森严⼿术安全核对表Surgical Safety Checklist Surgical Safety Checklist
Before induction of anaesthesia Before skin incision Before patient leaves operating room (with at least nur and anaesthetist) (with nur, anaesthetist and surgeon) (with nur, anaesthetist and surgeon)
患者是否已经确认了其⾝份、⼿术部位和名称,是否已签署⼿术同意书?Has the patient confirmed his/her identity, site, procedure, and connt?
是否已标记⼿术部位?Is the site marked?最大的书
雅思口语题库⿇醉机和⿇醉药品是否核对完毕? Is the anaesthesia machine and medication check complete?
Is the pul oximeter on the patient and functioning? 患者是否有既往过敏史? Does the patient have a: Known allergy? 是否存在⽓道困难 /误吸的风险?Difficult airway or aspiration risk?
所需设备/辅助⼈员已就位equipment/assistance available 是否存在失⾎量 >500ml(⼉童 >7ml/kg)的风险?Risk of >500ml blood loss (7ml/kg in children)?莫衷一是的近义词
已建⽴两条静脉通道/保留中央静脉导管,已备好液体two IVs/central access and fluids planned 确认团队的所有成员要⾃我介绍其姓名和职责Confirm all team members have introduced themlves by name and role.
确认患者姓名、⼿术名称和⼿术部位Confirm the patient’s name, procedure,and where the incision will be made. ⼿术前 60分钟内,是否给患者注射了预防性抗⽣素?Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given within the last 60 minutes?
预期的关键事件applicable Anticipated Critical Events
毕业生求职⼿术医师:⼿术的关键步骤是什么?⼿术需要多长时间?预计的⼿术失⾎量是多少?To Surgeon: What are the critical or non-routine steps? How long will the ca take? What is the anticipated blood loss?
To Anaesthetist: Are there any patient-specific concerns?
护理团队:消毒(包括消毒指⽰带结果)完成没有?设备有没有问题?有没有其它的注意事项?是否已展⽰必需的影像资料?To Nursing Team: Has sterility (including indicator results) been confirmed? Are there equipment issues or any concerns? Is esntial imaging displayed? 护⼠⼝头确认:⼿术名称清点完毕⼿术器械、敷料和针头标记⼿术标本(⼤声朗读标本标签,包括患者姓名)是否存在需要解决的设备问题Nur Verbally Confirms: The name of the procedure Completion of instrument, sponge and needle counts Specimen labelling (read specimen labels aloud,including patient name) Whether there are any equipment problems to be addresd ⼿术医师、⿇醉师和护⼠ :⼿术后,该患者在康复、治疗⽅⾯的特别注意事项?To Surgeon, Anaesthetist and Nur: What are the key concerns for recovery and management of this patient?
1/2009修订 WHO,2009
This checklist is not intended to be comprehensive. Additions and modifications to fit local practice are encouraged.