Modern Language Association Style
1. Content of Parenthetical Citations (引文出处信息)
Author named in text (行文中出现作者姓名)
Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (1).
Author not named in text (行文中不出现作者姓名)
Several scholars have studied recent developments in academia in the context of the history of university teaching (e. g., Graff ).
Modern literary studies have their origin in classical studies (Graff 19-35 ).除夕夜守岁
Reference to entire book (提及某部专著)
Slade’s revision of a Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1995 edition of the MLA Handbook.
Work with four authors (有多位作者的专著)
当专著有四位或者更多作者时,可列出所有四位作者或者仅仅给出第一位作者的姓,并在其后注明好句简短“et al”。 (et al是“and others”的缩写,意为“等等”):
The authors of Women’s Way of Knowing make a distinction between “parate knowing”
and “connected knowing” (Belenky et a1. 100-30) or (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule 100-30).
That book chronicles visionary experiences in early modern Spain (Christian, Jr.).
Editor or compiler (编辑整理者)
Many of the articles in Rearch on Composing advocate further exploration of the motivation for writing (Cooper and Odell ).
Corporate author (集体作者)
The annua1 report revealed substantial progress in fundraising (American Muum of Natural History 12, hereafter AMNH).... (AMNH 15).
Multivolume work (多卷头著作)
This valuable reference work surveys the major operas of Mozart and Puccini (Newman, vol. 2).
辛弃疾的诗Newman discuss the controversy about the quality of Mozart’s The Magic Flute (2: 104-05).
(Newman 2: 104-05)
Two or more works by same author (同位作者的不同专著)
Shaughnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Errors 79 ).
Teachers applauded Shaughnessy’s asrtion that “teaching them [beginning writers] to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for tho who would be teachers and scholars in a democracy” (“Diving In” 68).
Material cited in another source (材料引自二手来源)
当你引用的是二手材料时,须在其出处名称后注明“qtd”。 你实际引用材料的作者和标题要保留在参考文献书目中。
Goethe wrote that “it takes more culture to perceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects” (qtd. in Newman 2: 104).
Multiple citations (多部著作的引用)
(Errors 79; “Diving In” 68; Brooks and Warren 5)
Literary works (文学作品的引用)
Margery Kempe relates the details of her journey to Constance with pilgrims headed for Jerusalem (96-98; bk. 1, chap. 26).
In an aside, Claudius informs the audience that the queen has drunk from the poisoned cup he intended for Ham1et (5. 2. 274).
2. Placement and Punctuation of Parenthetical Documentation (项目排列和标点)
出处信息应该在语句的结尾。 如果是直接引语,出处信息要在引号之后; 最后是句号,逗号,冒号,和分号。
Tannen argues that “men and women have different assumptions about the place of talk in relationships” (85).
“Men and women have different assumptions about the place of talk in relationships,” according to Tannen (85).
What changes in behavior could result from the assumption that, as Tannen puts it, “men and women have different assumptions about the place of talk in relationships” (85)?
Understanding that “men and women have different assumptions about the place of talk in relationships” (Tannen 85) might help teachers understand their students’ comments.
Schele and Freidel explain that for the Mayas “the Underworld was sometimes ” (66).
According to Schele and Freidel, the Maya reprented each point of the compass with a different color.
East was red and the most important direction since it was where the sun was born. North, sometimes called the “side of heaven,” was white and the direction from which the cooling rains of West, the leaving or dying place of the sun, was black. South was yellow. (66)形容声音很大的四字词语