幼儿手指游戏大全(Children's finger games)
德薄能鲜Cooking with 1. fingers
乘乘Chop the small fingers, the ring finger and middle finger up, down cut.
Roll the surface (ring finger, middle finger bending, index finger moving to both sides).
Bags of dumplings (three fingers and thumb, up and down movement and collision).
Pound the garlic (the thumb with two fingers and move the thumb).
2. finger to finger games
In the spring of spring (right heart pounding pounding on the thumb movement such as to form).
Broom broom sweep (hand shape, right index finger on the left hand movement, such as sweeping the floor.).
A dustpan fan (hand is on the left index finger, middle finger movements such as fan shaped).
Chicks pecking (hand shape, right middle finger pointing and touching as Zhuomi.)
Finger games, 3. fingers in class
Fingers in class (with five fingers and five fingers).
好看的玄幻小说完本The door opens (with two thumbs apart).
The door opens.
The two door opens.
The back door is open.
The door opened (middle finger parated).
The children came in (hands cross ten fold).
The door of the classroom is open
The teacher came in (with his left forefinger raid).
All stand up (crosd ten fingers all stretched).
Sit down (cross hands Baoquan).
Number 1 (hand shape, right hand forefinger, then immediately put down).
2 (left hand forefinger extends, the following action is the same as above).
3 (right hand middle finger extended, the following action is the same as above)
4 (left hand middle finger extended, the following action is the same as above)
昆明市内一日游5 (right with the ring finger protruding, the following action is the same as above)
6 (left hand ring finger protruding, the following action is the same as above)
水粉调色7 (right hand little finger extended, the following action is the same as above)
8 (left hand extended, the following action is the same as above)
Morning exercis 121: stretch your left hand first, then change your right hand. Right hand wheel extension
121: stretch your right hand first, press your right hand, and turn your left hand in turn
Halt! Dissolution (stop movement at the time, hands on the fork, when the dissolution of both hands open).
Finger game 4.
The thumb (two out of boxing on the thumbs up).
March! 121, 121! The standing column (so casually, thumb bent forward, into the password recovery of thumb). The index finger out! March (both hands forefinger)
121,! Standing, column (index finger to casually bend, when the index finger to recover the password.)
All out! March! 121, 121 (hands thumb top, other fields four fingers bend with the password).
Run! 121, 121! Halt! Dissolution (finger acceleration, bending movement, stop movement at the time, break the password, parate hands).
Finger game 5. finger glass
One hook gold (two hands back, little finger hook).
Two silver hook (ring finger hook).
Three (in a copper hook hook).
Four hooks iron (index finger hook).
An old man came out of the box (both hands turned out, and a thumb was in the middle).
The old man was gone (his hands).
Where did you go? Buying glass in the store (pointing to the front with the index finger).
The old gentleman cho a pair of good glass (both hands evoke each other, the thumb and index finger circles made glass,
placed in front of).
Finger game 6. finger cart
Small car (middle finger with thumb).
Clever car (two fingers crosd, hands index fingers hook each ring finger).
See who car is clever (middle finger extends forward).
Look who's doing a good job (thumb clo to a car shape).
Finger game, 7. fingers drumming
Knock on a drum (hands index finger),
Under the pounding drums (hands finger).
Beat up and down (moving the index finger at the same time).
牛和兔The middle of the joints (index finger, middle point upward movement, ring finger, small point downward movement).
You play the drums I Gong (mechanical arm motion index finger, right hand finger movement).
I play the drums you gong (left hand little finger, right hand move finger).
Knock on each other.