y External crystal oscillator
(input range: ±440mV)
10MHz: emulated up to 440,000 counts (input range: ±440mV) dual-slope analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with X10 and PEAK Hold functions. The ES51966 also include capacitance, frequency and duty cycle measurement. The conversion rate and resolution can be lected/decided by external microprocessor. In additional, other functions are also provided for low battery detection, on chip buzzer driving, and I/O port with microprocessor.
y Four lectable conversion rates:
20, 10, 5, 2 conversion/c
y On chip resistance switches for range Changing.
y Voltage (DC/AC), current(DC/AC), resistor, diode, capacitance, frequency and duty cycle measurement
y400mV independent input
y on chip OP amp’ for AC/DC conversion
y Auto zeroing function
y Peak hold function with calibration mode (Taiwan patent no.: 476418)
y X10 function
y I/O port for microprocessor
y Capacitance measurement
(Taiwan patent no.: 453443)
-4nF to 40mF, count up to 40,000 counts
-Discharging indication
y400MHz Frequency counter and 1MHz duty cycle measurement数学排列组合公式
y On chip buzzer driving: 2KHz
y Single 5V DC power supply (V+ to V-)
y Low battery detection
y SLEEP mode
y64-pin QFP
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Characteristic Rating
Positive Supply V oltage (V+ to AGND)
3.5V Negative Supply V oltage (V- to AGND)
Analog I/O V oltage ((V-) - 0.5V) to ((V+) + 0.5V) Digital I/O V oltage ((V-) - 0.5V) to ((V+) + 0.5V) Power Dissipation 800mW
Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C Storage Temperature -25°C to 125°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10c)
Electrical Characteristics
TA=25°C, DGND=AGND=0V Symbol Parameter Test Condition
Typ. Max. Unit
V+ Positive Power Supply 2.3 2.5 2.7 V V- Negative Power Supply -2.3 -2.5 -2.7 V I(V+) Operation Supply Current
Normal power on (V+ to V-) - 1.0 1.7 mA
I(GND) Supply Current of DGND to V- ΔV between DGND and V- is -0.2V
5 10 - mA
Zero Zero Input Reading 1 M Ω input resistor, null to zero
by uP.
-0 0 +0 count NLV1 Nonlinearity (V oltage x1) Best ca straight line -0.01- 0.01 %F.S.REV1 Rollover Error (V oltage x1)
1 M Ω input resistor
-0.01- 0.01 %F.S.NLV10 Nonlinearity (V oltage x10)
Best ca straight line -0.1 - 0.1 %F.S.
REV10 Rollover Error (V oltage x10)
1 M Ω input resistor
-0.1 - 0.1 %F.S.V12 Band Gap V oltage Reference
100 k Ω between V12 and AGND -1.31
1.23 -1.10 V LBATT Low Battery Detection LBATT to V12 -60 0 60 mV PEAK Hold value accuracy (10us) 使用10nF 聚乙酯薄膜電容 (polyester, Mylar)
-1.2 -25 - +1.2 +25 %F.S.
±count TCRF Reference V oltage (V12) Temperature Coefficient 100 k Ω between V12 and AGND (0°C to 70°C)
- 50 - ppm/°C
圈6Pin configuration
Pin Description
Pin No.
Type Description
1 CAZ O Auto-zero capacitor connection
2 RAZ O Auto-zero resistance connection
3 CINT O Integration capacitor connection
4 BUF O Integration resistor connection output
5 BUFX10 O Integration resistor connection output
6 Cref- I/O Negative connection for reference capacitor
7 Cref+ I/O Positive connection for reference capacito 9 IVSH I High current measurement input 10 I
VSL I Low current measurement input 11 TEST5 I/O Test Pin 12 ACVL O Negative output of AC to DC converter 13 ACVH O Positive output of AC to DC converter. 14 ADI I Negative input of internal AC to DC OpAmp 15 ADO O Output of internal AC to DC OpAmp.
V S G R 1R 5R 4R 3R 2C G N D
C R 1
C 400m
T V V A G N D G N A G N V V O S C 4M
S C L K游记作文400字
S T A美甲图片大全
Pin No. Symbol Type Description
17 OVX I Input high voltage for resistance measurement.
Operation Mode书的好处
The EOC, SCLK and STATUS of the ES51966 are ud as digital communicating interface between ES51966 and microprocessor. The STATUS pin is bi-directional, and the others are unilateral: EOC is from ES51966 to microprocessor and SCLK is from microprocessor to ES51966. The timing and data of the communication are as follows:
mode 1: ES51966 receives controlled status from microprocessor.
Timing of the above figure: (T = 0.25μs)
t1(1040 ~ 4096) T t6(32 ~ 512) T
t2 512 T t7(520 ~ 1020) T
t3(4 ~ 256) T t8(0 ~ 256) T
t4 > 4 T t9 520 T
t5(16 ~ 1024) T
Note: 1. At START:
After time A, ES51966 enter into AZ pha. And at the same time, STATUS is
changed from output pin to input pin with a 3uA pull low current provided by
ES51966 internally. Then microprocessor can nd control status to STATUS. It
is suggested that microprocessor begins to drive STATUS between B and C.
2. At END:
The microprocessor stopped driving STATUS between D and E, and ES51966
will begin to drive STATUS after F.