be formatted.
Calculates the length of the string in Source Attribute. The value is put into the String Length Attribute.
[原创]FME函数速查手册(8)-Transformer Quick-Reference(8)
ListRangeExtractor  Extracts the minimum and maximum values found in a list.  获取列表中的最小、最大值
ListRemover  Removes a list from incoming features.  删除列表
ListSearcher  Searches a list to find a value and returns the index of the value in the list.  在列表中查找值并返回其位置
ListSorter  Sorts the elements of the given list into a new list.  对列表中所有的值排序,输出为新的列表
ListSummer  Computes the sum of all the elements of a list.  对列表中所有的值求和
Logger  Logs each feature to the translation log.  输出要素的详细信息到log中
Matcher  Detects features that are matches of each other.  匹配检测(一致)图形和指定的属性
MeasureGenerator  Creates a comma-parated list of values where each value is the distance from the start of the line up to that vertex in the line.  对线上的所有节点分别计算其与起点的距离,输出为一个逗号分隔的列表
MGRSGeometryExtractor  Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code bad on the geometry of a feature.  根据要素的图形计算MGRS(军用格网参考系统)编码
MGRSGeometryReplacer  The geometry of an input feature will be replaced with a point at the longitude/latitude values obtained from the MGRS code.  改为一个点,坐标为从MGRS(军用格网参考系统)编码获得的经纬度
MGRSToLatLongConverter  Converts Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code to longitude and latitude coordinates.  根据MGRS(军用格网参考系统)编码计算经纬度坐标
MRFCleaner  Takes features as input and process them bad on the specified modules, tolerance, dangle factor, filter factor, and specific attribute data.  根据指定的模块、容差、悬挂参数、过滤参数、以及属性数据,进行处理
铁血宰相俾斯麦ModuloCounter  Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a quence, restarting the count at 0 whenever the quence reaches some maximum value.  循环计数:将一个序列发生器的下一个值输出为新的属性,当它达到指定的最大值时则重置为0
NeighborFinder  Finds the clost CANDIDATE feature within some maximum distance of at each BASE feature.  对基准要素在指定的最大距离内搜索最近的候选要素
NeighborhoodAggregator  Creates aggregates of features bad on their proximity to each other.  将相近的要素组合为聚合要素
NeighborPairFinder  Finds the clost two CANDIDATE features
within some maximum distance of each BASE feature and some minimum paration in heading between the CANDIDATEs and the BASE.  对基准要素在指定的最大距离内搜索最近的两个候选要素,并要求至少存在最小的分隔
NullAttributeReplacer  Checks all the lected attributes and ts them to the value given in the Default Value parameter if they were null (if they had no value).  将空值属性设为指定的值
NullGeometryCreator  Creates a feature using the parameters supplied, and nds it into the workspace for processing. The created feature will have no geometry.  根据参数生成图形数据为空的要素,并输入转换流程
NumericRasterCreator  Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and nds it into the workspace for processing.  根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程
Offtter  Adds offts to the feature's coordinates.  坐标平移
[原创]FME函数速查手册(7)-Transformer Quick-Reference(7)
KMLStyler  The KMLStyler transformer can be ud to either t the attributes of features that have a KML Style feature type, or to t the common style attributes for a group of features.  设置KML Style要素类型的属性,或对一组要素设置共同的样式属性
Labeller  Interpolates labels along a linear or polygonal feature.  为线状/面状要素生成标注
LabelPointReplacer  Replaces the geometry of the feature with a label point.  改为对应的标注点
LatLongToMGRSConverter  Calculates a Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) code bad on the latitude and longitude values supplied in a feature's attributes.  根据属性中提供的经纬度值计算MGRS(军用格网参考系统)
LengthCalculator  Calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute.  计算要素的长度,输出为新的属性
LineClor  Turns input linear features into areas by adding their start point as the end point.  将输入的线状要素转换为面状,其中起点被复制为终点
LineGeneralizer  Reduces the density of feature coordinates by removing points from the original feature.  线状要素的节点抽稀
LineJoiner  Takes non-intercting lines and connects them into longer lines whenever doing so does not remove a significant node.  将一组互不相交的线连接起来
LineOnAreaOverlayer  Performs a line-on-area overlay.  线-面叠置运算
LineOnLineOverlayer  Performs a line-on-line overlay.  线-线叠置运算
LineSmoother  Smooths the feature's boundary lines by determining a new location for each vertex.  线的平滑处理
ListBuilder  根据属性,组合构造为一个列表
ListConcatenator  将列表的所有内容连接一个属性,将列表的某个属性字段的全部值输出到一个属性字段中,输出字段为concatenated,list attribute 为要进行处理的属性字段,p
rartor character 设置所有值的连接方式
ListCopier  复制列表,包括其中所有的嵌套属性
ListDuplicateRemover  将一个列表的内容复制到另一个,但删除其中的重复项
ListElementCounter  获取列表中的元素数量,存入_element_count,写入下一级的某个属性字段
ListExploder  打散列表,使其中每个元素生成单独的要素,将列表中的每一项变回成属性字段
ListHistogrammer  对列表中的值进行统计,并生成一个新的列表
ListIndexer  提取之前所有列表中某个列表中指定位置的属性字段成为新要素的属性
ListPopulator  Builds a list out of a ries of input attributes.  根据一系列输入属性构建列表
[原创]FME函数速查手册(6)-Transformer Quick-Reference(6)
ExpressionEvaluator  Evaluates an arithmetic expression and returns the result in a new attribute.  表达式计算,结果输出为新的属性
Extender  Creates extensions to linear features.  延长线状要素
FeatureMerger  Merges the attributes of one feature onto another feature.  将一个要素的属性合并到另一个要素
FeatureTypeExtractor  Adds an attribute containing the original feature type of a feature.  获得要素类
FeatureTypeFilter  Separates the features routed to it into their original feature types, if possible.  根据原来的要素类型重新区分输入的要素
GeometryCoercer  Rets the geometry type of the feature.  改变要素的图形类型
GeometryFilter  Routes a feature bad on its geometry type.  根据要素的图形类型进行分类输出
GeometryRemover  Completely removes the geometry of the feature.  删除图形数据
GlobalVariableRetriever  Reads the specified global variable and puts its value into the specified attribute.  读全局变量的值,写入属性
GlobalVariableSetter  Creates and ts the specified global variable to the value of the specified attribute.  根据属性的值创建并设置全局变量
GMLFeatureExtractor  Constructs GML documents from the input features and stores them in the specified attribute for the features that are output by the GML port.  根据输入要素构建GML文档并写入属性
GMLFeatureReplacer  Constructs features out of GML documents that are stored in an attribute of the input features.  根据属性中存储的GML文档构建要素
GOIDGenerator  Calculates a GOID (Geographic Object IDentifier) for each incoming feature, and adds it as a new attribute. The GOID is a unique 128-bit number that incorporates the position of a feature with other numbers.  为输入的要素分别生成图形对象标识(GOID),GOID是一个唯一的128位的数字,其中包含了要素的位置和其它一些数字
Grepper  Performs a regular expression match on the value of the specified attribute.  对属性值进行表达式匹配性判断
HexDecoder  Decodes the given attribute into a new at
tribute, by converting its encoded hexadecimal value into a new ASCII string. Decodes a value that has been encoded from the HexEncoder.  将16进制编码的属性解码为ASCII字符串,输出为新的属性
HexEncoder  Encodes the given attribute into a new attribute, by converting its ASCII value into a hexadecimal string. Can be undone with the HexDecoder.  将属性中的ASCII字符串编码为16进制,输出为新的属性
HoleCounter  Adds a new attribute who value is the number of holes in the feature.  获得环中的孔的数量,输出为新的属性
InsidePointExtractor  Generates a point guaranteed to be inside the area feature, and adds the coordinates of this point to the feature as attributes.  生成多边形或环的内部点,其坐标写入属性
Interctor  Computes interctions between all input features, breaking lines and polygons wherever an interction occurs.  计算所有输入要素的交点并打断线、面
Joiner  Queries a databa to retrieve attributes associated with a feature.  查询数据库,获得与要素相关联的属性
[原创]FME函数速查手册(5)-Transformer Quick-Reference(5)
Counter  Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a quence.  计数器:将一个序列发生器的下一个值输出为新的属性
CRCCalculator  Calculates a CRC value as directed for a feature and places the calculated CRC value into the attribute specifed.  对要素计算CRC校验值并写入属性
DateFormatter  Reformats a date or time string (in the Source Date attribute) into a new date format.  将日期或时间属性改为其它格式
Deaggregator  Decompos an aggregate feature into its components.  聚合要素打散
DecimalDegreesCalculator  Calculates a decimal degree value from parate degrees, minutes, and conds (DMS) values, stored in attributes.  根据属性中分别保存的度、分、秒,计算以度为单位的角度值
DEMDistanceCalculator  For each input line feature, a DEM is created after the reference DEM, and then output.  DEM高差:对输入的线状要素,计算它与输入的DEM上对应点的三维距离,并生成为另一个DEM
DEMGenerator  Generates a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the input POINTS, BREAKLINES, and 3D_LINES.  根据输入的点、断裂线、三维线来生成数字高程模型(DEM)
DEMRasterGenerator  Generates a DEM raster from the input POINTS, BREAK-LINES, and 3D_LINES.  根据输入的点、断裂线、三维线来生成数字高程模型(DEM)栅格(格网)
Densifier  Adds vertices to the feature by interpolating new coordinates along its definition at some in
terval of distance.  等间距加密节点(沿线或沿x、y轴)
DimensionExtractor  Returns the dimension of the feature as a new attribute.  获得要素的坐标维数并输出为新的属性
Dissolver  Dissolves area features by removing common boundaries to create larger areas.  合并面状要素、消除公共边界

本文发布于:2023-07-31 23:50:49,感谢您对本站的认可!



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