清空重填/RetForm |
1.1 外文姓名/ Full Name: 姓 / Surname: 中间名 / Middle Name: | 照片 / Photo 请将 1 张近期正面免 冠、浅色背景的彩色护照 照片粘贴于此。 Plea affix one recent passport style color photo, with full face, front view, no hat, and against a plain light background. | ||||
名 / Given Name: | 1.2 性别 / Sex: □男/ □ M 女/F | ||||
1.3 中文姓名 / Chine Name if Applicable: | 1.4 现有国籍 / Current Nationality: | ||||
1.5 别名或曾用名 / Other or Former Name: | 1.6 曾有国籍 / Former Nationality: | ||||
1.7 出生日期 / Date of Birth(YY-MM-DD): | 1.8 出生地点(国、省/市) / Place (Province/State, Country) of Birth: | ||||
1.10 护照号码 / Passport Number: | 1.11 签发日期 / Date of Issue(YY-MM-DD): | ||||
1.12 签发地点(省/市及国家) / Place (Province/State, Country) of Issue: | 1.13 失效日期 / Expiration Date(YY-MM-DD): | ||||
1.14 当前职业(可多选)/ Your Current Occupation(s): □商人 / Businessman □教师、学生 / Teacher or Student □政府官员 / Government Official □乘务人员 / Crew Member of Airlines, Trains or Ships □新闻从业人员 / Staff of Media □议员 / Member of Parliament, Congressman or Senator □宗教人士 / Clergy □其他(请说明) /Other (Plea specify): | |||||
2.1 申请赴中国主要事由(可多选)/ Major Purpo(s) of Your Visit(s) to China: □旅游 / Tourism □执行乘务 / As Crew Member of Airlines, Trains or Ships □探亲 / Visiting Relatives □记者常驻 / As Resident Journalist □商务 / Business Trip □记者临时采访 / As Journalist for Temporary News Coverage □过境 / Transit □外交官、领事官赴华常驻 / As Resident Diplomat or Consul in China □留学 / Study □官方访问 / Official Visit □商业演出 / Commercial Performance □任职就业 / Employment □其他(请说明) / Other (Plea specify): | |||||
2.2 计划入境次数 / Intended Number of Entries | □一次入出境有效 (3 个月内有效) / Single entry valid for 3 months; 关于昆虫的手抄报□二次入出境有效 (6 个月内有效) / Double entry valid for 6 months; □半年内多次入出境有效 / Multi-entry valid for 6 months; □一年内多次入出境有效 / Multi-entry valid for 12 months. | ||||
足球教学 2.3 首次可能抵达中国的日期 / Date of Your First Possible Entry into China (YY-MM-DD) | 如何找工作 | ||||
2.4 预计你一次在华停留的最长天数 / Your Longest Intended Stay in China | Days | ||||
2.5 请按时间顺序列明你访问中国的地点(省及 市 / 县 ) / Plea list Counties/Cities and Provinces to visit in China in a time quence: | |||||
2.6 办理签证通常需要 4 个工作日,你是否想另 交费要求加急或特急服务 / Normally, visa processing takes 4 working days. Do you request express or rush rvice by paying extra fee? | □加急(2-3 个工作日) / Express for 2-3 working days; □特急(1 个工作日) / Rush for 1 working day. | ||||
3.1 你是否曾经被拒绝颁发中国签证? Have you ever been refud a visa for China?虎头鸡 | □否 / No □是/Yes |
3.2 你是否曾经被拒绝进入或被遣送出中国? Have you ever been refud entry into or deported from China? | □否 / No □是/Yes |
3.3 你在中国或其他国家是否有犯罪记录? Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? | □否 / No □是/Yes |
3.4 你现在是否患有以下任一种疾病/ Do you suffer from any of the following dias? ①精神病/ Mental Dias ②开放性肺结核/ Open Tuberculosis ③性病/ Venereal Dias ④感染 HIV 或艾滋病/ HIV Positive or AIDS ⑤麻风病/ Leprosy ⑥其他传染性疾病/ Other infectious dias | □否 / No □是/Yes |
3.5 是否曾经访问中国/Have you ever visited China before? | □否 / No □是/Yes |
3.6 对问题 3.1-3.4 选择“是”并不表示你就无资格申请签证,请说明详细情况/ If you lect Yes to any question from 3.1 to 3.4, you do not lo eligibility for visa application. Plea give detailed reasons for your answer. | |
4.1 你的工作单位或学校名称 / Name of Your Employer or School: | 4.2 日间电话 / Daytime Phone Number:贺卡大全 |
奶瓶龋齿怎么治疗 4.3 你的工作单位或学校地址 / Address of Your Employer or School: | 4.4 夜间电话 / Nighttime Phone Number: |
4.5 你的家庭住址 / Your Home Address: | 4.6 你的电子信箱 / Your Email: |
4.7 在华邀请、联系的单位名称或探亲对象的姓名 / Name of Inviter, Contact or Your Relative in China: | 4.8 联系电话 / Phone Number of Your Contact: |
4.9 在华邀请、联系的单位名称或探亲对象的地址 / Address of Inviter, Contact or Your Relative in China: | 4.10 电子信箱 / Email of Your Contact: |
6.1 代填人姓名 /Name of Person Completing the Form: | 6.2 与申请人关系 / Relationship to the Applicant: |
6.3 代填人地址及电话 /Address and Phone Number of that Person: | 6.4 代填人签名 /Signature of that Person: |
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