1. Explain the following terms, u examples to illustrate (20分)
写父亲的作文Inflectional morpheme
Deep structure
Social linguistics
2. What are the maxims of the cooperative principle, u some examples to illustrate violation of the maxims may ri the particularization of the conversational implicature. (15分)
3. What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, do you agree with it; provide some examples or proof to support your point of view. (15分)
4. What is metaphor, u examples to explain the different kinds of it. (15分)
5. What are the principals of a good planning, explain each of them. (15分)
6. What are learning styles? What makes the differences between the field-independent and field-dependent students? (15分)
7. What is the code-switching in the language classroom, and why and how it happened? (15教师节的礼物分)
8. What is the need analysis? What is wanted to be obtained through it? How do the people carry on “need analysis”? (15分)
9. What are the principles of the reading teach? Explain them respectively. (15分)
10. Explain the difference between Focus on Form and Focus on Forms in language teac
hing, and explain the difference methodologies adopted bad on the two different beliefs on the language teaching. (20分)
1. Explain the following concept briefly. (40分)
Prescriptive and descriptive linguistics
Linguistic competence and linguistic performance
Denotation and connotation
Formative asssment, proficiency test and achievement test
2. In what way is language arbitrary? Can you give examples to show that language is not arbitrary? (15分)
3. The meaning of a ntence is determined by the meaning of its component parts and the way in which they are combined. Comment on this statement with example. (15分)
4. What are the product and process of language learning? (15分)
豆腐肉丸子的家常做法5. What is classroom management? What does it include? What principles do you usually ba on when you manage your class?
6. What does knowing a word involve? Give examples to illustrate your explanations. (15分)
7. What are the differences between the inductive method and the guided discovery method in teaching grammar? (15分)
8. What are the common question types in the language classroom? Explain different levels of thinking when answering different types of questions. Then design some questions for the following text that reflect the different levels of thinking. Specify the levels of understanding and give answers for each question you have designed.
1. Explain and exemplify the terms briefly. (20分)
凤凰古城自驾游攻略2. What are the basic functions of language?
3. Nowadays many new words are added to the English dictionary. Can you illustrate some ways to show how new words are formed?
4. 为什么高血压Explain Krashen’s Input Hypothesis.
5. What are the principles of communicative language teaching?
6. What are bottom-up and top-down model of teaching reading?
7. What are the procedures of process writing?
8. What are the features of good text books?
9. What are the principles of task-bad language teaching? Can you give some examples of a task?
1. 名词解释
Explain the following terms.
1. Explain the features of Language
2. Describe major changes that Language go through and the reasons for changes
3. How to understand Speech Act Theory?
4. Name 3 theories of L2 acquisition.