Story 11-------A “Friend-Making Machine”
四大发明有哪些Rob the rabbit is a clever engineer.
He makes a lot of great machines他哭了.
But Rob has no friends.
Thanksgiving is coming.
Rob feels lonely,
So he decides to make a “friend-making machine”.
This is not easy.
Rob keeps on thinking长春市博物馆, but he has no idea.
Just then, his neighbour,
Michael the monkey, comes in.
“Dear Rob, can you make me a peeler to peel bananas? My finger is hurt.”
“Er… I am busy. Why not wait until your finger is OK?”
Michael leaves.
(Hurry up! Hurry up!)
Shelly the sheep comes in.
“Dear Rob, can you make me an auto-comb to comb my hair? My arm is too short.”
“Er… I am busy. Why not ask another sheep to help?”
喝完咖啡拉肚子Shelly leaves.
(Be quick! Be quick!)
Later, Helen the hen comes for a catcher to catch the fox.
Peter the pig comes for a mixer to mix the mud.
Rob doesn’t help anyone.
Several days later, Rob still has no idea about his machine.
Dear Rob:
Help tho in need.
You will find the cret.
Dr. Smart
“What shall I do?”Rob asks Dr. Smart for help.
Dr. Smart answers:
Rob makes a banana-peeler for Michael,
an auto-comb for Shelly,
a fox-catcher for Helen,
and a mud-mixer for Peter.
Rob still doesn’t find the cret for making his machine.
He is upt.
Suddenly he hears a knock at the door. 胖头鱼
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
Rob now has many friends.
He has finally discovered the cret.