Nonconformity Report
Organisation: 33357/CPM-Shanghai Jiexin Auto Parts Co., Ltd./上海杰信汽车部件有限公司 - Audit: 02/2013
Minor | Major | N° 骨刺治疗方法S1-01/03 |
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Nonconformity noted
Requirement reference – Standard clau number or procedure reference
ISO/TS 16949 :2009 Quality objectives - Supplemental质量目标-补充
Top management shall define quality objectives and measurements that shall be included in the business plan and ud to deploy the quality policy.
NOTE Quality objectives should address customer expectations and be achievable within a defined time period.
The organization has established business plan, but lack of related to qualified rate, Delivery defective rate and others quality targets and measurement method in the business plan.
Description of nonconformity / System NC:
The organization’s performance asssment process is failure
Risk (client/product/process/system), level of risk which can justify the classification of the NC:
Low risk: Not impact the final product, but not conducive to the performance management
Sites concerned: No. 368, Chunyi Road, Huangdu Industrial Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai PRC.
Auditor: Vincent Wang Naisong | Date: 23 Feb 2013 |
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Corrective action(s) propod by the organisation
Containment measures (in ca of Major non-conformity): 临时措施
Timely supplementary annual business plans of quality objectives and quality policy and objective calculation method; Process performance is effectively controlled.
Handling of nonconformity / action to correct the problem: 不合格处理/解决措施
Supplementary annual business plans of quality objectives and quality policy and objective calculation method; Process performance is effectively controlled.
Root cau analysis (caus of occurrence and non-detection): 根本原因
Relevant management personnel of a business plan fails to attention.
Management personnel of a business plan is not familiar with the relevant details.
Systematic corrective action proposal:针对根本原因的长期措施
Timely make system training and management support structure, the relevant management personnel do system training
Means to verify the effectiveness: 验证有效性
Improved in time.
Accountable action owner (if veral actions, indicate the name of the person responsible for each action): 责任人
Jinxia zhu、guangqiang xu
Target completion预计完成日期: 2013-03-10
Review of the corrective action(s)
Relevant : Yes No | Awaiting future verification | On site | Off site |
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- In ca of Major nonconformity, containment measures are put in place
to prevent any customer risk? yes no n/a
- The nonconformity has been corrected? yes no n/a
- A detailed root cau analysis (including systemic cau) is conducted
using a rigorous method (5 why, 8D…) and is attached? yes 工作该怎么找 no n/a
- A corrective (and preventive if needed) actions plan is defined? yes no n/a
- The propod deadlines are realistic? yes no n/a
- The organization has provided the means to verify the effectiveness? yes no n/a
Additional comments and evidence provided :
展示用英语怎么说 Lead Auditor: | Date: |
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Review of the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) taken
Description of corrective action:
Result: 呼吸机使用方法 | Nonconformity cleared | Nonconformity extended in NC Report N° |
Lead auditor: | Date: |
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Review of the Nonconformity by the Certification Body (if it takes place): |
Surname: | Date: |
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Nonconformity Report
Organisation: 33357/CPM-Shanghai Jiexin Auto Parts Co., Ltd./上海杰信汽车部件有限公司 - Audit: 02/2013
Minor | Major | N° S1-02/03 |
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