食醋的作用Cities are responsible for over 70% of carbon emissions, 60% of resource u and an incredible amount of global waste. What's more, the living conditions in cities will determine the health of billions of people. Therefore, it is of vital importance to make our city better.
The thing is, how can we make cities greener and healthier? What can we, individuals do to help this process? Here are 4如今的社会 ways we can do in our everyday life to make cities more sustainable – and much more enjoyable to live in.
Be A Sustainable Commuter
One of the most important eco habits people can adopt is choosing more sustainable modes of transport in the city. Walking, biking, taking public transport, scootering – even the occasional car-sharing or carpooling are better options than taking the car everywhere (not to mention they are way more fun, especially scootering and biking).
Recycle (Better)嘴唇的画法
If there’s one thing the environmental movement has achieved in the last few decades is an
almost universal awareness of the importance (or at least the existence) of recycling. L丽江客栈et’s just stick to this action item: recycle! And don’t forget the less obvious recyclable stuff either, like ud oil or e-waste.
U Less Air Conditioning
I’ll try to limit my rant to a minimum on this one, but it’s difficult becau I have very strong negative views on the AC. For me, it is kind of a symbol of the extreme way humanity sacrifices the environment and our collective future for a little bit of comfort. Sure, there are situations when the u of AC is warranted – for people working in factories, doctors performing surgeries, in truly hot weather conditions, etc. But running it 24/7 from March till October just becau we can is ridiculous. When I was living in the US, I had to keep a sweater with me even in sweltering July weather otherwi I would have frozen to death in the office or the supermarket. This is absurd, especially as this AC mania contributes to the climate crisis as well – it eats up an incredible amount of power, it funnels heat outside thus increasing the urban heat effect, and it emits greenhou gas.
There are many natural and technologically innovative ways to cool our buildings (from blinds to evaporative cooling devices) and ourlves so we should normalize treating the AC as the very last resort.
Organize Local Actions
To rai awareness of global issues无牵无挂,we can organize or participate in local cleanups, greening events, which will have a beneficial effect on the environment and can inspire other people to take action as well.