内置***Built-in *** | 像素pixels | |
锂电池Lithium battery | 充电器Charger | |
立体声耳机Stereo headphones | 数据线Data liner | |
说明书Instruction manual | 超长待机Super long standby | |
蓝牙Bluetooth | 电子书E-book | |
调频收音机FM radio | 摄像头Camera | 科学幻想绘画 |
双摄像头Dual camera | 网络制式Network system | |
外观款式Appearance style | 外观材质Appearance material | |
直板手机 (Slim)bar phone | 有声录像Audio video | |
翻盖手机 Clamshell phone /Flip phone | 录像质量调节Video quality regulation | |
滑盖手机 Slide phone | 双卡双待Dual SIM dual standby | |
彩屏Color screen | 通话时间Communication time | |
待机时间Standby time | 来电铃声Incall ring | |
手机铃音 Mobile phone ringtone | 振动 Vibrate | |
和弦Polyphonic | 背景播放Background play | |
均衡器EQ (Equalizer) | 录音Audio | |
录像Video | 双频Dual band | |
短信SMS (Short Message Service) | 彩信MMS (Multi-media Messaging Service) | |
小区广播Broadcast message | 语音短信Voice message | |
内存容量Memory capacity | 内存扩展Memory expansion | |
U盘U disk | 数据传输Data transfer | |
无力蔷薇卧晓枝浏览器Web browr | 闹钟Alarm clock | |
日历Calendar | 日程表Schedule | |
计算器Calculator | 记事本Notebook | |
备忘录Memo | 语音备忘录Voice memo | |
世界时钟World time | 货币换算Currency conversion | |
单位换算Unit conversion | 定时器Timer | |
秒表Stopwatch | 自动键盘锁Auto key lock | |
自动开关机Auto power on /off | 电话防火墙Tel-firewall | |
生日祝福语小朋友短信防火墙SMS firewall | 电话本Telephone directory | |
来电群组Caller group | 手机用户 Mobile phone ur/subscriber | |
输入法Input | 英文大小写English in capital and lowerca | |
拼音Pinyin | 笔画Stroke | |
多国语言Multi language | 数字Figure | |
符号Symbol | 分辨率resolution | |
静音Mute | 免提Handsfree | |
IP拨号IP dial | 通话记录Call records | |
待机图片Screen saver pic | 开关机动画on / off cartoon | |
8倍数码变焦Eight times digital zoom | 导航键Direction key | |
蓝牙立体声闹钟Bluetooth stereo alarm clock | 上市时间Time for market | |
分组管理Group management | 名片式管理Namecards management | |
国产仿***Domestic imitation of *** | 主要参数Major Parameters | |
来电大头贴Full screen caller | 电话归属地查询Incall location enquiry | |
分组铃声Group ring | 手机内置游戏Phone games和易 | 日记怎么写五年级 |
QQ网游QQ online games | 快进Fast forward | |
智能手机Smart phone | GPS卫星语音航行GPS satellite voice navigation | |
在线炒股Online stock | 公交线路查询Bus line enquiries | |
电子书阅读器E-book readers | 办公文件阅读/编辑reading and editing office document in EXCEL/WORD | |
来电显示Incall display | 来电显示对方所在地Incall location display | |
Group messages | 手写输入Handwriting | |
手写+键盘输入Inputting both in hands and keypad | GPRS下载Download by GPRS | |
红外接口Infrared interface | ||
操作菜单 Options | 待机模式 Standby mode | |
菜单模式 List view/ grid view | 自动重拨 Automatic redial | 家风作文800字 |
壁纸 Wallpaper | 快速拨号 Speed dial | |
储值卡 Pre-paid phone card | 语音拨号 Voice dial | |
语音提示 Voice prompt | 任意键应答 Any key answer | |
翻盖接听 Flip answer | 限制呼叫 Fixed dial | |
按键 Keypad | powerpoint 呼出通话 Outgoing call | |
按键音 Keypad tone | 被叫通话 Incoming call | |
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