
更新时间:2023-07-30 22:33:56 阅读:14 评论:0

1.Provide sb. with sth. Provide ....for .....给某人提供某物
2. Make a name foe onelf 首次使某人成名
3. A great deal more ,so much more,no more,a lot more,litter more, more
4. Scale down 按比例缩小
5. On track to 在什么轨道上
6. Two year on 两年过去了 from now on 从现在开始
7. ......In place 什么就位,在适当的地方
8. On the stage 在舞台上,by / at the stage 在....阶段
9. To some/an extent 某种程度上
10. be of the benefit 对什么有好处。
11. Fill the bill 符合要求
12. above board光明正大的,board up 用木板封闭
13. By the book按规矩,依照惯例
14. Boost in sale 销售额猛增
15. Bounce up and down 上下颠簸
16. Go bust 破产
17. Be calculated to do sth.旨在,打算,适用于.....
18. Calculate on 指望,依赖
19. Call for叫某人来 call off 取消,call up 打电话,call in one`s aid求某
20. Catch a cold 亏本
21. Cater for供应
22. Catering industry餐饮业
23. Claim for 要求
24. Sth. Claim one`s attention某事值得注意
25. clear out 清楚,澄清
名人情书26. Clear away把....清除掉
27. Stay clear of 避开
28. In collaboration with与.....合作
29. In commission 可以使用的
Compete for为了...而进行竞争with sb. In sth.
30. 能胜任
31. Compliment away赠送 compliment slip 礼帖 compliment sb. For sth.
32. A component 什么的组成部。。分
33. Do sth. For corporate good 为共同利益做事
34. Do credit to sb./sth.为...增光
35. 把....归功于
36. In one`s debt 欠某人的人情
37. Debt-to -equity ratio 权益负债表
38. To make a down-payment 下定金
39. Ast value will crash 资产价值将崩溃
40. To be in negative equity 负债资产
41. By far通常用来修饰最高级为“.....得多,最......”
42. Far/much用来修饰比较级
43. A whale is no much a fish than a hor is 鲸和马同样不是鱼
44. Rearch and development expenditure 研究与开发费用
45. In stoke 有库存
46. Swift delivery 快速的运输
47. Squeeze money out of sb.榨取某人钱财
48. Wield influence 施加影响
49. In effect 实际上
50. Hold on to 抓住...不放
51. Pass on 传给下一个
52. 当先行词是all /something/noting等或有序数词/形容词最高级或有
any /few/no/only/some/very 是只能用that引导
53. Declare against 声明反对.....declare one`s intention immediately 开门
54. the door 送货上门
商中55. Cash on delivery 货到付款 make prompt delivery 即期交货
56. Draft/bill on demand 即期汇票 demand a refund 要求退款
57. A current deposit活期存款 cash deposit 押款现金,现金存款
58. Be widely distributed 广泛分布的
59. Divest sb.of sth.剥夺某人....
60. Supporting documentation 证明文件资料
61. In due cour 到时候在,在适当的时候,due to 由于,应为,a book
due tomorrow  明天到期的书
62. On edge紧张不安,烦躁
63. At the 在....边上
64. Edge one`s way 侧身走过....
65. efficient administration 高效的管理
66. Be efficient in doing sth. 做某事效率高
67. Endor a bill 在汇票上背书 endor a proposal 认可提议
68. Endow with给予,赋予
69. equities turnover 股票成交金额
70. Estimate and offer sheet 估价与出价单,estimate premium 估计保险
71. High fliers 高材生
72. A t format 固定的模式
73. Format a disk 将软盘格式化
74. Going price现行价格,going project 进行中的项目
75. Grievance procedure投诉程序
76. In triplicate 一式三份
77. Make of 理解,处理
78. Control freak 控制狂人
79. Tunnel vision 井蛙之言
80. Yes-men 应声虫
81. Leads by example 以身作则
82. Take it for 认为什么事理所当然的
83. the spot 使某人陷入窘境
84. Take on board 注意到
85. a heart 为什么着想
86. bite off more than you can chew贪多嚼不烂
87. Cut corners抄近路,以简单的方法做事
墨梅古诗带拼音88. Can not e the wood for the trees一叶障目,不见泰山
89. Reading a news over a coffee,其中over意为一边....一边
90. A good laugh is a great tonic开怀大笑是一剂良药
91. Entrust sb.with sth./ sb.委托某人做某事
92. Utterly 简直,完全地
93. On the wrong track 奉行错误的方针
94. Company philosophy 企业宗旨
95. 正式报告中常用词有conquently subquently furthermore
96. A decline in 在.....方便的下降
97. Managerial quality :display integrity 显露真诚/build trust建立相互信
任/take risk 冒险/havecharisma/clearvalues/vision/lf-
skills/knowledge of situation/patient/perverance  具备领袖气质/清晰的价值观/眼力/自信心/献身精神/勇气/工作热情/处理人际关系的技巧/对局势的了解/耐心/毅力
Be adaptable/consistent / dedicated / honest / influential / initiative / inspiring
Reliable / responsible / lflessness / open-mind 适应性强的/坚持不懈/全身心投入的/诚实/有影响力的/主动性的/有鼓舞作用/可靠地/有责任心的/无私的/思想开明
98. Stakeholder 利害关系者传统行业有哪些
99. Have better doing sth.最好做某事
100. Be worth doing 值得做某事的
101. Be committed to doing sth.承认做某事
102. Get ud to doing sth.习惯做某事
103. Look forwarding to doing sth. 期望做某事
104. Object to doing sth.反对做某事
105. Be better placed to do sth.更适合做某事
106. 法律条文中的should多表义务,等同于必须
107. In bold 黑体
108. Butt in 插嘴
109. Ethics code 道德规范
110. Classified information 机密情报,分类信息
殷武111. Pass on ....to.....传递,转移
112. Inside dealing 圈内交易
113. Breach of confidence 破坏信用,泄密
114. It take all sorts to make a world 大千世界,无奇不有
115. You can not make an omelette without breaking eggs 有失才有得116. It is no u crying over spilt milk 覆水难收
117. If a job worth doing,it is worth doing well 要走就要做好
118. It is better to be safe than sorry 宁愿稳妥免得后悔
119. It is easy to be wi after the event 事后聪明容易
120. Before criticising a man, walk a mile in his shoes先设身处地,后做评价
121. If you are in a hole, stop digging 不要做无用的努力
122. Range over 论及,涉及
123. Out of range 在射程外
124. A wild range of knowledge 广博的知识
125. Price ratio 比价
126. A mass rally群众大会
127. Rally one`s spirits 振作精神
128. 大量的
129. Qualify for 有...什么的资格
130. Be qualified to do/for doing the work 能胜任....的工作131. Prospect for 勘探,勘查,in prospect of 预期
132. Promoter mutual understanding 促进相互理解
133. Net profits 净利
134. Be productive of sth. 产生什么的结果
135. Take priority over 享有......优先权
136. On the 在...的前提下
137. Public-opinion poll 民意调查
138. Poll tax 人头税
园林实习报告139. Poll parrot 胡说八道的人
140. Plug in 给...接通电源
141. Plug a leak 堵漏洞
142. Pitch in努力投入,使劲干
143. As black as pitch 漆黑的
144. Touch pitch 参与干坏事
145. Pirate label 非法翻录的磁带
146. Peer at 凝视
147. Peer through 费力的看
148. Overtake sb. In sth. 在某方面超过某人
姚贾149. Be overtaken with surpri 惊奇万分
150. Orientation for public opinion 舆论导向
151. Have an orientation to 着重于....方面
152. Be 对什么乐观
153. Have/leave one`s options open 保留选择的权利154. Nominate sb. As.... 任命某人为
155. Nominate sb. For 提名某人为.....的
156. Null and void 无效的
157. Be motivated to do sth.有动力做某事
158. Monopoly gain 专利收入
159. with/into 使.....结合
160. Industrial espionage 行业刺探行为
161. See through 看穿识破
162. Stand up to 经得起抵抗
163. Take up 占据,开始做
164. Stumbling block 障碍物,绊脚石
165. Start from scratch 从起点开始,从零开始
166. Reinvent the wheel 重做,完全重做

本文发布于:2023-07-30 22:33:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



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