Fudan ca阿斯美复方甲氧那明胶囊说明书
In April 2013, a former Fudan University student Lin Senhao was charged with intentional homicide for the killing of his roommate Huang Yang, which almost surprid the whole country. At prent, Lin Senhao has been ntenced to death at Shanghai No 2 Intermediate People's Court.
品格教育However, the judgement of the People's Court caus a debate becau some people think that Lin Senhao should not be ntenced to death. According to procutors, Huang died as a result of drinking water from a dispenr that had been poisoned with N-Nitrosodimethylamine. Lin stole the highly toxic chemical from a lab at Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, and then threw it into the dispenr. So procutors think Lin's behavior is intentional homicide. However, Lin said that he just wanted to make a joke becau the next day was the April Fool's Day.
Then, the problem becomes. If Lin did such thing deliberately, he should be ntenced to death; if Lin did it just as a joke, he should not be ntenced to death becau his behavior does not belong to intentional homicide.
In my opinion, Lin did such thing deliberately. However, tho who insist that Lin should not be ntenced to death think that Lin was not deliberate. They have there reasons. First is Lin's motivation. Lin said that his relationship with Hunag is general, they did not have any direct contradiction which could let him to kill Huang, so Lin didn't cau Huang's death deliberately. Second is Lin's purpo. Lin said that he just wanted to make a joke on Huang, but this result was out of his expect, he was not deliberate.Third is Lin said that he had done some experiment on mous, but the mous had not died.
But I don not agree with such ideas. If Lin did not have any direct contradiction with Huang Yang, and he did not want to kill Huang deliberately, why not telling doctors truth. Huang Yang had stayed in hospital for almost 15 days, during this time, Lin must have known that Huang Yang's condition was bad. If Lin could tell the poison which he put to th
e doctors in time, he might have the chance to save Huang Yang's life. But Lin did nothing, so I think Lin was deliberate.
Besides, the medicine professor in the Fudan university said that although the chemical like N-Nitrosodimethylamine is very dangerous, only enough amount of it can lead to people's death. And the students in the university also proved that it's hard to get enough N-Nitrosodimethylamine. If Lin was not deliberate, there were various kinds of chemials in the lab, why he cho such a dangerous one? If Lin was not deliberate, where can he found such amount of chemical?
活佛济公第二部In addition, the experiment on the mous can not prove anything. Man's body is different from mou, as a undergraduate of medicine major, Lin must know this. So why he still cho to do such thing? So I think Lin was deliberate. What's more, even though Lin just wanted to play a joke, what Lin did has a negative influence of the society. He is a bad sample, and maybe other students will imitate his behaior, which may caus rious social conquences.word免费模板
In conclusion, I think what Lin Senhao did is deliberate, so he should be ntenced to death.