Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives.面包的做法烤箱 Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)
1.Language is ________.( )
A.the product of the human brain B.rule governed
C.independent of culture D.the result of social institutions
2.Culture is a loan word from ________.
A.French B.Latin C.Roman D.Norwegian
3.In South Africa, Australia and New Zealand the first week day after Christmas is ________.( )
A.Boxing Day B.Thanksgiving Day
C.Easter D.St.Valentine's Day寿联
4.A bun or bread roll containing fried or grilled steak is called 竞争力的英语 .( )
A.hamburger B.sandwich C.hot dog D.pudding
5.In the following words,________ contains a derivational morpheme.
A.nicer B.maps C.precede D.worked
6.In the following statements,________ is not true.( )
A.“English is a language with explicit grammar and Chine is a language with implicit grammar.”
B.“Compared with Chine, English has more grammatical morphemes that are ud more frequently in either speech or writing.”
C.“Chine has no grammatical morphemes.”
D.“Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.”
7.We can often find personal names in English that are related to .( )
A.historical events B.natural phenomena
C.influential figures D.the place of birth
8.Abraham is a ________.( )
A.religious name B.flower name
C.weapon name D.name of authority
9.The Chine personal letters generally sound more ________ in tone than their corresp
onding English ones.
A.formal B.informal C.ornate D.plain
10.“To have the tendency to stretch the truth”can be ud as the euphemism for “________”.( )
A.to provide true information B.to tell others’ fortune
C.to lie D.to steal
11.The expression that can be ud as the euphemism for “garbage collector”is “________”.
A.collecting engineer B.garbage engineer
C.sanitary engineer D.sanitation engineer.
12.寒舍 is equivalent to ________ in English.
A.my home B.my humble home C.my cold hou D.my shabby hut
13.The Chine expression“给我一座金山,我也不干”corresponds to the English idiom ________.( )
A.to keep one's no clean B.not for all the tea in China
C.not to bat an eyelid D.to make one's flesh creep
14.“Not to mince one's words”means ________.
A.speak frankly,bluntly or coarly B.speak indirectly
C.speak thoughtfully D.speak mindlessly
15.The expression “that young man is a bear at mathematics” has a similar meaning to ________.( )
A.that young man is bad at mathematics B.that young man is good at mathematics
C.that young man is clumsy at mathematics D.that young man is a mathematician
16.In English culture “white” connotes ________.( )
A.death B.cruelty C.reaction D.innocence狗的年龄
17.British English is spoken in ________.( )
A.Great Britain B.Australia C.New Zealand D.A,B,and C.
18.Rubbing one's thumb against one's forefinger and middle finger means in English body language system.
A.money B.dirt C.OK D.victory
19.Gestures that can fully take the place of spoken words are .( )
A.illustrators B.emblems C.regulators D.adapters
20.Generally ________ is the most difficult among the following in the learning of foreign
nonverbal communication.( )
A.transfer B.reassociation C.conflict D.reinterpretation
Ⅱ.EAch of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives.Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)