Section 1 厄尔尼诺现象
El-Nino—the usual weather in the Pacific
文章介绍了厄尔尼诺显现的影响,“康拉德”号的海上调研以及结果,最后Gilbert Walker教授的理论研究和证实
填空题(famine,crops,global,ocean temperature,air pressure,mild winters)
Section2 工作场所
Section 3 手机
In many countries, the amount of rubbish is rapidly increasing. Why doe it happen? What can we do to solve this problem?小学语文课程标准
剑5 General Traning Test B, Writing Task 2:
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.
Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
审题:当题中有more and more,可在文中提及与过去的对比;当问政府措施,通常围绕立法、征税、罚款、投入经费、提供设施;当问到垃圾,属于环境话题,通常涉及污染、回收;此外,可对关键名词rubbish进行拆分,从而产生观点展开讨论。就考题而言,有“increasingly”,也可适当用“ past”之类的字样改写并回应。海珠喘息定片
I think it is true that in almost every country today each houhold and family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as procesd food. But even if we buyfresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags ud everywhere to carry shopping home.
The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.
学习点:回应“为什么”。第一句承接开头段提出的包装问题,使段落之间的衔接很紧密,具体的语言表达很扣题“we consume so much more families in the past”扣题中的 and more。第二句是个长句,进一步解释为什么包装增多。“图方便”可以是很多问题的原因,雅思写作小白可以记下来,用于“原因类”写作任务的构思。
阳字 However, I think the amount of waste produced is also a result of our tendency tou something once and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has ud up vaulable resources and energy to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispo of.
学习点:继续回应“为什么”,“is also a result of”是很好的连接和表达方式。第二句和第三句解释为什么会出现使用一次性物品的趋势。“缺乏观念”也是很多问题的原因。
I think,therefore,that governments need to rai this awareness in the general public. Children can be educated about enviromental issues at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling rvices and by fining houhoulds and shops th
at do not attempt to recycle their waste.文化小学
学习点:回应第二个写作任务“怎么办”。一是提高公众意识,这个idea承接了上一段的“forget”(认识不足)。二是鼓励环保行为,比如征包装税,提供回收设施,对不进行垃圾回收的家庭和商店进行罚款。这一段有一些同类问题的“万用表达”,比如:提高认识 rai the awareness,采取行动 take action,提供设施 provide rvices,征税 put tax on等。这一段还值得注意的是观点拓展方式,即分人群 children/adults和列举主体 houhold/shops。
红色演讲稿 With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to e our resources ud up and our planetpoisoned by waste.
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