Manuscript ID: JORS-13-0407-P
Recommendation: Major revision
Comments to the Authors:
The prent work propos radial and non-radial models to measure the efficiencies of production systems with multi-stage structure. The authors also develop an approach to identify the largest and the smallest MPSS projections associated with each DMU.
It looks that the references are poor and outdated in introduction. I recommend the authors to mention some recent literatures about MPSS, radial and non-radial measurements, and so on.
Bad on model (2), we can obtain that and cannot claim that in optimality we have. If there are other operations, plea describe in detail. This must be clarified as it is a crucial condition for next proofs. Most of all, it ems that the propod model cannot be extended to the K-stage structure when K>=3 becau the constraints about the intermediate process don't affect the optimal objective value of the model. That means, it will obtain a same objective value for K=2, 3, 4.....The other models have the same problem.
Plea note that the constraints 柔道家 in model (2) and in model (9) are not equivalent. If you suppo that the intermediate products are not fixed in model (9) Plea clarify.卡扎菲
Maybe the authors should take some constraints into consideration about in model (6). If we t we obtain a wrong model.半衰期是什么意思啊
Although just an example, I recommend the authors to provide the data source of Table 1.
I cannot understand why the authors add one constraint into model (11). In addition, it disappears in model (13) and (14), plea explain.
The authors should significantly revi the English writing.
This manuscript looks like a draft and the authors should check the technical errors throughout the paper. Here are some examples.
1) Plea translate the Arabic in Figure 1 into English.
2) The variables should have uniform typeface.
3) I am pretty sure the "redial" should be "radial" in abstract and "deffinition" should be "definition" in page 4, etc. The authors should check the manuscript carefully to estimate spelling and grammatical errors. 巧授连环计
Although I e some merits about the model it looks like a simple extension of two-stage structure without new insight and hence I recommend a major revision before publication of this paper in JORS.