上堂课我们探讨了大脑及其功能The last class we talked about the brain.
接下来我们将进一步学习一些基础理论Now we're going to talk a little bit about some foundations.
所以在今天和星期一So today and Monday
我们将学习两大心理理论we're going to talk about two very big ideas
其代表人物分别是and the ideas are associated with
西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和Sigmund Freud and
伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳B. F. Skinner
这两个理论便是精神分析理论and are psychoanalysis
和行为主义理论and behaviorism.
今天我们先来讲讲精神分析理论And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today
下周再谈行为主义理论and behaviorism next week.
这些理论广阔的适用范围Now, one of the things-- one of the things
则是它们能够吸引大家关注的原因之一that makes the theories so interesting is their scope.
本课程中所学习的大部分理论Most of the work we're going to talk about
大部分学术观点in this class--
它们的应用范围都是狭隘的most of the ideas are narrow.
我们会谈到某人所提出的So, we're going to talk about somebody's idea
关于种族偏见的理论about racial prejudice,
但它却并不是语言获得的理论but that's not a theory of language acquisition.
我们会讲到关于精神分裂症的理论We'll talk about theories of schizophrenia
但它们却并不能用来解释性吸引but they're not explanations of xual attractiveness.
大多数理论的适用范围都是有所限定的Most theories are specialized theories,
但这两个理论则是大理论but the two views are grand theories.
它们试图对世间的一切做出解释They're theories of everything,
包括了日常生活encompassing just about everything that matters, day-to-day life,
儿童发展 心理疾病child development, mental illness,
宗教 战争及爱情religion, war, love.
弗洛伊德和斯金纳的理论解释了上述一切Freud and Skinner had explanations of all of the.
当然 这里并不是历史课堂Now, this is not a history cour.
给你们介绍这两位心理学泰斗I have zero interest in describing historical figures in psychology
并不只是想让大家了解心理学史just for the sake of telling you about the history of the field.
我想要向你们讲述的 是他们的理论What I want to tell you about though is— I want to talk about the ideas
因为它们是众多理论的基石becau so much rests on them and,
更重要的是even more importantly, 属于我的小幸福
其中的很多观点对于我们如何理解当下a lot of the ideas have critical influence on
具有决定性的影响how we think about the prent.
就是这张And that's there.
无论如何Now, for better or wor,
弗洛伊德都深深的影响着我们的生活we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud.
如果我让大家选出一位If I had to ask you to choo a--
不 是说出一位著名心理学家的名字no, name a famous psychologist,
你们大家多数人会回答 弗洛伊德the answer of most of you would be Freud.
他是史上最著名的心理学家He's the most famous psychologist ever and
对20世纪与21世纪he's had a profound influence
的心理学界都有着深远的影响on the twentieth and twenty-first century.
据其传记记载Some biographical information:
他生于19世纪50年代He was born in the 1850s.
他的大半生都是居住在奥地利的维也纳He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria,
却在伦敦去世but he died in London
二战伊始 随着纳粹侵占其家乡and he escaped to London soon after retreating there
韭菜饺子馅他被迫背井离乡at the beginning of World War II
后来逃到伦敦 在那里终其余生as the Nazis began to occupy where he lived.德国队服
留学助学贷款他也是史上最著名的学者之一He's one of the most famous scholars ever
但他不是因为某一项发现而名扬四海but he's not known for any single discovery.
相反 他却因为提出了极具包容性的Instead, he's known for the development of
心理理论而闻名天下an encompassing theory of mind,
这个理论是他通过数十年的研究才提出的one that he developed over the span of many decades.
弗洛伊德在世时 远近闻名He was in his time extremely well known,
是个家喻户晓的名人a celebrity recognized on the street,
纵观他的一生and throughout his life,
他还是一个精力充沛的高产学者he was a man of extraordinary energy and productivity,
部分原因是 他是个十足的瘾君子in part becau he was a very rious cocaine addict.
但总体而言But also just in general,
他是一个精力旺盛的人he was just a high-energy sort of person.
他曾获得过诺贝尔医学奖和文学奖的提名He was up for the Nobel Prize in medicine and in literature; 林彪简介
但却都未能最终获奖didn't get either one of them;
没能获得诺贝尔医学奖则是因为爱因斯坦didn't get the prize in medicine becau Albert Einstein--
大家都喜欢爱因斯坦Everybody loves Albert Einstein.
当时爱因斯坦确实写过一封信Well, Albert Einstein really wrote a letter
因为大会曾征求其他获奖者的意见becau they asked for opinions of other Nobel Prizes.
爱因斯坦在信中写到He wrote a letter saying,
"请别把奖项颁发给弗洛伊德"Don't give the prize to Freud.
他不配获得诺贝尔奖He doesn't derve a Nobel Prize.
他不过是个心理学家"He's just a psychologist."
事情就是这个样子Well, yes.
他被公认为While he's almost universally acclaimed
九月的英语怎么说极为重要的知识分子as a profoundly important intellectual figure,
但同时 他也成为了别人唾弃的对象he's also the object of considerable dislike.
这在一定程度上是由他的性格造成的This is in part becau of his character.
他的许多做法都有失妥当He was not a very nice man in many ways.
他雄心勃勃He was deeply ambitious
想要壮大精神分析to the cau of promoting psychoanalysis,