绿僵菌整体性的视⾓ —— 造翼者词汇表
生产质量标语The human instrument , becau it is fragmented and limited to five-ns, truly desires the Wholeness Perspective; a way to absorb life experience, process it, and move on to the next thing with grace and ea. This is what is desired, no matter what name is ud to describe it. Wholeness is accepting all realities and moving through them with a feeling of integration, unity, equality, and non-judgement. It means there are no dualities that are real. It means that all experience is equal and grounded in the transcendent reality of the One That Is All. And most importantly, it means that the One That Is All is you, me, him,her, it,that, and tho. Nothing is excluded or rejected.
⼈类仪具,因为是⽚段的并被限制在五种感官之中的,真正渴望的是整体性的视⾓;⼀种吸收⽣命经验,处理它,然后带着⾃在与优雅移动到下⼀件事情上的⽅式。这就是被渴望的,不管⽤什么名字来形容它。整体性就是接受所有的实相,带着⼀种整体,联合,平等和⾮判断的感觉,穿⾏于它们其中。那意味着没有⼆元性是真实的。那意味着所有经验都是平等的并且建⽴在那超然的⼀即是所有的实相的基础之上。⽽最重要的是,那意味着那 One that is All (⼀即是所有) ,就是你,我,他,她,它,那个和那些。没有什么是被排除在外或拒绝的。精美手机壁纸大全