颁奖词英文版T hankyou v ery m uch.Thank you. Than k you allverymuch. I m, I mso ex cited to b e her e. Go od ev ening ever ybody, lad ies,gentl emen, er,Felic ity.I m J on
St ewart andweleto th e 78t h Ann ual A cadem y Awa rds.Er, a n exc iting nigh t, an exci tingnight. Ton ightis th e nig ht we cele brate exce llenc e infilmwithme th e 4th male lead from Deat h toSmooc hy re nt it. And righ t now arou nd th e wor ld we arebeing watc hed b y
电脑初学hun dreds of m illio ns of peop le, n early half of w hom a re in theproce ss of bein g ado ptedby An genin a Jol ie. I m wa it li sted. It s good stuf f. It is i ncred。I ha ve to say, it s a li ttleshock ing t o e allthese bignames here, the hu ge st ars.The O scaris re ally, I gu ess,the o ne ni ght o f the year wher e you coul d e allyourfavor ite s tarswitho ut ha vingto
do nateany m oneyto th e Dem ocrat ic Pa rty,and i t s e xciti ng fo r the star s aswell. This
is e r, th e fir st ti me ma ny of youhaveevervoted fora win ner.Oh, i t s g ood.You e njoy, enjo y you r vot es. T he th eme o f the awar d sho w ton ightis aretur n toglamo ur an d tha nk go odnes s bec au
for t oo lo ng Ho llywo od ha s don e wit hout. Defi nitel y thi s isan
im prove mentoverlastyears the me ni ght o f a t housa nd sw eat p ants. Lets fac e fac ts. I t has n t b een t he be st ye ar fo r Hol lywoo d. Th e box offi ce wa s, er mmmm, a li ttlebit,down, andpirac y con tinue s tobe aprobl em. S o let me j ust s ay th at if ther e isanyon e out ther e inv olved in a n ill egalmovie pira cy. D on tdo it. Tak e a g ood l ook a t the pe ople, thes e are thepeopl e you aresteal ing f rom,Lookat th em!!Facewhatyou v e don e. Th ere a re
wo men h ere w ho ca n bar ely a fford enou gh go wn to cove r the ir br easts. The re ar e a l ot
re allybig s tarsheretonig ht. I t s r eally exci ting. We v e got theman M r. Ge orge
Cloon ey, t riple nomi nee.No, S top i t! St op it! Its you. Its a,it sa ter rific nigh t. Tw o ofthe n omina tions forGoodNight andGoodLuck, whi ch is notjustEdwar d R.Murro w
s s ign-o ff. I t s a lso h ow Mr. Clo oneyendsall h is da tes.Now,I kid beca u I envy. The cast of C apote, isalsowithus, a trem endou s fil m, gr ound-break ing,No! I appl aud y ou. I appl aud y ou. C apote wasa gro und-b reaki ng fi lm th at br oke t aboos that show ed Am erica notall g ay pe opleare v irile cowb oys.Someare a ctual ly ef feteNew Y ork i ntell ectua ls. I t s t rue.Capot e, of cour , a ddres d v ery s imila r the mes t o Goo d Nig ht an d Goo d
Luc k . B oth f ilmsare a boutdeter mined jour nalis ts, d efyin g obs tacle s ina rel entle ss
pu rsuit of t he tr uth.Needl ess t o say both areperio d pie ces.There is a lso,carto on dr ama,farth, I s ay, f arth, I de mandsatis facti on. A ll ri ght,Steve Spie lberg is h ere?Sir,a ple asure. Weve ne ver m et. A Best Dire ctornomin ation forMunic h, atreme ndous film andI
con gratu lateyou,Sir.Fromthe m an wh o als o gav e usSchin dlers Lis t. Sc hindl er sListand M unich, I t hinkI spe ak fo r all Jews when I sa y I c an twaitto se e wha t hap pensto us next. Tri logy! Yeah, I d o hav e som e sad news to r eport, er, Bjor k, co uldnt behere
tonig ht. S he wa s try ing o n her Osca r dre ss an d Dic k Che ney s hot h er. U m, gl ad yo u hea r it. Char lizeThero n isherenomin atedfor N orthCount ry, a trem endou s per forma nce.I
con gratu lateyou a s wel l. Ha ve yo u eve r e n the film, its, it s, i t s r eally wond erful. Er, sheplays a wo man w ho is cons tantl y jud ged o n her look s and paid less than hermaleco-wo rkers. Itmustbe wo nderf ul to be d one w ith t hat a nd ba ck he re in Holly wood. I th ink,er, f irsttimenomin ee Ma tt Di llonis jo ining us,er, a wond erful care er. I have enjo yed h is wo rk fo r man y man y yea rs. I want ed to be h im fo r man y man y yea rs. H e was in C rash, hisco-st ar Sa ndraBullo ck, e r, ri ght n ext t o him. Als o inCrash Terr enceHowar d ishere. DonChead le, B renda
n Fra r,er, R yan P hilli pe al so fr om Cr ash.You,you k now w hat,actua lly,you k now w hat w ouldbe ea sier? Rais e you r han d ifyou w ere n ot in Cras h! Bu t
all thefilms this year, er, that have been nomi nated are, areexcel lentfilms. The y dea l
wit h rac ism,corru ption, ter roris m, an d cen sorsh ip. I t s w hy we go t o the movi es, t o
esc ape!I lltellyou t he mo viesthatdo ve ry we ll, t hey r e rem aked. King Kong, the y mad e tha t a c ouple of t imes, andthistime, smas h hit. War of t he Wo rlds, rema ke, t remen dous. Walk theline, er,it sRay,withwhite peop le, r emake s See, Jim mie,I kno w. Bu t I h ave t o say I mfromNew Y ork a nd Ive be en ou t her e a w eek a nd Ihavehad a grea t tim e. I
reall y mea n tha t. An d um, a lo t ofpeopl e say that this town is t oo li beral, out of t ouchwithmains tream Amer ica,an at heist ic pl easur e dom e , a mode rn da y bea chfro nt st ardom andcamau ro. A mora l bla ck ho le wh ere i nnoce nce i s obl itera ted i n anendle ss or gy of xu al gr atifi catio n and gree d. Idon t real ly ha ve ajokehere, I er, I j ust t hough t you
shou ld kn ow alot o f peo ple a re sa yingthat. Well, I h ave b een t o the part ies,there yougo. N ow yo u are talk ing!Obvio uslyone l ast t hingI wan t tomenti on, t he el ephan t in
the r oom.Er, t he mo vie t hat e veryb ody w as ta lking abou t thi s yea r, of cour we are
talki ng ab out B rokeb ack M ounta in. E r, Ihaveno pr oblem s wit h gay them es. U m,
th ere w ere a lotof th em th is ye ar, l et sfacefacts, I m ean f or go d s s akes, theboxin g
mov ie wa s cal led C inder ellaMan,I mea n, th ere i s a l ot ga y the mes.I jus t fel t the
Brok eback tarn ishes thenoble west ern t radit ion,rugge d men, who repr ent the
heter oxu al id eal.Um, I m so rry I just feel like ther e isnothi ng re motel y gay abou t the clas sic H ollyw ood w ester ns. M ind i f I l ook a t you Winc heste r? It s re al pr etty. Nice,
awf ul ni ce. S uppos e ifI tan gle w ith h im Ill ha ve to take youall o n too. Oh, I ll have yousprea d eag le on a wa gon w heel. Butremem ber w hatev er ha ppens, thi s isstric tly b etwee n you andme, a nd th e hor . R ight? I do n t k now w hy yo u tho ughtyou h ad to e in to s ay
go odbye. Goo d bye that I ha ve in mind will take a li ttlemoreroomthanwe ha ve in here. Yea h, Ye ah, t hat s howtheyudto ma ke th em, n ot re allysurewhatmy po int w as
ab out t hat.Er, I ll s ay th is, C harlt on He stonis cu t. Gu ylook s lik e hehas b een l iftin g 20mandm ents. Um,a lot of t imesfor t he Os cars, peop le ar en tquite sure howthe p ren terse out, how theorder s de termi ned,so to night we r e gon na tr y som ethin g a l ittle bit
diffe rent. Er,we re goin g tobe in trodu cingthe p ren tersin or der o f how tale ntedtheyare.No? L adies andgentl emen, plea we le Ac ademy Awar d win ner,Nicol e Kid man.篇二:
英文颁奖词、 Hu gh Ja ckman Theacade my li kes t o sal ute r ange- Kate Wins let-a n
Eng lishwho p laysa Ger man i n the read er, n omina ted R obert Down ny Jr.-an
Ameri can w ho pl ays a n Aus trali an wh o pla ys an Afri can A meric an, n omina ted W herea s me, an A ustra lianwho p laysan Au stral ian i n a m oviecalle d Aus trali a, ho sting. SoI amthe h ost t his y ear b ut th at snot t he on ly th ing t hat i s dif feren t. Ev eryth ing h as be en
do wnsiz ed be cause of t he re cessi on. S o nex t yea r, Iam go ing t o beplayi ng in a
mo vie c alled NewZeala nd Mi ckeyRourk e -Iwantyou t o say what everis on youmind. Youknowwe ha ve a7 c ondsdelay toni ght b ut if youwin,we wi ll sw itchto a20 mi n del ay. I actu allydon t have a jo ke fo r the m. Iam ju st co ntrac tuall y obl igate d tomenti on th eir n amesat le ast 5 time s ton ig
ht. -Ang elina Joli e and Brad Pitt Mery l Str eep-15
nom inati ons -thats a r ecord. whe n som eoneputsup nu mbers like that it i s hig h eno ugh t o thi nk st eroid s. St eroid s-per forma nce e nhanc ing d rugsudand a bud in s ports. Bes t
sup porti ng ac tress-- Pe nelop e Cru z Who opi G oldbe rg --It snot e asy b einga nun-take
it f rom o ne wh o isbeenthere andback(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片修女也疯狂 si steract)-first of a ll, y our f ace n everlookthin; younever getto we ar pa nts a nd
yo ur lo ve in teres t isalway s off scre en. B ut in spit e ofthis, AmyAdams show ed us howa
wom an co uld s um up thecoura ge sh e did n t k now s he ha d and plac e her lfin th e
mid dle o f a d eeply trou bling mora l mys tery. Shewas p ellin g and movi ng wi thout a
do ubt.Penel ope C ruz-i t s n ot go ing t o be45 se conds. has anyo ne fa inted befo re? C auI thi nk Imight be t he fi rst o ne. t hankyou w oodyfor t rusti ng me with this beau tiful
char acter. Tha nking youfor h aving writ ten a ll th e y earssomeof th e gre atest char acter s for w
ome n. …I alwa ys fe lt th at th is ce remon y isa mom ent o f uni ty fo r the worl d bec auart i n any form is,has b een a nd wi ll al waysbe aunive rsallangu age a nd we shou ld do
ever ythin g wecan t o pro tectits s urviv al. B est o rigin al sc reenplay-adapt ed sc reenplayTinaFay a nd St eve M artin The t wo in credi ble p ren terswalkout t o cen ter s tage. Thecrowd is a mazed by t he st ar po wer a nd be autyof th e two pres enter s. Th e aud ience
memb ers a re to o stu nnedto le ap to thei r fee t exc ept f or th o c onsum ed by bitt er je alous y. Th e aud ience brea ks in to wi ld, u ncont rolla ble a pplau . I t has been said that to w riteis to live fore ver.And m an wh o wro te th at is dead. Eve ry gr eat m oviestart s wit h a g reat
scree nplay. Ora ver y goo d ide a for theposte r, bu t usu allya scr een p lay.And e very
write r sta rts w ith a blan k pag e and ever y bla nk pa ge wa s onc e a t ree.And e verytree
was o nce a tiny ed andevery tiny ed wasplace d onearth by t he al ien k ing.Milk-Dust in La nce B lack-we wi ll ha ve eq ual r ights fede rally in t his g reatnatio n ofours. Best anim atedfeatu re Je nnife r Ani ston/JackBlack-kung fu pa nda T he no minee s inthis
categ ory a re aremin der t hat w e are bein g qui cklyobsol ete.Jack-eachyearI do
one D reamw orksproje ct an d I t ake a ll th emone y tothe O scars andbet i t onPixar
(Dis ney a nd Pi xar)A lot of p eople mist akenl y thi nk it is e asier to w in th e bes t sho rt
an imate d fil m. Bu t tha t isnot t rue.The s horte r you r mov ie, t he le ss ti me yo u pan da ha s toworkits w ay in to Am erica s he art.Bestsuppo rting acto r Sey mourPhill ip Ho ffman-
fort unate ly fo r us, Phil lip,yourmitme nt fo r the trut h inevery mome nt ke eps u s exa ctlywhere we s hould be-u ntt led,unsur e, an d unc ertai n. Fo r thi s aga in th is ye ar, w e sin g
you r pra is. Heat h led ger P remat ure d eath-posth umous ly BE ST DI RECTO R Ree
Wi thers poonThere is o ne pe rsonwe ha ve ye t hon ored. Forthose of y ou at home, the y
are theceo,the h ead h oncho, the gran d poo bah,the b ig ch ee. (che esy)on si te th ey ca n beyou m other, you r fat her a nd yo ur th erapi st. T hey c an ev en ma nagehosta ge
ne gotia tions when cert ain a ctor/actre ss ha vingtroub le in g out of t heirtrail er-no t I a m
spe aking abou t mys elf b ut yo u kno w who youare.Ben s tille r.The dire ctoris agrand
coll abora tor t aking insp irati on fr om al l art istsaroun d the m tocreat e one sing ularvisio n, cl arify ing t he sc reenwrite r s w ords, crea tinga vis ual l angua ge wi th th e
cin emato graph er, h elpin g eac h act or fi nd atrueemoti onalconne ction to t heirchara cter, desi gning each shot so t hat e veryt hingin th e fra me ad ds to theimmed iacyof th e sto ry
te lling, mak ing s ure t hat e verycreat ive a spect s wor k tog ether to e levat e cra ft to thelevel of a rt. D annyBoyle: Mykidsare t oo ol d toremem ber t his-b ut Iswore to t hem,if th is
mi rcalevenhappe ns, I woul d rec eiveit in thespiri t oftiger from Winn ie th e poo h. Fo r
the beau tiful show youhavedone, butin th e roo m itis bl oodybeaut iful. Best actr ess-Sophi a Lor en-it is h ard t o kno w whe re to begi n wit h the next nomi nee,her n ame i tlf hase torepre nta who le wo rld o f unm atche d exc ellen ce. S o itis pr obabl y bes t to
simpl y sta rt th ere.Meryl Stre ep. 15 nom inati ons 2 wins Shir ley M acLai ne (t ermsof
en dearm ent,in he r sho es, s teelmagno lia)-annaHatha way Y ou fe arles sly s teppe d int o the shoe s ofsomeo ne st ruggl ing w ith a ddict ion a nd gr ief.I thi nk yo u are an a mazin g
exa mple篇三: