Mr. Goh Kia Hock graduated from Nanyang Technological University (B. Eng, 1st Class Honours).
He has about 5 years of working experience in offshore pipelines design and engineering in the Oil健康素养
and Gas Industry and has worked on projects in China, Taiwan, India, Middle East and South East
Asia. During this period, he has prepared veral offshore pipeline proposals and involved in
numerous offshore pipeline projects ranging from pipeline conceptual study, pre-bid engineering,
朝思暮想的意思front end engineering design (FEED) to detailed engineering design.
He is well verd with most international codes such as DNV and has been trained for offshore
“Personal Survival Techniques” and “Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (Pasnger)” and has
gained experience as site reprentative for pipe-laying and marine operation in Taiwan and
Singapore waters. He has also gained valuable overas exposure during his condment to
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd in Korea, Ulsan.
Computer Literacy:
•OFFPIPE, DSAP, Caesar II, PRCI (AGA) software
• Pro-Engineer, AutoCAD
•MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project
Language Skills:
•English (Written and Spoken)
•Mandarin (Written and Spoken)
•Hokkien & Teochew (Spoken).
2006– Prent Pipeline Engineer, INTECSEA, Singapore
Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd (PCK2L) – Bukit Tua Development Project
PC Ketapang II Ltd (PCK2L) plans to develop the Bukit Tua Field, in the Ketapang Block, East
Java. Bukit Tua which is primarily an oil field but with significant associated gas, is located 35 km紫色代表
north of Madura Island and 110 km northeast of Gresik at a water depth of approximately 57 m.
Full involvement in the Front End Engineering Design for three (3) nos. of 700m long intra-field
flowlines and one (1) no. of 110km long gas export pipeline. Prepared basis of design, wall
thickness calculation, route lection design, on-bottom stability analysis, expansion analysis, free
span analysis, cathodic protection design, installation analysis, crossing analysis, upheaval
buckling analysis, material take-off, engineering drawings, weekly progress report and
Cuu Long Joint Operating Company (TLJOC) – Pipeline Free Span Asssment
Cuu Long Joint Operating Company (CLJOC) is developing the Su Tu Vang field in Block 15-1
located off the coast of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. As part of the Pha II development of
Block 15-1, CLJOC is installing a central processing platform, pipelines and other associated
facilities for the Su Tu Vang Field. During installation, free spanning problems were obrved for
three (3) no. of pipelines.
Resume Responsible for asssing the integrity of the free spanning pipelines during the period of continuous exposure to environmental loadings and determining the pipeline fatigue life available prior to free span rectification works.
Thang Long Joint Operating Company (TLJOC) – HST Full Field and HSD Early Production System Development Project
Thang Long Joint Operating Company (TLJOC) is established by Petroleum Contract to operate Block 15-2/01 offshore Vietnam in 2005. Block 15-2/01 geologically resides in the Cuu Long Basin, off the south-eastern Vietname coastline in an area of 2,832 km2 and has an average water depth (< 50m).
Full involvement in the Front End Engineering Design for nine (9) nos. of submarine pipelines and twelve (12) no. of rirs. Responsible for preparing basis of design, wall thickness calculation, route lection design, on-bottom stability analysis, cathodic protection design, material take-off, engineering drawings , weekly progress report and deliverables.
Global Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (GIAP) – Pipeline Replacement & Restoring Related Topside Facilities Project
The pipeline replacement scope of work compris of replacing and abandoning five (5) no. of pipelines. Full involvement in the pre-bid engineering work for GIAP to provide the best estimate for the material cost in order to allow GIAP to submit a competitive bid for the project.
Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO) – Gas Supply Project
Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO) is implementing a gas supply project to increa the fuel supply for its Hong Kong power station.
Responsible for reviewing the lected 21km long offshore pipeline route through identifying all nearby facilities and obstructions, establishing pipeline routing criteria and recommending the mechanical protection requirement for the lected pipeline route using a risk-bad approach. PowerGas Ltd
Perform pipe stress analysis for three (3) no. of onshore pipelines located in Singapore. The analysis is carried out using commercial software CAESER II version 5.10 to ensure that the pipe stress under the worst loading combinations are in compliance with AS 2885.1-1997.
Leighton Asia Limited – Laying of Western Cross Harbour Main & Associated Land Mains from West Kowloon to Sai Ying Pun Project Pre-Bid Engineering
The intended project is to lay one (1) no. of 1200 mm diameter steel submarine pipeline from West Kowloon to Sai Ying Pun (Hong Kong). Responsible for assisting Leighton to prepare bid drawings and analysis.
China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company – Zhao Dong Platform to Artificial Island Submarine Pipeline Project
China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company has completed the feasibility study of the natural gas transportation system in Da Gang Cheng Hai Oil Field. The gas transportation system starts from existing Zhao Dong Platform located in the shallow water area in North West Bohai Bay, Hebei province of People’s Republic of China, to Cheng Hai 1-1 Artificial Island. The length of this part of the oil & gas pipelines is approximate 4.5 km. It consists of a 10.75”/16” insulated pipe-in-pipe oil line and a 12.75” gas line from Zhao Dong Platform to 1-1 Artificial Island.
Resume Responsible for carrying out rir flexibility analys for 2 no. of rirs using commercial software CAESER II version 5.10 and pipeline protection design utilizing mechanical backfilling of pipeline in trench. The analysis performed includes trench slope stability analysis, anchor penetration and drag length calculations, direct anchor impact energy check, rock berm backfill design, impact resistance of pipelines.
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation - K2 Expansion Field Development Project
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (APC) is developing hydrocarbon rerves from Green Canyon Block 606 in the Gulf of Mexico. The new development, the K2 Expansion Field Development, consists of 6 no. of PLETs and 3 no. of pipelines located in about 3,900 ft to 4,300 ft water depth. Responsible for reviewing all the design documents prepared during the FEED study for the Project. Prepared deliverable register, update weekly project schedule, issue weekly report, ensure all deliverables are issued on schedule and review all design reports prepared for the detailed engineering of this project.
The Public Utilities Board of Singapore (PUB) – Propod 800 mm Diameter NEWater Submarine Pipeline Project
PUB plans to install a submarine NEWater pipeline from Pulau Seraya (Jurong Island) to Pulau Ular (Pulau Bukom). The propod 800 mm diameter pipeline will furnish NEWater to Shell Eastern Petroleum (PTE) Limited new facilities on Pulau Ular.
Acted as Client’s Reprentative onboard Van Oord’s rock-dumping vesl “Jan Steen”. Main responsibility is to:
•Provide supervision on offshore soil investigation and record daily project status and progress
•Ensure that the offshore soil investigation is carried out in accordance with PUB’s approved method statement.
Acted as Client’s Reprentative onboard East Marine’s dredging vesl “Pandora”. Main responsibility is to:
•Provide supervision on offshore dredging activities and record daily project status and progress
•Ensure that the dredging activity complies to MPA’s requirement when the operation is carried out in the fairway.
TOTAL E&P Borneo BV (TEPB) – OPP De-Bottlenecking Project
The 2 no. pipelines, located off the coast of Brunei, have been in operation for nearly 10 years. TEPB intends to increa the operating temperature of the pipeline from 70-80o C to 97o C due to the operation of new wells. Hence, WorleyParsons is requested to perform an adequacy check on the pipelines and rirs bad on the new design conditions.
Responsible for carrying out rir flexibility analys for 1 no. of rirs using commercial software CAESER II version 5.10.
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. – B-193 Field Development Pre-Bid Engineering Work
The intended Project is to develop B-193 cluster fields comprising of ven oil/gas fields viz. B-193, B-172, B-178, B-180, B-28A and B-23A which are located in the Heera-Panna-Basin block
Resume of Bombay offshore basin, about 60-90 km towards west of Mumbai city in water depth rang
ing from 60 to 75m. The fields are in clo proximity of giant Basin gas field towards south. The development plan of B-193 cluster fields has been conceptualized in order to monetize the resources from the discovered fields that are located in the vicinity of main B-193 structure
Full involvement in the pre-bid engineering work for HHI to provide the best estimate for the material cost for the bid which consists of 9 nos. of submarine pipelines, 1 no. of PLEM and 5 nos. of SSIV. Prepared engineering bid drawings, material take-off and reviewed pipeline wall thickness, concrete coating thickness, cathodic protection, allowable free span and expansion calculations.
Brunei Shell Petroleum Sdn. Bhd (BSP) – Mampak Field Development Project
BSP is planning to develop its newly found offshore field Mampak, located at approximately 6km south west of the existing Magpie facilities in a water depth ranging from 45-55m. The pipeline system for the Project consists of 3 nos. of submarine pipelines and 1 cable.
Responsible for carrying out rir flexibility analys for 2 nos. of rirs using commercial software CAESER II version 5. The main challenge faced during installation is to ensure that a 66% reduction in spool piece length will not over-stress the rir and the dogleg.
Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO) – Hong Kong LNG Terminal Project
前所未有的近义词Castle Peak Power COMPANY Limited (CAPCO), a joint venture COMPANY owned by ExxonMobil Energy Limited (EMEL) and CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP), is in the process of curing an alternative source of natural gas for its Black Point Power Station (BPPS), Hong Kong. The intended mean is to transport the regasified LNG from the LNG Terminal at South Soko Island (SSI), South of Lantau Island, to BPPS.
Responsible for preparation of specifications for the FEED Study of this Project. The main challenges faced are to ensure that the technical requirements of the works comply with the stringent environmental requirements of Hong Kong.
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) – Taichung-Tunghsiao-Tatan 36” Gas Pipeline Project
湖光秋月两相和Chine Petroleum Corporation (CPC) plans to install the 36” Taichung-Tunghsiao-Tatan Offshore Gas Pipeline System in Taiwan. The pipeline system will be designed to transport and supply re-gasified natural gas to Taiwan’s Tatan power plant. The offshore pipeline system consists of 41km of pipeline from Taichung to Tunghsiao and 85km of pipeline from Tunghsiao to Tatan.
•Pipeline Engineer onboard Saipem’s pipe-laying barge Semac 1 for 3 months.
•Provide assistance to DNV’s CSR onboard regarding pipeline related issues and report daily project status and progress to CPC.
•Perform daily inspection to ensure that the pipe-lay operation has been carried out in accordance with the inspection criteria of design drawings and specifications.
•Prent at all important pipe-lay operations such as pipeline recovery and laydown operations.
Any non-compliance to the Client’s approved procedures shall be raid.
Resume Reliance Industries Ltd. – NEC-25 Concept Study
Reliance Industries Ltd. Intends to develop an offshore block NEC-OSN-97/2 (referred to as NEC-25), which is located in the Mahanadi Basin, offshore India’s east coast. The block, lying in a water d
epth of 35 to 85 m, contains large rerves of gas and condensate. The pipeline system propod in the NEC-25 field development concept consists of 4 nos. of infield pipelines ranging from 3.0km to 36km and 1 no. of export pipeline compris of 114km of offshore ction and 18km of onshore ction.
Full involvement in the conceptual study to provide a material take-off quantity and cost estimate for the development of offshore block NEC-25. The main challenge faced is to provide suitable construction methods for pipeline installation at the 8km long of mudflat.
Global Industries Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. – Pipeline Replacement Project - 2 Pre-Bid Engineering Work
The intended Project is in Western Offshore field in the Arabian Sea on the continental shelf of Western India. The field is well developed with an extensive infrastructure of well head platforms, process platforms and pipelines. With the ageing field, the purpo of the Project envisages replacement of some of its well fluid, gas lift and water injection pipelines as well as laying of new pipelines.
Full involvement in the pre-bid engineering work for GIAP to provide the best estimate for the material cost for the bid which consists of 25 nos. of rigid replacement pipelines, 5 nos. of new rigid
pipelines and 14 nos. of flexible pipelines.
ROC Oil (Bohai) Company - Zhao Dong Areas Project
The Project is intended to extend and continue the development of rerves to the Zhao Dong production facilities in Bohai Bay, China. Located in a harsh environment where the awater temperature and the ambient air temperature drops to as low as -2.5°C and -18°C respectively during winter, the pipeline is required to be well insulated in order to retain the heat and maintain the flow characteristics of the product within a prescribed operating envelope as determined by the flow assurance analysis.
Full involvement for the FEED design of 2 submarine pipelines (16”/20” insulated pipe-in-pipe multipha line and 16” water injection line). Analysis performed includes the following:
•Pipeline wall thickness check using ASME B31.8.
•Pipeline on-bottom stability analysis bad on AGA Level 2
•Pipeline free span analysis using DNV-1981
•Pipeline expansion analysis bad on Andrew Palmer’s OTC Paper 4067
•Pipe-in-pipe expansion analysis
•Pipeline cathodic protection design in accordance with DNV-RP-F103 and ISO 15589-1. •Pipeline in-place stress analysis bad on DNV-1981
•Pipeline installation outline analysis using OFFPIPE
•Pipeline material take-off quantities