Bicycle Rental Agreement
I the undersigned acknowledge receipt of _____unit(s) of bicycle rental from Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel and confirm acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions.
●Shall commence on the date and time of the agreement and shall terminate on the date and time within the Bicycle is returned.
●The rental price is ___RMB per hour per unit.
●The Guest must sign the Relea and indemnity form written overleaf.
●Guest must comply with all traffic rules and regulations. Guest shall u bicycle in a careful and proper manner. HELMET must be worn at all times.
●The Guest is liable to a maximum charge equivalent to the cost of the bicycle should it be lost or found damaged, Hotel rerves the right to impo appropriate repair fees when the bicycle is found damaged bad on estimated cost.
●In the event that the unit breaks down or does not operate properly, the renter must notif
y the Hotel and shall not make or permit to make any repairs to the unit without consulting the Hotel.
●The hotel cannot be held responsible for any delay in repairing or replacing the bicycle.
防溺水应急预案●The bicycle shall be returned to the hotel at the end of the lea period.
●The hotel is not liable for any conquential loss of the bicycle breakdown.
●It is recommendable to ride bicycles within Olympic Park and around the Hotel area.
客人姓名/Guest Name 未成年人姓名/Minor Name
______________________ ( 11-17岁)/(11-17 Years-old)_____________________________
签名/Signature 国籍/护照号或身份证号
素质拓展活动 ______________________ Nationality/ Passport No. or ID No.___________________________
国籍/护照号或身份证号 父母或监护人姓名(正楷)
Nationality/ Passport No. or ID No. _____________________ Printed name of Parents or Guardian__________________________
房间号码/Room Number 国籍/护照号或身份证号
_____________________ Nationality/ Passport No. or ID No.____________________________
当班员工/ Associate _____________________ 父母或监护人签名
日期/Date _____________________ Signature of Parents or Guardian______________________________
挑战耐心Relea of Liability
(Plea Read Carefully 请仔细阅读)
本人已满十八(18)周岁,否则将由本人的监护人签署本免责声明,并同意本声明中所述全部责任。 我郑重声明:本人身体健康,没有任何疾病,可以参加北戴河华贸喜来登酒店组织的娱乐活动、体育活动和使用体育器械。本人清楚的知道参加娱乐活动和体育运动及使用合格的运动器械所存在的危险性,并且清楚的知道参加娱乐活动和体育运动及使用合格的运动器械也可能导致受伤甚至死亡,我自愿参加该项活动并愿意自行承担由此而引起的所有后果。本人无条件的免除北戴河华贸喜来登酒店(“酒店”)、酒店业主、酒店经营者、Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide. Inc 及其任何关联公司、董事、管理人员、代理人和员工对本人参加上述活动项目或与此相关而遭受的任何人身伤亡和/或财产损坏而承担责任;并且本人无条件的同意赔偿酒店、酒店业主、酒店经营者、Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide. Inc 及其任何关联公司、董事、管理人员、代理人和员工对本人参加上述活动项目而发生或遭受的任何责任、索赔、请求、诉讼、损失和损害赔偿。本人有充足
I am at least eighteen(18) years of age or a parent and/ or guardian must sign this Legal Disclaimer on my behalf and accept all liability as described herein. I hereby further declare mylf to be physically sound and suffering from no condition impairment dia, Infirmity, or other illness that would prevent my participation in any of the activities and 扶贫programs of Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel or u of equipment or machinery. I understand and am aware that sports activities and exercis including the u of qualified sport equipment may be potentially hazardous. I also understand that the activities and exercis and u of qualified equipment involve a risk of injury and even the possibility of death and that I am voluntarily participating in the activities and exercis and using such equipment with full knowledge of the risks involved. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all conquences of my participation and u and I unconditionally agree to relea, discharge, and waive any and all responsibility of the Hotel, the Hotel’s owner, the hotel’s operator and Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide. Inc and all their affiliates, Directors, Officers, agents and employees fr
om and against all liability, claims, demands, actions, loss and damage arising out of my participation in the said activities and programs. I have been given sufficient time to read this Legal Disclaimer, and fully understand its implications. By signing below, I agree to grant this Legal Disclaimer.
客人姓名/Guest Name 未成年人姓名/Minor Name
______________________ ( 11-17岁)/(11-17 Years-old)_____________________________
签名/Signature 父母或监护人姓名(正楷)
______________________ Printed name of Parents or Guardian__________________________
房间号码/Room Number 父母或监护人签名同学的作文
_____________________ Signature of Parents or Guardian______________________________
日期/Date _____________________