音素分类 | 音标书写 | 音位音长 |
元音 声带振动 | 单音口形不变 | 前元音 | [ i: ][ ? ][ e ][ ? ] | 扁唇形,舌尖抵下齿,依次张大 |
中元音 | [ ?: ] [ ??] [ ??] | 圆唇,舌悬空中高,依次张大 |
后元音 | [u:][?][?:][?][ɑ:] | 扁圆唇,舌后缩底高,依次张大 |
双元音口形变 | 合口 双元音 | [e?] [??] [a?] | 前长后短,前重后轻,首音长三分之二,次音三分之一,从首音滑向次音,一到即止。 |
亨普尔合口 双元音 | [??] [a?] |
集中 双元音 | [??] [??] [e?] |
辅音 声带振动或无振动 腔阻成音 | 爆破音 | 清 | [ p ] [ t ] [ k ] | 1.双唇闭,气冲成音 2.舌尖抵上齿龈,弹舌成音 3.舌后部抵软鄂,咳气成音 |
浊 | [ b ] [ d ] [ g ] |
摩擦音 | 石加一笔是什么字 清 | [ s ][θ][ f] [ ? ] | 1. s z双唇微张,舌尖平近上齿,气流缓出舌齿间, 2. 双唇微张,舌尖平抵上齿龈冲舌成音 3. 圆唇微突出,舌尖微上卷近上齿龈,送气成音 4. 上齿轻咬下唇,气出唇齿,摩擦成音. |
浊 | [ z ][ e ][ z ][ ? ] |
破擦音 | 清 | [ tr] [ t? ] [ ts] | 口舌摆好首音音位,尽力发出次音,即可成音 |
浊 | [ dr ][ d? ][ dz ] |
半元音 | [ w ] [ j ] | 1. W稍圆突唇舌后抬起,嘴唇滑向两边,振动 2. j扁唇微笑,舌尖抵下齿,舌面贴上鄂,振动, 3. 两音长很短,一出即滑至后音 |
似摩音 | [ l ] [ h ] [ r ] | 1.l舌抵上齿龈,稍弯,气出舌两边成音,振动 2.h 嘴唇自然张开,呵气成音,声带不振动 3.r舌关上卷悬中,圆唇稍突,冲舌成音,振动 |
鼻音 | [m] [n] [?]? | 双唇紧闭,舌尖平悬,气出鼻腔振动 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气出鼻腔,振动 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后自然升顶,气出鼻腔, |
| | | | |
Vowels 元音20个 | 新 | i: | ? | e | ? | ?: | ? | ? | u: | ? | ?: |
旧 | i: | i | e | ? | ?: | 月经期吃什么好? | ? | u: | u | ?: |
新 | ? | a: | e? | a? | ?? | ?? | a? | ?? | e? | ?? |
旧 | ? | ɑ: | ei | ai | ?i | ?u | au | i? | ε? | u? |
Consonants 辅音28个 | 无 变 化 | p | b | t | d | k | g | f | v | s | z |
| e | m | n | ? | l | r | h | w | j |
? | ? | t? | d? | tr | dr | ts | dz |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
英语国际音标四线三格书写规范 |
长元音 短元音 | [ i:] | [ u:] | [ ?:] | [ ?:] | [ ɑ:] | | | |
[ ??] | [ ??] | [ ??] | [ ? ] | [ e ] | [?? ] | [ ? ] 间接选举 | |
双元音 | /e?/ | /??/ | /a?/ | /??/ | /??/ | /e?/ | /??/ | /a?/ |
轻辅音 浊辅音 | /p / | /?t / | /?k / | / f/ | / ? / | / s / | /θ/ | |
/b / | /d/ | / g / | / v / | / ? / | / z / | / e / | |
轻辅音 浊辅音 | / ts/ | / t?/ | / tr/ | /?h/ | | | | |
/ dz/ | 保护环 /d?/ | /dr/ | /?r/ | | | | |
鼻音 | /m/ | / n / | / ? / | | | | | |
半元音 | /?j / | /w/ | | | | | | |
舌侧音 | /?? / | 含糊音 | /?? / | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?
B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, plea.
e: me be she he we evening e
ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green
ea: meat read leaf a pea teach eat clean
ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people
2.[ ? ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle.
i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin
e: begin behind jacket basketball
y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy
ey: monkey money
ay: Sunday Saturday Friday
比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel
4. at—sit 5. tree—trip 6.bit—bee
7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read 13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip
3.[ e ] Good, better, best. Never let it rest.
Till good is better. And better best.
e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen
ea: bread head breakfast
ai: again
4.[ ? ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!
a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map
1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg
4. sat—t 5. neck--lack 6. sad—said 7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead 9.lad—led
10. fad—fed
5. [ :][?:] The early bird catches the worm first.
er: her rve term
ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt
ur:nur Thursday turtle purple curtain
ear:early learn
or: word work world
6. [ ? ] The farmer’s sister is a doctor.
er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler
ar: sugar
a:panda about above camera sofa China
e: open
ure: picture
7.国家助学金申请理由200字 [ ? ] Come to the front on the double.
o: son come colour love money
u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush
supper duck
ou: touch cousin country
8.[ u:] How do you do? You look really cool.
o: do who who
oo: food moon too soon
ui: fruit juice
u: ruler rude
9.[ ? ][u] Look at the cookbook. It’s really good.
o:woman wolf
oo:look good book foot wood classroom
u:bull bullet
10.[ ?:] My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.
a: water
aw:draw strawberry
al:ball wall call
or:hor morning corn fork or short
oor:floor door
au: autumn
ar: warm
11. [ ? ][ ?译拼音 ] The little pot is so hot.
o: fox coffee dog shop dog
doctor long sorry
a: watch what
12.[ a:] It’s far to the farm from the park.
a: grass glass class plant dance
fast father last half
ar: car star arm park March hard garden
dark scarf
au: laugh aunt ear: heart