(How to manage teaching and learning)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
■3-1:教师的课堂仪态(How should teachers u their physical prence in class?)
◆3-1-1:教师的仪态(teachers’ physical prence);
gtp吉他谱【2】→教师的行动方式(the way the teacher moves)
【3】→教师的站立方式(the way the teacher stands)
【4】→教师的外在表现力(how demonstrative a teacher is)
一朵绿花【1】→师生之间的物理距离(how clo)
【2】→物理距离是冷感的标志(distance is a sign of coldness )
【1】→下蹲(crouching down):和学生保持相同高度(at the same level as ated students),创造极度友好的氛围(creating a friendly atmosphere);
【2】→教师席地而坐(sitting on the floor):或许适宜,或许会让学生分散注意力(being put off from concentrating);
【3】→教师可坐在桌沿(sitting on the edge of tables),可站在讲台后(standing behind a lectern),可站在略高的讲台上(standing on a raid dais),但这一切均深刻表明教师的个性;
【4】→务必考虑教师举止对学生的影响(considering effect of physical behavior);2018选秀
【5】→教师教学行为需得当(behaving appropriately)
【1】→或者整节课待在一个地方不动(spending class time in one place);
【2】→或者整节课走来走去(spending class time walking from time to time);
【3】→这些是教师个人的喜好问题(a matter of personal preference);
【4】→一动不动的老师令学生厌烦(motionless teachers can bore students);
【5】→动个不停的老师让学生疲倦(teachers constantly moving make students exhausted);
【6】→教师在教室之内的移动(moving around the classroom),可以保持学生的兴趣(retaining students’ interest);也可实现近距离的和小组协作(working more cloly with smaller groups);
【7】→移动频率取决于个人风格(frequency of moving depends on personal style):站立的舒适区域(where to feel most comfortable);自我感觉的管理班级的最轻松方式(how to feel easiest to manage classroom);是否愿意和小组协作(whether or not to work with smaller group);
【1】→观察和倾听,应当如同教学一样认真用心(watching and listening just as carefully as teaching);
【2】→尽量保持移动(being able to move around);
【3】→保持合适的亲密度(getting the level of proximity right);
【4】→保持眼神交流(making eye contact);
【5】→得体地倾听和回应学生(listening and responding appropriately);
操同学【6】→交流因人而异,因课而异(contact varies from teacher to teacher and from class to class);
【会心之处】:教师要谨记四个“up”:stand up(站立讲课);walk up (走动);speak up(声音洪亮);shut up(不要拖堂)。
■3-2:教师课堂上嗓音的使用(How should teachers u their voices in class?)
【1】→教室前后的学生都可听清(students at the back and front can hear);
【2】→避免声音过大(avoiding danger of being too loud);
【3】→勿发出刺耳吼声(no rasping shout);
【4】→可听度和音量控制之间保持平衡(balance between audibility and volume);
【1】→变换音质(varying the quality of voices);
【2】→教师的音量取决于课型和活动类型(volume depends on the type of lesson and type of activity);
【3】→较大声音可以维持秩序(using loud voices to keep order);
【4】→安静说话亦可有效吸引学生注意力(speaking quietly is as effective a way of getting students’ attention);
【5】→平素安静的教师偶尔发声,有出人意料的效果(occasional interjection from quiet teacher has dramatic effect);
【1】→学会正确呼吸(breathing correctly);
【2】→尝试变换嗓音(varying voices throughout a day);
【3】→尽量避免大吼(avoiding shouting)
■3-3:教师如何帮学生明确课堂不同环节(How should teachers mark the stages of lesson?)