
更新时间:2023-07-30 01:24:24 阅读: 评论:0

By Yang
1.Definition of the latest terms
As regards to the definition of the latest terms, different scholars give different definitions for different rearch needs. Alleged the latest terms are the words with new connotations and new forms that exist in the original vocabulary system, or tho which do not exist in original vocabulary system but have new connotations. The latest terms can also be named as neologism, invented words, which are all created for the new things, new phenomenon, new expressions, and new concepts. It is a relative concept with developing nature. It is new in this period and old in another, and every epoch has its new words. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chine Dictionary (2002), “Neologism” (latest terms) can be defined as “newly-invented word”, while in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a “Neologism” is “a new word or expression, or a new meaning for an older word”.
Numerous scholars have shown great interests in the emergence of the latest terms in languages. At the same time, some of the scholars engage themlves in exploring this linguistic phenomenon. As regards to the definition of the latest terms, some scholars suggest that the latest term is the idiom ud to described a word that has been invented or made up by a speaker (Chen, 2003: 25). And others state that the latest term may be a slang word that has yet to find its way into mainstream conversation. Among all the distinctive definitions of the latest terms, Peter Newmark precily defines the latest term “it is a newly-coined lexical unit or existing lexical unit that acquires new n.” (Peter Newmark2005100)
2. Classification of the latest Chine terms
Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in China, the changes of language increasingly accelerate as the rapid development of society, economy, culture and scientific technology. The increa of the latest Chine terms becomes faster than any other period. Some learners believe that about one thousand latest terms occur per y
ear in Chine, and three a day on the average. It can be en that a large number and a high speed are the most outstanding features of the latest terms. Such kinds of the latest terms can be en as the symbol of the social development. And the cond feature of the latest terms is that it covers a greatly wide range of Chine society. They can be en from almost all aspects of the society, such as politics, economy, science and technology, culture. The latest Chine terms generated in recent years can be divided into the following categories.
2.1 Terms about politics
There are many latest new terms occurring in formal written language, which have strong political undertones and cloly related to the current political situation of China. Look at the following examples:
小康社会-----a well-off society 和谐社会-----harmonious society
道德法庭-----conscience forum 权钱交易达速电影网-----trade power from money
白色收入-----legal income 黑色收入-----illegal income
江湖悲剧反贪-----anti-embezzlement 灰色收入-----income from moonlighting
以人为本-----human-orientated; people foremost; people oriented
八荣八耻----- the ‘eight honor and eight shame’s outlook
廉政建设-----clean government building
求同存异-----ek common ground while putting asides differences
白页-----directly with phone numbers of the government agencies and social groups
2.2 Terms about economy
With the rapid development of Chine economy, a lot of new terms related to economy emerge in daily life. All this kind of new terms are the embodiment of the new economic status of China. Here are a lot of examples:
看病人送什么花合适豆腐渣工程-----jerry-built project 形象工程-----vanity projec
横向经济联系小心点英语怎么说-----lateral economic ties 朝阳产业-----sunri industry
投资热点-----popular investment spot 假日经济-----holiday economy
竞争上岗-----compete for a post 扶贫-----poverty alleviation
转轨-----transfer to a different track 下海江雪拼音版古诗-----go into business
亚洲四小龙-----four Asian tigers 钉子户-----recalcitrant
拳头产品-----competitive products 小金库-----a private coffer
连锁店-----chain store
三农工作-----work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
万村下乡市场工程-----the project of developing rural retail network
用扑克牌做收纳盒一条龙服务-----a rvice of coordinated process
草根工业-----grass root industry (refers to village and township enterpris which take root among farmers and grow like wild grass.
2.3 Terms about science and technology
The development of any nation of the world could not leave away from its science and technology. Especially in the years, a lot of new inventions and scientific events appear in our life. The English translation of such terms are as follows:
神州飞船-----Shenzhou Spaceship 火炬计划-----Torch program
功能食品-----functional food 子弹头列车-----bullet train
厄尔尼诺现象-----ELNINO 核威慑力-----nuclear deterrent励志电影排行榜前十名
中国硅谷-----China’s Silicon Valley
2.4 Terms about entertainment
With the promotion of the level of our social life, more and more people have paid more attention to entertainment so as to make their life more colorful and exciting. Naturally the latest terms cloly related to entertainment happen in our daily life, such as following examples:
福娃-----Fuwa 韩流-----South Korea fad
恶搞-----spoof 网络咖啡吧-----cybercafe
假唱-----lip-synch 超女-----super girl
八卦-----Eight Diagrams; Bagua
绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运-----Environmental-friendly Olympics, Culture-enriched Olympics, and Technology-empowered Olympics
走穴-----actors, singers, etc perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to

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