Violence occurs everyday in our world. Wars are the extreme form of violence. Another kind of violence is fighting between common people, who resort to this means to solve their problems. Violence can also appear on the screen. Movies and TV ries are often fraught with killing and injuring to lure people's attention. However, the phenomenon has caud rious social problems such as incread juvenile delinquency. So, we should try every means to reduce or control the widespread violence.
不是每一次的约会One of the overriding methods is to educate people of the importance of solving problems through peaceful negotiations. We should oppo the robber logic that the most powerful speaks the truth.
十里柔情Another way to combat screen violence is to grade movies into different catogaries, which is the standard practice in most Western countries. Why don't we learn from them? Becau such labelling can prevent young people from eing harmful scenes.
In conclusion, there are a variety of ways to stop violence. overall, the more we advocate peaceful means, the less violence we will e.