Food & Beverage Division
Banquet—Equipment Deviation List 宴会设备种类
10 pax Round table 10人圆台 183cm
8 pax Round table 8 人圆台 150cm
6 pax Round table 6 人圆台 120cm
16 pax Round table 16人圆台 240cm
Rectangular table 长方台 183cm×90cm
I B M table IBM长方台 183cm×45cm
Crescent table 扇型台
Aluminium chair 铝制宴会椅
Half Round table 1/2圆台 183cm1936年属什么生肖属相
Quarter Round table 1/4圆台 91.5cm
Square table 正方型台 91.5cm
Mobile Stage 活动舞台 244cm×183cm
Dancing floor 跳舞地板 90cm×90cm
例假喝什么好Podium 讲台 Towel warmer毛巾箱
Tow step ri 级梯 Service trolley服务车
Trolley 运输车 Liquor/drink Bar trolley酒水吧车
Sofa 沙发
Tea table 茶几
Board table 董事会台
Leather chair 皮椅
Paging board 寻人牌
Non-slip tray 爱在你我之间防滑托盘 Round tray& Rectangular tray 圆托,方托
Heated mobile lowerator dish dispenr双头暖碟车
Banquet--Linen List 宴会布草种类
Napkin 口布 56cm×56cm Burgundy red 驾考宝典科目一模拟考试酒红色
Table cloth 台布 137cm×229cm Gold 金黄色
163cm×163cm Silver 银白色
229cm×229cm Cream 米白色
Service cloth 服务布 41cm×56cm Navy blue 海军兰色
Bussing red cloth 红条抹布 41cm×56cm Pink 粉红色
Equipment green cloth 绿色擦餐具用布 41cm×56cm
Glass blue cloth 蓝色擦杯具用布41cm×56cm
Face towel小方巾 30cm×30cm
White gloves for VIP服务贵宾用白手套(双) (pairs)
Green felt 绿色台呢 150cm×2主板声卡70cm
Stage skirting, with Velcro tape 舞台台裙,带毛毡 300cm×60cm
Table skirting, with Velcro tape台裙,带毛毡 300cm×74cm
Chair cover, with fly tie椅套,带椅结
Cocktail Napkin 鸡尾酒巾
Place Mat 台垫 Runner 桌旗
Banquet—Tableware Lis家校共建t 宴会餐具种类
Stainless steel Cutlery 不锈钢餐具
Dinner-knife 正餐刀 Demitas spoon 特饮咖啡勺
Dinner-fork 正餐叉 Iced tea spoon 冰茶勺
Steak-knife 牛扒刀 Coffee/Tea spoon 茶勺
Desrt-spoon 甜品勺 Ice tong 冰夹
Desrt-fork 甜品叉 Cake rver饼铲
Desrt-knife 甜品刀 Oyster fork 蚝叉
Butter-knife 牛油刀 Soup ladle长柄汤勺
Soup-spoon 汤勺 Spaghetti tong 意粉夹
Service-fork 服务叉 Serving tong 服务夹
Service-spoon 服务勺 Bread & Pastry tong 面包,曲奇夹
Service-pastry tong 饼夹 Lemon squeezer 柠檬夹
Salad-tong 沙拉夹 Gravy boat 汁船
Fish-fork 鱼叉 Pepper mills 法国胡椒磨
Fish-knife 鱼刀
Cocktail-fork 开胃品小叉
Wine-basket 红酒篮
Chinaware 中式餐具
Ashtray 烟缸 Bone plate 6.25” 骨碟
Creamer 奶缸 Container sugar with out lip 糖包缸
Soup cup 汤杯 Soup cup saucer 汤杯底碟
《理想国》Soup bowl 汤碗 Tea pot 茶壶
Coffee/tea cup 咖啡杯 Coffee/tea cup saucer 咖啡杯底碟
Dinner plate 10” 正餐盘 Desrt plate 8” 甜品盘
Salad plate 9” 沙拉盘 Toothpick holder 牙签盅
Show plate 展示盘 Va 花瓶
Pepper shaker 胡椒盅 Salt shaker 盐盅
Coffee/tea mug 马克杯 Coffee/tea mug saucer 马克杯底碟
Chopsticks rest 筷子架 Butter dish 黄油碟
Chapel cup & cover & saucer 中式茶杯三件套
Chine wine cup 中式白酒杯 Wine pot 白酒壶
Soya sauce pot 酱油壶 Sauce dish 3.75” 汁酱碟
Soya sauce dish 2.75” 酱油碟 Divided dish 3.5” 格味碟
Sauceboat 船碟 Gravy boat 汁盅
Sundae cup 玻璃布丁杯 Shark’s fin handless cup 鱼翅盅
Oval plate 椭圆盘 Seafood oval plate 鱼盘
Rice bowl 饭碗 Soup spoon (china) 中式瓷勺
Shark’s fin bowl 翅碗 Chopsticks 筷子
Dragon boat 刺身木船 Salmon board 三文鱼船
Glassware 玻璃器皿
Salad bowl 沙拉碗 Wine decanter 分酒器
Brandy snifter glass 空中栈道白兰地杯 Cordial glass 2oz 力乔酒杯
Champagne coupe 碟型香槟杯 Champagne flute 笛型香槟杯
Irish coffee glass 8.5oz爱尔兰咖啡杯 juice glass 5oz 果汁杯
Mao tai glass 茅台杯 Pilsner glass 12oz 啤酒杯
All wine purpo glass 10.5oz 多功能红酒杯 Red wine glass 8.5oz红葡萄酒杯