Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols ud for human communication.
Arbitrariness(任意性): the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning
语言符号的形式与意义之间没有必然联系 bear(具有)
Phoneme(音位): It is a phonological concept, an abstract unit. It refer to the smallest unit of sound which is ud to distinguish between words. 是一个音韵学概念,是一个抽象单位,它是用来区分单词的声音的最小单位。
Back-formation武汉景点排行榜前十名(逆构词法)refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.是构词法中一种不规则的类型,即把一个语言中已经存在的较长单词删去想象中的词缀,由此造出一个较短的单词赞美竹子的诗句
Coordination (并列关系)qq绑定手机is a common syntactic(语法的)pattern in English and other languages formed by grouping together two or more categories of the same type with the help of a conjunction(结合)such as and, but and or .并列是英语以及其他语言中一种常见的句法关系,由同类型的两个或两个以上的范畴,借助连词and,but或者or组合而成。
Number(数)is a grammatical category(语法范畴)ud for the analysis of word class displaying such contrasts as singular, dual(双数), plural(复数), etc. 用来分析词类的语法范畴,有:单数、双数、复数等。李子的英文
Reference(指称) refers to the concrete entities having the properties. It studies the relationship between the real experience and the linguistic terms. 指称指的是具体实物拥有的属性。它是研究真实经历与语言方面的关系。
Categorization(范畴化)Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories bad on commonalities(共同) and differences. It is a major ingredient in the creation of human knowledge.范畴化是人类基于经验的异同对经验进行分类的过程,是人类知识的产生不可或缺的成分,它使人类能够把现在的经验与过去的经
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(s-w)假设 Linguistic determinism: Linguistic may determine our thinking patterns.语言决定我们的思考模式
商君列传Linguistic relativity: different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around.不同的语言给人们提供的表达世界的方式不同。
Fossilization linguistic phenomena are linguistic items,rules and subsystems which speakers of a particular native language will tend to keep in their interlanguage relative to a particular target language,no matter what the age of the learner or the amount of explanation and instruction he receives in the target language