2016 年湖南省永州市中考英语试卷
第一部分听力技术(共两节,满分 10 分)第一节听力理解(共 古筝曲7 小题,每题
1 白发吃什么变黑发分,满分 10 分)
1.听第一段资料,回答第 1 小题
1.What are they going to play?
2.听第二段资料,回答第 2 小题
2.How will the woman go to Hainan?
3.听第三段资料,回答第 3 小题
3.what mustn ′ t people do in the muum?
4.听第四段资料,回答第 4 小题
4.How much is the bike?
5.听第五段资料,回答第 5~ 6 小题
5.who are talking on the phone?
A.wangmingand his mother
B.wangming′ smother and MrLi
C.MrLiand a doctor
6.why can't wangming go to school?
A.简单魔术教学Becau he has a fever
B.Becau he has a stomachache
C.Becau he has a bad cold.
6.听第六段资料,回答第 7~ 8 小题
7.where will the man want to go ?
A.Chaoyang park
B.Dongfeng Bridge
独特反义词8.How will the man get there from the bus station ?
A.He takes a bus
B.He walks
C.He takes a bus and walks.
7.听第七段资料,回答 9~10 小题
9引起英文.what's Bob going to buy this Saturday?
A.Some food
B.Some clothes
C.Some flowers
10.How old is Bob?
第二节笔录要点(共 1 小题,每题 10 分,满分 10 分)听下面一段资料,根
据听到的内容,将 11~15 全民k歌歌房小题的信息补充完满,每空不高出 3 个单词
11.( 10 分)
( 13)
the Information about Yongzhaou
In the (11)
of Hunan
More than (12)
million people in Yongzhou
It is fine all year aroud