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1Scope (4)
1.1Purpo (4)
1.2Differences from ISO Document (4)
2References (4)
2.1Applicable Publications (4)
2.1.1SAE Publications (4)
2.1.2ISO Documents (4)
2.2Related Publications (4)
2.2.1SAE Publications (4)
3Terms and Definitions (4)
4General Specifications (7)
5Format Structure (7)
5.1Description (7)
5.2ISO/SAE Controlled Codes (Core DTCs) (8)
5.3Manufacturer Controlled Codes (Non-Uniform DTCs) (9)
5.4Body System Groupings (9)
5.4.1B0XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)
5.4.2B1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.4.3B2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.4.4B3XXX Rerved by Document (9)
5.5Chassis System Groupings (9)
5.5.1C0XXX ISO/SAE Controlled (9)
5.5.2C1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.5.3C2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.5.4C3XXX Rerved by Document (9)
5.6Powertrain System Groupings - DTC Numbers and Descriptions are Given in Appendix B (9)
5.6.1P0XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)
5.6.2P1XXX manufacturer control (9)
5.6.3P2XXX ISO/SAE controlled (9)
5.6.4P3XXX Manufacturer Controlled and ISO/SAE Rerved (9)
5.7Network Groupings - DTC Numbers and Descriptions are Given in Appendix C (9)
5.7.1U0XXX ISO/SAE Controlled (9)
5.7.2U1XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.7.3U2XXX Manufacturer Controlled (9)
5.7.4U3XXX Rerved (9)
6Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions (10)
7Change Requests (11)
Appendix A (Normative) Diagnostic Trouble Code Naming Guidelines (12)
A.1Discussion (12)
Appendix B (Normative) Powertrain System Diagnostic Trouble Code (14)
B.1P00XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (14)
B.2P01XX Fuel and Air Metering (16)
B.3P02XX Fuel and Air Metering (19)
B.4P03XX Ignition System or Misfire (21)
B.5P04XX Auxiliary Emission Controls (23)
B.6P05XX Vehicle Speed, Idle Control, and Auxiliary Inputs (26)
B.7P06XX Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (28)
B.8P07XX Transmission (31)
小白兔怎么画简单好看B.9P08XX Transmission (33)
B.10P09XX Transmission (36)
B.11P0AXX Hybrid Propulsion (38)
B.12P0BXX Rerved by Document (39)
B.13P0CXX Rerved by Document (39)
B.14P0DXX Rerved by Document (39)
B.15P0EXX Rerved by Document (39)
B.16P0FXX Rerved by Document (39)
B.17P10XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (39)
B.18P11XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering (39)
B.19P12XX Manufacturer Controlled Fuel and Air Metering (39)
马桶应该坐哪一层B.20P13XX Manufacturer Controlled Ignition System or Misfire (39)
B.21P14XX Manufacturer Controlled Auxiliary Emission Controls (39)
B.22P15XX Manufacturer Controlled Vehicle Speed, Idle Control, and Auxiliary Inputs (39)
B.23P16XX Manufacturer Controlled Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (39)
B.24P17XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)
B.25P18XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)
B.26P19XX Manufacturer Controlled Transmission (39)
B.27P20XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (40)
B.28P21XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (42)
B.29P22XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (45)
B.30P23XX Ignition System or Misfire (47)
B.31P24XX Auxiliary Emission Controls (48)
B.32P25XX Auxiliary Inputs (50)
B.33P26XX Computer and Auxiliary Outputs (52)
B.34P27XX Transmission (54)
B.35P28XX ISO/SAE Rerved (56)
B.36P2AXX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)
B.37P30XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)
B.38P31XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)
B.39P32XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls (56)
B.40P33XX Ignition System or Misfire (56)
B.41P34XX Cylinder Deactivation (56)
B.42P35XX ISO/SAE Rerved (59)
B.43P36XX ISO/SAE Rerved (59)
B.44P37XX ISO/SAE Rerved (59)
B.45P38XX ISO/SAE Rerved (59)
B.46P39XX ISO/SAE Rerved (59)
Appendix C(Normative) Network Communication Groupings (60)
C.1U00XX Network Electrical (60)
C.2U01XX Network Communication (62)
C.3U02XX Network Communication (65)
C.4U03XX Network Software (66)
C.5U04XX Network Data (67)
1.1Purpo—This SAE Recommended Practice superdes SAE J2012 MAR1999, and is technically equivalent
to ISO/DIS 15031-6:April 30, 2002.
This document is intended to define the standardized Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) that On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems in vehicles are required to report when malfunctions are detected.
This document includes:
a.Diagnostic Trouble Code format
b. A standardized t of Diagnostic Trouble Codes and descriptions
1.2Differences from ISO Document—There are no technical differences between this document and ISO/DIS
15031-6:April 30, 2002.
2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwi indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIO NS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J1930—Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms -Equivalent to ISO/TR 15031-2:April 30, 2002
SAE J1979—E/E Diagnostic Test Modes - Equivalent to ISO/DIS 15031-5:April 30, 2002
2.1.2ISO D O CUMENT—Available from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
ISO/DIS 15031-6: April 30, 2002—Road vehicles—Communication between vehicle and external test equipment for emissions-related diagnostics—Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions
2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purpos only and are not a
required part of this document.
2.2.1SAE P UBLICATIO N—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J1978—OBD II Scan Tool—Equivalent to ISO/DIS 15031-4:December 14, 2001
2.2.2ISO D O CUMENT—Available from ANSI, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
ISO 15031-1:2001—Road vehicles—Communication between vehicle and external test equipment for emissions-related diagnostics—Part 1: General information
3.Terms and Definitions—This document is not intended to be ud for terms and definitions of vehicle
component terminology. The may appear in SAE J1930.
3.1Circuit/Open—Fixed value or no respon from the system where specific high or low detection is not feasible
or can be ud in conjunction with circuit low and high codes where all three circuit conditions can be detected.
NOTE—The term “malfunction” has, in most cas, been deleted from the DTC description.
3.2Range/Performance—Circuit is in the normal operating range, but not correct for current operating conditions,
it may be ud to indicate stuck or skewed values indicating poor performance of a circuit, component, or system.
3.3Low Input—Circuit voltage, frequency, or other characteristic measured at the control module input terminal or
pin that is below the normal operating range.
3.4High Input—Circuit voltage, frequency, or other characteristic measured at the control module input terminal
or pin that is above the normal operating range.
3.5Bank—Specific group of cylinders sharing a common control nsor, bank 1 always contains cylinder number
1, bank 2 is the opposite bank
NOTE—If there is only one bank, u bank #1 DTCs and the word bank may be omitted. With a single “bank”
system using multiple nsors, u bank #1.
3.6Sensor Location—Location of a nsor in relation the engine air flow, starting from the fresh air intake
through to the vehicle tailpipe or fuel flow from the fuel tank to the engine in order numbering 1,2,3 and so on NOTE—See Figures 1 to 4.