I. In each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the answer to the question, or best completes the ntence. (1×20=20)
1. Arbitrariness is mostly found at which of the following levels?
A. Sounds
B. Words
C. Syntax
D. All of the above
2. Each human language is organized into two basic systems, that is, .
A. sounds and meaning
B. vocabulary and grammar
C. syntax and meaning
D. phonetics and mantics
3. The branch of linguistics, which deals with the application of linguistic theories and methods to other fields, such as language disorders, language learning and teaching, etc. is called .
元宵节卡片A. applied linguistics
B. discour analysis
C. systemic-functional linguistics
D. sociolinguistics
4.When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound gment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are said to form a .
A. a minimal pair
B. a distinctive pair
C. a phonetic pair
D. a phonological pair
5. The study of how sounds are put together and ud to convey meaning in communication is _______________.
A. morphology
B. general linguistics
C. phonology
D. mantics
6. A transcription records many features if utterance can be ascertained by the phoneticians and it captures the exact articulatory details of each sound.
A. broad
B. narrow
C. wide
D. phonetic
7. refers to the influence exercid by one sound gment upon the articulation of another so that two sounds become alike or identical.
A. nasalization
B. assimilation
C. aspiration
D. dissimilation
8. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is .
A. grammatical
B. morphemic
C. mantic
D. lexical
9.The stem of the word “disagreements” is .
A. agreement
破格晋升B. disagreement
C. agree
D. disagree
10. is an abstract and technical term which refers to the smallest unit in the
meaning system of a language that can be distinguished from other smaller units.
A. Lexicon
B. Lexeme
C. Morpheme
D. Phoneme
11. A subordinate clau may rve many grammatical categories except .
A. predicate
B. object
C. subject
D. adverbial
12. According to Talmy, cognitive linguistics eks to ascertain the global integrated
system of structuring in language.
A. conceptual
B. contextual
C. cultural
D. social
13. is a process in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of
the way a person speaks or writes a language.
A. Internalization
B. Fossilization
C. Externalization
D. Reorganization
14. According to Chomsky, children are born with a(n) ability to acquire
A. innate
B. external
C. acquired
D. psychological
15.Predicate logic, also called predicate calculus, studies the internal structure of
A. simple propositions
B. composite propositions
C. simple ntences
D. compound ntences
16. The ntence “It is raining” is a predication.
A. three-place
B. two-place
C. one-place
D. no-place
17.The following are the characteristics of the conversational implicature
A. calculability
B. cancellability
C. Acceptability
D. non-detachability
18.The ntence “My boss is not unfriendly to me” implies that my boss is less than
fully friendly to me. This implied meaning is deduced from ___________.
A. Austin’s theory
B. Grice’s theory
C. Horn’s R- principle
D. Levinson’s M- principle
19. The metric pattern in the line “Willows │ whiten │, aspens │ quiver” is
A. Iambic foot
B. Trochaic foot
C. Anapestic foot
D. Dactylic foot
20. The line “Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king” contains a
A. reverd rhyme.
B. internal rhyme
C. end rhyme
D. pararhyme
新闻的英语II.Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper word. (1×20=20)
21. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ___________ study.
22. Phonetics is the study of human speech sounds while phonology is the study of
sound ___________.
23. ___________ is regarded as the founding father of modern linguistics.
24. Chomsky defines competence as the ideal ur’s knowledge of the rules of his
language and performance,the___________of this knowledge in linguistics
25. ___________ are the vowels in which the posture of the tongue and lips is
assumed to be stable.
26. “Gentle” is the ___________ of the word “gentlemanliness
27. For any natural language, a t of___________ rules are capable of yielding an
endless number of ntences.
28. The term ___________ in some approaches refers to class and functions in its
narrow n, e.g., noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phra, verb phra, etc., More specifically, it refers to the defining properties of the general units.
29. “ ___________ ” is a term ud in generative linguistics to refer to rules which are学科教学英语
capable of repeated application in generating a ntence and also to the structure thus generated.
30. ___________ meaning is what is communicated through association with another
n of the same expression.
31. “Buy” and “ll” are a pair of ___________ antonyms, also called relational
32. Conceptual meaning is also called denotative, cognitive or ___________meaning,
which refers to the definition given in the dictionary.
33. ___________ specifies the relationship between a word or phra and a specific
object in the external world.
34. A ___________ act is the act of uttering words, phras, claus. It is the act of
conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.
35. “She ran across the field” and “She ran through the field” differ in ________ of
the speakers.
36.B’s answer in the following dialogue might have two implicatures.Bad on
Sperber and Wilson’s theory, ________ is the most important factor in deciding on the correct implicature.
A: Do you want some coffee?
B: Coffee would keep me awake.
37.We can figure out, from Levinson’s ________, that the ntence “It’s possible that
Buddhism is the world’s oldest living religion” implies “It is not certain that Buddhism is the world’s oldest living religion”.
38. The ntence “My spirit ro” is a ________metaphor.
39. The ntence “His pur would not allow him the luxury” is a ________
40. The following two lines taken from Alfred Tennyson’s The Brook
I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,
纳粹思想Among my skinning swallows.
III. Define the following terms. (3×10=30)
41. metalingual function
42. co-articulation
43. free morpheme
44. relation of co-occurrence
45. thematic meaning
46. complementary antonyms
47. image schema
48. constative
49. proposition logic
50. stream of consciousness
IV. Answer the following questions(6×5=30)
51. What is performative function? Give an example to illustrate the function.
52. What is the difference between complementary distribution and free variation?
Illustrate the difference with two examples.
53. What implicature might be drawn from the following dialogue? What maxim in
Grice’s Cooperative Principle is violated? Expound the maxim.
Aunt: How did Jimmy do his history examination?
Mother: Oh, not at all well. They asked him things that had happened before the poor boy was born.
54. What can you infer, by using the R-principle in Horn’s theory, from the ntence
“I cut a finger in the morning”? State the principle.
55. What rhyme is ud in the following short poem is? State the rhyme.
I don’t mind eels
Except at meals
And the way they feels
----- Ogden Nash