England before the Industrial Revolution
The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark美词佳句,红烧小黄花鱼>干鲍鱼的做法矩阵可交换and the laborer lived not in the sun,宫保鸡丁咋做but in poverty and darkness. What aids there were to lighten labor were immemorial,like the mill, which was already ancient in Chaucer’s time. The Industrial Revolution began with such machines;The millwrights were the engineers of the coming age. James Brindley of Staffordshire started his lf—made career in l733 by working at mill wheels,答案在风中飘荡at the age of venteen,having been born poor in a village.
Brindley’s improvements were practical马步芳公馆:to sharpen and step up the performance of the water wheel as a machine. That was the first multi-purpo machine for the new industries. Bindley worked, for example, to improve the grinding of flints, which were ud in the rising pottery industry.