A/D | analog to digital |
AA | atomic absorption |
AAS | atomic absorption spectroscopy |
ABC | activity-bad costing |
ABM | activity-bad management |
AC | alternating current; activated carbon |
ACF | anisotropic conductive film |
ACI | after-clean inspection |
ACP | anisotropic conductive paste |
ACT | alternative control techniques; actual cycle time |
ADC | analog-to-digital converter |
ADE | advanced development environment |
ADI | after-develop inspection |
ADT | applied diagnostic technique |
ADTSEM | Apply/Develop Track Specific Equipment Model |
AE | atomic emission; acousticemission; absolute ellipsometry |
AEC | advanced equipment controller |
AECS | Advanced Equipment ControlSystem; Automated Equipment Control System |
AEI | after-etch inspection; automated equipment interface |
AEM | analytical electron microscopy |
AES | Auger emission/electron spectroscopy |
AFM | atomic force microscopy |
AFP | abrasive-free polish |
Ag | silver |
A-GEMTF | Advanced GEM Task Force |
AGV | automated guided vehicle |
AHF | anhydrous hydrogen fluoride |
AHU | air handling unit |
AIR | automated image retrieval |
Al | aluminum |
ALD | atomic layer deposition |
ALE | atomic layer epitaxy; application logic element |
ALS | advanced light source; advanced low-power Schottky |
AMC | airborne molecular contamination |
AMHS | automated material handling system |
AMT | advanced manufacturing technology |
AMU | atomic mass unit |
ANN | artificial neural network |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
AOV | air-operated valve |
AP | adhesion promoter |
APA | advanced performance algorithm |
APC | advanced process control |
APCD | add-on pollution control device |
APCFI | Advanced Process Control Framework Initiative |
APCVD | atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition |
APEC | advanced process equipment control |
API | application programming interface; atmospheric pressure ionization |
APM | atmospheric passivation module; acoustic plate mode |
APRDL | Advanced Products Rearch and Development Laboratory |
aPSM | attenuating pha-shift mask |
AQI | ACCESS query interface |
AQL | acceptable quality level |
Ar | argon |
AR | aspect ratio |
ARAMS | 大时钟Automated Reliability |
ARC | antireflective coating |
ARDE | aspect ratio-dependent etching |
ARPA | Advanced Rearch Projects Agency (e DARPA) |
ARS | angle-resolved scattering |
As | arnic |
AS/RS | automated storage and retrieval system |
ASAP | Advanced Stepper Application Program |
ASIC | application-specific integrated circuit |
ASO | automatic shutoff |
ASP | advanced strip and passivation; advanced strip processor |
ASR | automated nd receive |
ATDF | Advanced ToolDevelopment Facility |
ATE | automatic test equipment |
ATG | automatic test generation |
ATLAS | abbreviated test language for all systems |
atm | atmosphere |
ATP | advanced technology program; adenosine triphosphate; acceptance and tool performance |
ATR | attenuated total reflectance |
Att | attenuated |
Au | gold |
AVP | advanced vertical processor |
AVS | advanced visualization system |
AWE | asymptotic waveform evaluation |
AWISPM | above wafer in situ particle monitoring |
AWS | advanced wet station |
B | billion; boron |
Ba | barium |
BARC | bottom antireflective coating |
BASE | Boston Area Semiconductor Education (Council) |
BAW | bulk acoustic wave |
BC | bias contrast |
BDEV | behavior-level deviation |
BDS | Brownian Dynamics Simulation |
Be | beryllium |
BEOL | back end of line |
BESOI | bonded and etchback silicon on insulator |
BF | brightfield |
BFGS | Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno optimization algorithm |
BFL | buffered field-effect transistor logic |
BGA | ball grid array |
BHT | Brinell hardness test |
Bi | bismuth |
BiCMOS | bipolar complementary metal-oxide miconductor |
BIFET | bipolar field-effect transistor |
BIM | binary intensity mask |
BiMOS | bipolar metal-oxide miconductor |
BIST | built-in lf-test |
BIT | bulk ion temperature |
BITE | built-in test equipment |
BMC | bubble memory controller |
BMD | bulk micro defect |
BOE | buffered oxide etchant |
BOR | bottom of range |
BOSS | Book of SEMI Standards; binary object storage system |
BOX | buried oxide |
BPR | beam profile reflectometry; business process reengineering |
BPSG | boron phosphosilicate glass |
BPTEOS | BPSG from a TEOS source |
Br | bromine |
BSE | backscattered electron detection |
BTAB | bumped tape automated bonding |
BV | breakdown voltage |
C | carbon |
Ca | calcium |
CA 婚姻的真谛 | CIM architecture |
CAA | CIM applications architecture |
CAB | Competitive Analysis Benchmarking |
CAD | computer-aided design |
CADT | control application development tool |
CAE | computer-aided engineering |
CAI | computer-assisted instruction |
CAM | computer-aided manufacturing |
CAPS | computer-assisted problem solving |
CAR | chemically amplified resist |
CARRI | Computerized Asssment of Relative Risk Impacts |
CASE | computer-aided softwareengineering; computer-aided systems engineering |
CAT | computer-aided testing |
CAW | Construction Analysis Workgroup |
CAWC | cryogenic aerosol wafer cleaning |
CBGA | ceramic ball grid array |
CBS | chemical bottle storage area |
CBT | computer-bad training |
CC | chip carrier; cluster controller |
CCC | ceramic chip carrier |
CCD | charge-coupled device |
CCSL | compatible current-sinking logic |
CCW | counterclockwi |
Cd | cadmium |
CD | critical dimension |
CD/OL | critical dimension overlay |
CDA | clean dry air |
CDE | chemical downstream etch |
CDEM | Customer Delivery Enterpri Model |
CDI | collector-diffusion isolation |
CDM | Common Device Model for SAB |
CDO | controlled decomposition/oxidation |
CDR | chemical distribution room |
CDS | chemical distribution system |
Ce | cerium |
CE | capillary electrophoresis |
CEC | cell evaluation chip |
CEE | control execution environment |
CEM | continuous emissions monitoring |
CER-DIP | ceramic dual in-line package |
CFA | component failure analysis |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
CFD | computational fluid dynamics |
CFM | contamination-free manufacturing |
CIC | cleanroom interface chamber |
CID | charge-injection device |
CIE | computer-integrated engineering |
CIM | computer-integrated manufacturing |
CIM-OSA | computer-integrated manufacturing-open systems architecture (ESPRIT program) |
CIP | Continuous Improvement Program |
CIS | Center for Integrated Systems |
CISC | complex instruction t computer |
Cl | chlorine |
CLCC | ceramic leaded chip carrier |
CLIC | clod-loop intensity control |
CM | configuration management; castte module |
CMC | castte module controller |
CML | current mode logic |
CMM | capability maturity model |
CMOS | complementary metal-oxide miconductor |
CMP | chemical mechanical planarization |
CMR | common-mode rejection ratio; cancel move request |
CNC | computer numerical control; condensation nucleus counter |
CNT | carbon nanotube |
Co | cobalt |
COB | chip-on-board |
COC | cost of consumables |
CODEC | coder-decoder |
COED | computer-optimized experimental design |
COGS | cost of goods sold |
CoO | cost of ownership |
CORBA | common object request broker architecture |
CORE | composite object reference |
COSS | common object rvices specification |
COT | customer-owned tooling |
CoV | coefficient of variance |
Cp | process capability |
CPD | concurrent product development |
CPE | Communications |
CPGA | ceramic pin grid array |
Cpk | process capability index |
CQFP | ceramic quad flat pack |
CQN | clod-queuing network |
Cr | chromium |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check |
CRM | Cost/Resource Model |
Cs | cesium |
CSA | CIM systems architecture |
CSE | control systems engineering |
CSF | critical success factor |
CSL | current-steering logic |
CSMA/CD | carrier-n |
CSP | chip-scale package |
CSPED | concurrent miconductor production and equipment development |
CST | CIM systems technology |
CSTR | continuously stirred tank reactor |
CSV | comma-parated variable |
CTC | cluster tool controller |
CTE | coefficient of thermal expansion |
CTI | cycle time improvement |
CTMC | cluster tool modular communications |
Cu | copper |
CUB | central utility building |
CUBES | capacity utilization bottleneck efficiency system |
CUI | common ur interface |
CUSUM | cumulative sum |
CV | capacitance-to-voltage |
CVCM | collected volatile condensable materials |
CVD | chemical vapor deposition |
CW | continuous wave |
Cz | Czochralski process |
D/A | digital to analog |
D/B | die bonding |
DAC | digital-to-analog converter |
DAS | direct absorption spectroscopy |
DASSL | differential algebraic system solver |
DBMS | databa management system |
DC | direct current |
DCA | direct chip attachment |
DCATS | double-contained acid transfer system |
DCE | distributed computer environment |
DCL | digital command language; display communication log |
DCS | dichlorosilane |
DDL | device description language |
DDMS | defect data management system |
DEDS | discrete-event dynamic simulation |
DES | data encryption standard; display equipment status |
DF | darkfield |
DFC | densified fluid clean |
DFE | dual-frequency etch |
DFM | design for manufacturing |
DFR | design for reliability |
DFT | design for test |
DFY | design for yield |
DHF | dilute hydrofluoric acid |
DI | deionized; dielectric isolation |
DIBL | drain-induced barrier leakage |
DIC | differential interference contrast |
DIL | dual in-line |
DIP | dual in-line package |
DLBI | device-level burn-in |
DLOC | developed source lines of code |
DLS | display lot status |
DLT | device-level test |
DLTS | deep-level transient spectroscopy |
DMA | direct memory access; dynamic mechanical analysis |
DMH | display message helps |
DML | data manipulation language; display message log |
DMM | digital multimeter |
DMOS | diffud metal-oxide miconductor |
DMR | display move requests |
DO | dynamic optimization |
DOA | dead-on alignment |
DOAS | differential optical absorption spectroscopy |
DOE | design of experiments |
DOF | depth of focus |
DOP | dioctylphthalate |
DPA | destructive physical analysis |
DPM | digital panel meter |
DPP | discharge-produced plasma |
DPSRAM | dual-port static random access memory |
DRAM | dynamic random access memory |
DRAPAC | Design Rule and Process Architecture Council |
DRC | design rule check |
DRE | destruction removal efficiency |
DRIFTS | diffu reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy |
DRT | defect review tool |
DSA | display system activity; dimensionally stable anode |
DSC | differential scanning calorimetry |
DSMC | direct simulation Monte Carlo |
DSQ | downstream quartz |
DSS | display stocker status |
DSW | direct step-on-wafer |
DT | dynamic test |
DTA | differential thermal analysis |
DTC | direct thermocouple control |
DTL | diode transistor logic |
DTM | defect test monitor; delay time multiplier; device test module; digital terrain map |
DTMPN | defect test monitor pha number |
DUT | device under test |
DUV | deep ultraviolet |
DV | design verification |
DVER | design rule verification |
DVM | digital voltmeter |
DVS | display vehicle status |
DWG | domain work group |
EAPSM | embedded attenuated pha-shift mask |
EAROM | electrically alterable read-only memory |
EASE | equipment and software emulator |
e-beam | electron beam |
EBHT | electron-beam high-throughput lithography |
EBIC | electron beam-induced current |
EBR | edge bead removal |
EC | engineering change; equipment controller |
ECA | engineering capability asssment |
ECAD | electronic computer-aided design; engineering computer-aided design |
ECAE | electronic computer-aided engineering |
ECL | emitter coupled logic |
ECN | engineering change notice |
ECO | engineering change order |
ECQB | electrochemical quartz crystal balance |
ECR | electron cyclotron resonance |
EDA | electronic design automation |
EDS | energy-dispersive spectroscopy |
EDU | equipment-dependent uptime |
EDX | energy-dispersive X-ray |
EDXA | energy-dispersive X-ray analysis |
EEDF | electron energy distribution function |
EELS | electron energy-loss spectroscopy |
EEPROM | electrically erasable programmable read-only memory |
EFEM | equipment front-end module |
EFOCS | evanescent fiber-optic chemical nsor |
EFTIR | emission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy |
EFV | excess flow valve |
EGE | ethylene glycol ethers |
EHS | extremely hazardous substance |
EI | equipment integration |
EID | Equipment InterfaceDevelopment |
EIP | Equipment Improvement Program; Equipment Improvement Project |
EIS | electrochemical impedance spectroscopy |
EKF | extended Kalman filter |
ELF | extremely low frequency |
EM | enterpri model; electromagnetic; electromigration |
EMA | equipment maturity asssment |
EMC | electromagnetic capability; electromagnetic compatability |
EMF | electromagnetic field |
EMG | electromigration |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
EMMA | electron microscopy and microanalysis |
EMP | electromagnetic pul |
EMR | enter move request |
EMU | electromagnetic unit |
EOS | electrical overstress |
EOT | end of transfer; equivalent oxide thickness |
EP | extreme pressure; electropolish |
EPL | electron projection lithography |
EPR | electron paramagnetic resonance |
EPROM | electrically programmable read-only memory |
EPSS | electronic performance support system |
EPT | equipment performance tracking |
EQUIP | C/I equipment control and integration |
EQUIP | RTC equipment real-time control |
ERAM | equipment reliability |
ERM | enterpri reference model |
ERN | external recurrent neural network |
ERP | extended range pyrometer |
ERS | event reporting standard |
ERT | emergency respon time |
ES | engineering specification; expert system |
ESC | electrostatic chuck |
ESCA | electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis |
ESD | electrostatic discharge |
ESH | environment |
ESM | electronic rvice manual |
ETAB | Executive Technical Advisory Board |
ETQR | External Total Quality and Reliability |
EUV | extreme ultraviolet |
eV | electron volt |
EWMA | exponentially weighted moving average |
F | fluorine |
F/I | final inspection |
FA | failure analysis |
FAB | fast atom bombardment |
FAMOS | floating-gate avalanche-injection metal-oxide miconductor |
FBGA | fine-pitch ball grid array |
FC | flip chip |
FCM | facilities cost model |
FCS | factory control system |
FDC | fault detection and classification |
FDE | frequency domain experiments |
FDSOI | fully depleted silicon on insulator |
Fe | iron |
FEC | fabrication evaluation chip |
FEM | finite element model |
FEOL | front end of line |
FESEM | field emission scanning electron microscopy |
FET | field-effect transistor |
FFT | fast Fourier transform |
FFU | filter fan unit |
FI | filterability index; factory integration |
FIB | focud ion beam |
FID | flame ionization detector |
FIFO | first-in |
FIMS | front-opening interface mechanical standard |
FL | fuzzy logic |
FLOPC | floating point operations needed per cycle |
FLOTOX | floating gate tunnel oxide |
FLRT | factory layout/relayout tool |
FM | foreign material |
FMEA | failure mode and effects analysis |
FMMC | factory material movement component |
FMVP | Framework Member Validation Project |
FNN | feed-forward neural network |
FOCS | fiber-optic chemical nsor |
FOSB | front opening shipping box |
FOUP | front opening unified pod |
FOV | field of view |
FOX | field oxide |
FP | flash point |
FPD | focal plane deviation; flat panel display |
FPGA | field-programmable gate array |
FPLA | field-programmable logic array |
FPLF | field-programmable logic family |
FPLS | field-programmable logic switch |
FPMS | Factory Performance Modeling Software |
FPROM | field-programmable read-only memory |
FRACAS | Failure Reporting |
FRAME | Failure Rate Analysis and Modeling |
FRMB | fast ramp mini batch |
FSG | fud silica glass |
FSM | finite state machine |
FT | final test; Fourier transform |
FTA | fault tree analysis |
FTAB | Focus Technical Advisory Board |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
FW | full wave |
FWHM | full-width half-maximum |
FZ | float zone |
Ga | gallium |
GAC | granular activated carbon |
GC | gas chromatography; gravimetric calibrator |
GCC | generic cell controller |
GCD | gas chromatography distillation |
GCMS | gas chromatography mass spectroscopy |
GDPP | gas drive plasma pinch |
GDS | graphical design system; graphical design software |
Ge | germanium |
GEM | Generic EquipmentModel |
GEMVS | GEM verification system |
GES | generic equipment simulator |
GFC | gas filter correlation |
GFCI | ground fault circuit interrupter |
GIDL | gate-induced drain leakage |
GILD | gas immersion lar doping |
GLC | gas liquid chromatography |
GOI | gate oxide integrity |
GPIB | general-purpo interface bus |
GSCE | gas source control equipment |
GTS | GEM Test System |
H | hydrogen |
HAP | hazardous air pollutant |
HARI | high aspect ratio inspection |
HAST | highly accelerated stress testing |
HAZCOM | Hazard Communication Standard |
HB | horizontal Bridgeman crystal |
HCI | hot carrier injection |
HCM | hollow cathode magnetron |
HCMOS | high-density CMOS |
HCS | hot-carrier suppresd |
HD | high density |
HDL | hardware description language |
HDP | high-density plasma |
HDPE | high-density polyethylene |
He | helium |
HEM | high-efficiency matching |
HEPA | high-efficiency particulate air |
Hf | hafnium |
HF | hydrofluoric acid |
Hg | mercury |
HIBS | heavy ion backscattering spectrometry |
HiPOx | high-pressure oxygen |
HLF | horizontal laminar flow |
HMDS | hexamethyldisilizane |
HMIS | hazardous materials inventory statement |
HMMP | hazardous materials management plan |
HMOS | high-performance MOS; high-density MOS |
HOMER | hazardous organic mass emission rate |
HOPG | highly oriented pyrolitic graphite |
HP | high purity |
HPEM | Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model |
HPI | high pressure isolation |
HPL | high-performance logic |
HPLC | high-performance liquid chromatography |
HPM | hazardous production materials; high-purity metal |
HPV | high-pressure vent |
HRA | human reliability analysis |
HRR | high ramp rate |
HRTEM | high-resolution transmission electron microscopy |
HSQ | hydrogen silsquioxane |
HTO | high-temperature oxidation |
HTRB | high-temperature rever bias |
HUPW | hot ultrapure water |
HVAC | heating |
I | iodine |
I/O | input/output |
I2L | integrated injector logic |
I300I | International 300 mm Initiative |
IC | integrated circuit; Investment Council; ion chromatography |
ICAP | inductively coupled argon-plasma spectrometry |
ICMS | integrated circuit measurement system |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
ICP-AES | inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy |
ICP-MS | inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
ICT | ideal cycle time |
IDDQ | direct drain quiescent current |
IDEAL | initiating |
IDL | interface definition language |
IDLH | immediately dangerous to life or health |
IDS | interactive diagnostic system |
IEA | ion energy analysis |
IEC | infud emitter coupling |
IEDF | ion energy distribution function |
IERN | internal-external recurrent neural network |
IF | interface |
IGFET | insulated-gate field-effect transistor |
ILB | inner lead bond |
ILD | interlevel dielectric; interlayer dielectric |
ILS | intracavity lar spectroscopy |
IM | integrated model; integrated metrology |
IMD | intermetal dielectric |
IMMA | ion microphobe mass analysis |
IMS | ion mobility spectroscopy |
In | indium |
INCAMS | individual castte manufacturing system |
IPA | isopropyl alcohol |
IPL | ion projection lithography |
IPT | ideal process time |
Ir | iridium |
IR | infrared |
IRAS | infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy |
IRIS | imaging of radicals interacting with surfaces |
IRN | internal recurrent neural network |
IRONMAN | Improving Reliability of New Machines at Night |
IRTC-1 | interconnect reliability test chip-1 |
IS | information systems; interface specifications; integrated systems |
ISC | Industry Steering Council |
ISEM | inspection/review specific equipment model |
ISM | inductor super magnetron |
ISMT | International SEMATECH |
ISPM | in situ particle monitor |
ISR | in situ rin |
ISS | ion scattering spectroscopy |
ITRI | Interconnection Technology |
ITRS | International Technology |
IVH | interstitial via hole |
IVP | integrated vacuum processing |
JDP | Joint Development Program |
JEDEC | Joint Electron Device Engineering Council |
JESSI | Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative |
JIC | Joint Industrial Council |
JIT | just-in-time |
JJT | Jophson junction transistor |
JVD | jet vapor deposition |
K | potassium; thousand |
keV | kilo electron volt |
KPA | key process area |
Kr | krypton |
kV | kilovolt |
La | lanthanum |
LAMMA | lar micro-mass analysis |
LAMMS | lar micro-mass spectroscopy |
LC | inductance-capacitance; liquid chromatography |
LCA | lifecycle analysis |
LCC | leaded chip carrier |
LCL | lower confidence limit |
LDD | lightly doped drain |
LDL | lower detection limit |
LDP | low-density plasma |
LDPE | low-density polyethylene |
LEC | liquid encapsulated Czochralski crystal |
LEL | lower explosive limit |
LER | line edge roughness |
LF | laminar flow |
LFL | lower flammable limit |
LGQ | linear Gaussian quadratic |
Li | lithium |
LI | lar interferometry |
LIC | linear integrated circuit |
LID | leadless inverted device |
LIFO | last in |
LIMA | lar-induced mass analysis |
LIMS | lar-induced mass spectrometry |
LLCC | leadless chip carrier |
LLD | lower limit of detection |
LLNQ | least lots next queue |
LM | light microscope |
LMMA | lar microprobe mass analysis |
LOCOS | local oxidation of silicon |
LOS | loss of lectivity |
LPC | linear predictive coding; lar particle counter; low particle concentration; liquid-borne particle counter |
LPCVD | low-pressure chemical vapor deposition |
LPD | light point defect |
LPE | liquid pha epitaxy |
LPI | low-pressure isolation |
LPP | lar-produced plasma |
LRS | lar Raman spectroscopy |
LSE | latex sphere equivalent |
LSHI | large-scale hybrid integration |
LSI | large-scale integration |
LSM | lar scanning microscope |
LTA | lar thermal anneal |
LTCVD | low-temperature chemical vapor deposition |
LTO | low-temperature oxidation/oxide |
LTPD | lot tolerance percent defective |
LTV | local thickness variation |
LV | latent variable |
LVDT | linear voltage differential transducer |
LVI | low-voltage inverter |
LVS | layout verification of schematic |
LWR | linewidth reduction |
LWS | large wafer study |
M | million; mega |
MACT | maximum achievable control technology |
MALDI | matrix-assisted lar desorption and ionization |
MAN | metropolitan area network |
Management | Standard |
Manufacturing | and Science |
MAP | manufacturing automation protocol |
Master | Deliverables List |
MAWP | maximum allowable working pressure |
MB | machine batch |
MBC | machine bath collection |
MBE | molecular beam epitaxy |
MBPC | model-bad process control |
MBTC | model-bad temperature control |
MCBA | mean cycles between assists |
MCBF | mean cycles between failures |
MCBI | mean cycles between interrupts |
MCM | multichip module; manufacturing cycle management |
MCP | master control processor;multichip package |
MCS | material control system |
MCU | microprocessor control unit; mobile calibration unit |
MCVD | metal chemical vapor deposition |
MDL | minimum detection limit; |
MD-MOS | multi-drain metal-oxide miconductor |
MDQ | market-driven quality |
MEBS | medium energy backscattering spectrometry |
MEEF | mask error enhancement factor |
MEMS | microelectromechanical system |
MERIE | magnetically enhanced reactive ion etching |
MES | manufacturing execution systems |
MESFET | metal-miconductor field-effect transistor |
METS | Materials and Equipment Trading Service |
MeV | mega electron volt |
MFC | mass flow controller |
MFM | mass flow meter |
Mg | magnesium |
MG | manufactured goods |
MHI | material hazard index |
MHz | megahertz |
MIC | monolithic integrated circuit |
MID | material ID |
MIE | magnetron ion etching |
MIM | metal-insulator-metal |
MIS | metal insulator silicon |
MLCC | multilayer ceramic capacitor |
MLL | modify lot location |
MLM | multilevel metal |
MLR | message log report |
MMC | Manufacturing Methods Council |
MMD | Microlithographic Mask Development program |
MMIC | monolithic microwave integrated circuit |
MMM | material movement management |
MMMS | Material Movement |
MMO | multimodel optimization |
MMOS | modified MOS |
MMST | Microelectronics Manufacturing Science and Technology |
三年级下册的古诗Mn | mangane |
MNOS | metal-nitride-oxide miconductor |
MNS | metal-nitride miconductor |
Mo | molybdenum |
MO | metal-organic |
MOCVD | metal-organic chemical vapor deposition |
MOP | modify operating procedures |
MOS | metal-oxide miconductor |
MOS-C | metal-oxide miconductor capacitor |
MOSFET | metal-oxide miconductor field-effect transistor mp melting point |
MP | massively parallel |
MP-OES | multipoint optical emission spectroscopy |
MPRES | modular plasma reactor simulator |
MPU | microprocessor unit |
MRP | materials requirements planning |
MRP-II | manufacturing resource planning |
MS | mass spectrometry; mass spectroscopy |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MSEM | Metrology Specific Equipment Model |
MSG | Management Steering Group |
MSHA | Mine Safety and Health Administration |
MSI | medium-scale integration; manufacturing support item |
MSID | mass spectrometer lead detector |
MSLD | mass spectrometer leak detector |
MSTAB | Manufacturing Systems Technical Advisory Board |
MTBA | mean time between assists |
MTBF | mean time between failures |
MTBFp | mean (productive) time between failures |
MTBI | mean time between interrupt; mean time between incident |
MTOL | mean time off line; mean time on line |
MTS | Material Tracking Standard |
MTTA | mean time to assist |
MTTF | mean time to failure |
MTTR | mean time to repair |
MV | megavolt |
MVTR | moisture vapor transmission rate |
MW | molecular weight |
MWBC | mean wafers between cleans |
MWT | monitor wafer turner |
N | nitrogen |
Na | sodium |
NA | numerical aperture |
NCMS | National Center for |
NCS | Network Communication Standard |
NDA | nondisclosure agreement |
NDE | nondestructive evaluation |
NDIR | nondispersive infrared spectroscopy |
NDP | neutron depth profiling |
NDT | nondestructive testing |
NDUV | nondispersive ultraviolet spectroscopy |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NESHAP | National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants |
NFOM | near-field optical microscopy |
NGL | next-generation lithography |
Ni | nickel |
NIL | nanoimprint lithography |
NIRA | near-infrared reflection analysis |
NMOS | negative channel metal-oxidemiconductor |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
NN | neural network |
NRE | nonrecurring engineering |
NTRS | National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors |
NTU | nephelometric turbidity unit |
NVR | non-volatile residue |
O | oxygen |
OBA | object behavior analysis |
OBEM | Object-Bad Equipment Model |
OBIC | optical beam-induced current |
OBL | object-bad language |
OC | open castte |
OCR | optical character recognition |
OD | outside diameter |
ODS | ozone-depleting substances |
OEE | overall equipment effectiveness |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer |
OES | optical emission spectroscopy |
OHT | overhead transport; overhead hoist transport |
OHV | 脱贫成果 overhead vehicle |
OL | overlay |
OLB | outer lead bond |
OLE | object linking and embedding |
OM | operational modeling; optical microscopy |
OMA | object management architecture |
OMS | optical mass spectroscopy |
OMT | object modeling technique 晚上口干舌燥 |
OO | object-oriented |
OOA | object-oriented analysis |
OOD | object-oriented design |
OODB | object-oriented databa |
OODBMS | object-oriented databa management system |
OOP | object-oriented programming |
OPC | optical particle counter; optical proximity correction |
OS | operating system |
OSD | organic spin-on dielectric |
OSF | Open Systems Foundation |
OSG | organosilicate glass | 手工纸房子
OSI | open system interconnection |
OSRM | Office of Standard Reference Materials |
OSS | Object Services Standard |
Ox | oxide |
P | phosphorous |
P/T | precision-tolerance |
PAB | post-apply bake |
PAC | photoactive compound |
PACVD | plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition |
PA-FTIR | photoacousticFourier transform infrared spectroscopy |
PAG | photoacid generator |
PAL | process automation language; programmable array logic; process ast library |
PAM | process application module |
PAS | photoacoustic spectroscopy |
PAWS | portable acoustic wave nsor |
Pb | lead |
PBET | Performance-Bad Equipment Training |
PBGA | plastic ball grid array |
PBL | poly-buffered LOCOS |
PBS | photon backscattering |
PC | personal computer; programmable controller; process control |
PCAD | packaging computer-aided design |
PCB | printed circuit board |
PCMP | post-chemical mechanical polishing |
PCMS | plasma chemistry Monte-Carlo simulation |
PCO | photocatalytic oxidation |
PCR | principle component regression |
PCT | process change team |
Pd | palladium |
PDC | passive data collection |
PDF | portable document format |
PDSOI | partially depleted silicon on insulator |
PDU | protocol data unit |
PDVC | pha-dependent voltage contrast |
PEB | post-exposure bake |
PECVD | plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition |
PED | post-exposure delay |
PEDS | plasma-enhanced deposition system |
PEELS | parallel electron energy loss spectrometry |
PEL | permissible exposure level |
PES | photoelectron spectroscopy |
PET | post-etch treatment |
PETEOS | plasma-enhancedtetraethylorthosilicate |
PFA | perfluoroalkoxy |
PFC | perfluorocarbon |
PFPE | perfluorinated polyether |
PGA | pin grid array |
P-GILD | projection gas immersion lar doping |
PGV | person-guided vehicle |
PI | proportional integral |
PID | proportional integral derivative; process-induced defect |
PIII | plasma immersion ion implantation |
PIND | particle impact noi detection |
PIP | process-induced particle |
PIV | peak inver voltage; post indicator valve |
PLA | programmable logic array |
PLC | programmable logic controller |
PLCC | plastic leaded chip carrier |
PLL | plasma lockload |
PLS | partial least squares; projection of latent structures |
PLY | photolimited yield |
PM | process monitor; preventive maintenance; process module |
PMC | process module controller |
PMCC | Pensky-Martens clod cup |
PMI | pha measuring interferometer |
PMMA | polymethyl methacrylate |
PMOS | positive channel metal-oxide miconductor |
PMS | particle measuring system |
PMT | photomultiplier tube |
PMTF | Product Management Task Force |
POR | process-of-record |
POU | point-of-u |
POUCG | point-of-u chemical generation |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPGA | plastic pin grid array |
PPID | process program identification |
PQFP | plastic quad flat pack |
PRAS | particle reactor analysis rvices |
PRB | pudo-random binary |
PRBS | pudo-random binary quence |
PROM | programmable read-only memory |
PRSC | parametric respon surface control |
PRV | person rail guided vehicle |
PS | porous silicon |
PSB | pha-shifting blank |
PSC | porous silicon capacitor |
PSD | power spectral density; port status display |
PSG | phosphosilicate glass |
PSII | plasma source ion implantation |
PSL | polystyrene latex |
PSLS | polystyrene latex sphere |
PSM | pha-shift mask |
Pt | platinum |
PTAB | Project TechnicalAdvisory Board |
PTC | pre- and post-process treatment chambers |
PTFE | polytetrafluorethylene |
PVA | polyvinylacetate |
PVC | polyvinylchloride |
PVD | physical vapor deposition |
PVDF | polyvinylidene fluoride |
PWB | printed wiring board |
PWP | particles per wafer pass |
QA | quality assurance |
QC | quality control |
QCM | quartz crystal microbalances |
QDR | quick dump rin |
QFD | quality function deployment |
QFP | quad flat pack |
QMS | quadrupole mass spectrometry |
QSR | quality system review |
QTAT | quick turn around time |
R2R | run-to-run |
Ra | radium |
RAC | remote access and control |
RAIRS | reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy |
RAM | random access memory;reliability |
RAMP | Reliability Analysis and Modeling Program |
Rb | rubidium |
RBB | ba sheet resistance |
RBS | refractive backscattering; Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy |
RCWA | rigorous coupled wave analysis |
RDR | rotating disk reactor |
Re | rhenium |
REL | recommended exposure limit |
Rearch | Institute |
RESSFOX | recesd aled sidewall field oxidation |
RF | radio frequency; resonance frequency |
RFI | request for information; radio frequency interference |
RFM | radio frequency monitoring |
RFO | restricted flow orifice |
RFP | request for plan; request for proposal; radio frequency probe |
RGA | residual gas analysis |
RGV | rail-guided vehicle |
RH | relative humidity |
RI | reliability improvement |
RIE | reactive ion etch |
RISC | reduced instruction t computer/computing |
RIST | rule induction and statistical testing |
RMOS | refractory metal-oxide miconductor |
RMS | root mean square; Recipe Management Standard |
RMTF | Recipe Management Task Force |
RNN | recurrent neural network |
RO | rever osmosis |
Roadmap | for Semiconductors |
ROC | remote object communications |
ROE | return on equity |
ROI | return on investment |
ROM | read-only memory |
RPAO | remote plasma-assisted oxidation |
RR | removal rate |
RRMSEP | relative root mean square error of prediction |
RSE | reactive sputter etch |
RSF | relative nsitivity factor |
RSM | respon surface methodology; respon surface matrix |
RT | room temperature |
RTA | rapid thermal anneal |
RTB | real-time backplane |
RTCVD | rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition |
RTD | resistance temperature detector |
RTL | resistor-transistor logic; register transfer level |
RTM | rapid thermal multiprocessing |
RTO | rapid thermal oxidation; regenerative thermal oxidizer |
RTP | rapid thermal processing/processor |
RTR | real-time reporting |
Ru | ruthenium |
S | sulfur |
S/D | source/drain |
S/N | signal-to-noi |
SA | surface area; subresolution assist; structured analysis |
SAM | scanning auger microscopy |
SAT | spray acid tool |
SAW | surface acoustic wave |
Sb | antimony |
SB | strong ba ion exchange |
SC1 | Standard Clean 1 |
SC2 | Standard Clean 2 |
SCA | surface charge analysis |
SCALE | SEMATECH Cell Application Learning Environment |
SCALPEL | scattering with aperture limited projection lithography |
SCC | strategic cell controller |
SCCS | source code control system |
SCE | short channel effects |
SCF | super critical fluid |
SCI | surface charge imaging |
SCM | scanning capacitance microscopy |
SCOE | SEMATECH Center of Excellence |
SCP | single-chip package |
SCR | silicon-controlled rectifier |
SD | small dual in-line package; structured design |
SDFL | Schottky-diode FET logic |
Se | lenium |
SE | spectroscopic ellipsometry; condary electron |
SEAJ | Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan |
SEC | size exclusion chromatography |
SECS | Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard |
SEG | lective epitaxial growth |
SEIM | software engineering improvement method |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy; specific equipment model |
SEMI | Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International |
SFC | supercritical fluid chromatography |
SFCS | shop floor control system |
SFCS | I/F shop floor control system interface |
SGMRS | Semiconductor Generic Manufacturing Requirements Specification |
Si | silicon |
SIA | Semiconductor Industry Association |
SIDP | sputter ion depth profiling |
SIMO | single input |
SIMOX | paration by implantation of oxygen |
SIMS | condary ion mass spectroscopy |
SiP | system-in-a-package |
SISO | single input |
SL | specification limit |
SLAM | scanning lar acoustic microscopy; single-layer aluminum metallization |
SLC | surface laminar circuit |
SM | stress migration |
SMB | single-mask bumping |
SMC | surface-mounted component |
SME | subject matter expert; software maintenance engineer |
SMIF | standard mechanical interface |
SMPM | SECS message protocol machine |
SMS | SECS message rvice |
SMTS | Strategic Material Transport System |
Sn | tin |
SNMS | sputtered neutral mass spectroscopy |
SNOM | scanning near-field optical microscopy |
SNR | signal-to-noi ratio |
SO | small outline (package) |
SoC | system-on-a-chip |
SOD | spin-on dielectric |
SODAS | SEMATECH Organized Damage Analysis Software |
SOG | spin-on glass |
SOI | silicon on insulator |
SOIC | small outline integrated circuit |
SOM | scanning optical microscopy; sulfuric acid-ozone mixture |
SoP | system-on-a-package |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
SOS | silicon on sapphire |
SPC | statistical process control |
SPICE | simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis |
SPIDER | SEMATECH Process Induced Damage Effect Revealer |
SPIDER-MEM | SPIDER-Manufacturing Equipment Monitor |
SPIN | Software Process Improvement Network |
SPM | scanning probe microscopy |
SPP | single-pha printing |
SPR | miconductor process reprentation |
SPV | surface photo voltage |
SQC | statistical quality control |
SQPMM | Software Quality and Process Maturity Model |
Sr | strontium |
SRAM | static random access memory |
SRC | Semiconductor Rearch Corp. |
SRP | spreading resistance probe |
SRS | software requirements specification |
SSA | Semiconductor Safety Association; spatial signature analysis |
SSE | sum squared error |
SSEM | Stepper Specific Equipment Model |
SSI | small-scale integration |
SSM | strategic sourcing methodology |
sSOI | strained silicon on insulator |
SSQA | Standardized Supplier Quality Asssment |
SSRL | SEMATECH Software Reu Library |
SSRP | SEMATECH Software Reu Program |
STAR | simultaneous transmitted and reflected |
STEL | short-term exposure limit |
STEM | scanning transmission electron microscopy |
STI | shallow trench isolation |
STM | scanning tunneling microscopy |
STP | standard temperature and pressure; system test plan |
SU | subresolution attenuated |
SWEAT | standard wafer-level electromigration accelerated test |
SWI | static walkthrough/inspection |
SWIM | Semiconductor Workbench for Integrated Modeling |
SWP | single-wafer processing |
SWR | miconductor wafer reprentation |
SWV | square wave voltammetry |
T/C | thermocompression |
Ta | tantalum |
TAB | Technical Advisory Board; tape automated bonding |
TAP | Tool Application Program |
TAS | trace analysis system |
TASC | Technical Analysis Service for CoO |
TAT | turnaround time |
TBAH | tetrabutylammonium hydroxide |
TC | time constant; temperature coefficient; thermocouple |
TCA | test calibration asmbly; 1 |
TCAD | technology computer-aided design |
TCC | tactical cell controller |
TCE | temperature coefficient of expansion |
TCM | tunneling current microscopy |
TCP | transformer-coupled plasma; tape carrier package |
TCP/IP | transmission control protocol/Internet protocol |
TCR | temperature coefficient of resistance |
TD | thermal desorption |
TDDB | time-dependent dielectric breakdown |
TDEAT | tetrakis (diethylamino) titanium |
TDLAS | tunable diode lar absorption spectroscopy |
TDMAT | tetrakis (dimethylamido) titanium |
TDMS | thermal desorption mass spectrometry |
TDS | thermal desorption spectroscopy |
Te | tellurium |
TE | transver electric; transmitted electron |
TEA | transver excited atmosphere |
TEC | thermal expansion coefficient; test and electrical characterization |
TECAP | transistor electrical characterization and analysis program |
TED | transient enhanced diffusion; transmitted electron detection |
TEG | technical exchange group |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy; transver electromagnetic |
TEOS | tetraethylorthosilicate; tetrethoxysilicide |
TFC | total fault coverage |
TFE | tetrafluorethylene |
TFT | thin-film transistor |
TG | thermogravimetry |
TGA | thermal gas analysis; thermal gravimetric analysis |
THC | total hydrocarbons |
Ti | titanium |
TIBA | triisobutlaluminum |
TIR | total indicator runout; total internal reflection |
TIS | tool-induced shift |
Tl | thallium |
TLC | thin layer chromatography |
TLE | tool loading elevator |
TLI | thin layer imaging |
TLM | tape-laying machine; telemeter; transition line model |
TLV | threshold limit value |
TLV/TWA | threshold limit value/time-weighted average |
TM | transport module |
TMA | thermal mechanical analyzer |
TMB | trimethylborate |
TMC | transport module controller; transfer module controller |
TMP | trimethylphosphate; turbomolecular pump |
TO | transistor outline package |
TOA | take-off angle |
TOC | total organic carbon; total oxidizable carbon |
TOF | time-of-flight |
TPD | temperature program desorption |
TPG | test pattern generation |
TPM | total productive maintenance; total productive manufacturing |
TPRS | temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy |
TPU | thermal processing unit |
TQM | total quality management |
TSCA | Toxic Substances Control Act |
TSI | top surface imaging |
TSOP | thin small outline package |
TSP | temperature-nsitive parameter |
TT | technology transfer |
TTL | transistor-transistor logic |
TTV | total thickness variation |
TVS | triangular voltage sweep |
TWA | time-weighted average |
TWG | Technical Working Group |
TXRF | total X-ray fluorescence |
U | uranium |
UBM | under-bump metallurgy |
UCL | upper confidence limit; upper control limit |
UF | ultra-filtration |
UHF | ultrahigh frequency |
UHP | ultrahigh purity |
UHV | ultrahigh vacuum |
UID | ur identification |
ULA | uncommitted logic array |
ULK | ultralow-k |
ULPA | ultralow particulate air |
ULSI | ultralarge-scale integration uph units per hour |
UPW | ultrapure water |
USART | universal synchronous/ asynchronous receiver/transmitter |
USOP | ultrasmall outline package |
Utt | unattenuated |
UV | ultraviolet |
V | vanadium; volt |
VAC | volts alternating current |
VAR | value-added reller; volt-ampere reactive |
VASE | variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry |
VDC | volts direct current |
VDP | Van der Pauw |
VDS | vapor distribution system |
VHF | very high frequency |
VLE | vapor levitation epitaxy |
VLF | vertical laminar flow |
VLSI | very large-scale integration |
VME | versa micromodule extension; virtual manufacturing enterpri |
V-MOS | v-groove metal-oxide miconductor |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
VPD | vapor pha desorption; vapor pha decomposition |
VPD-ICPMS | vapor pha decomposition-inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy |
VTP | vertical thermal processor |
VTVM | vacuum tube voltmeter |
VUV | vacuum ultraviolet |
W | tungsten |
W/B | wire bonding |
WAN | wide area network |
WB | weak ba |
WBS | work breakdown structure |
WBSEM | Wire Bonder Specific Equipment Model |
WDS | wavelength-dispersive spectrometry of X-rays |
WDX | wavelength-dispersive X-ray |
WDXA | wavelength-dispersive X-ray analysis |
WEC | wafer environment control |
WFT | wafer fabrication template |
WIB | within-batch |
WIP | work in process; work in progress |
WIW | within-wafer |
WIWNU | within-wafer non-uniformity |
WLBI | wafer-level burn-in |
WLP | wafer-level package |
WLT | wafer-level test |
WNP | waste neutralization plant |
WPC | wafer process chamber |
wph | wafers per hour |
WSI | wafer-scale integration |
WTC | wafer transfer chamber |
WTW | wafer to wafer |
WTWNU | wafer-to-wafer non-uniformity |
X | inductive reactance |
XANES | X-ray adsorption near edge structure spectroscopy |
Xe | xenon |
XLS | excimer lar system; extended light scatterer |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
Y | yttrium |
YAG | yttrium aluminum garnet |
Z | zinc |
Zr | zirconium |
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