毛边 Flash or burr 黑粒溢料 Pill overflow
污点 Spots or dirty dots 算不算可惜破裂 Torn
污迹 Dirty mark 黑粒不良 Pill badness
粘异物 Adhere to impurities 缺料 Short mold
混练 Compounding 原料片数 No. Of pieces
裁料 Material cutting 岱鳌山硅胶 Silicone rubber
比色系统(色卡) PMS (pantone) 针孔 Pin hole
溢料 Color overflow 弹性不良 Force defect
气迹 Gas bubble problem 麻木 Innsibility
KT不良 Defect of the KT 黑点 Black spot
黑粒破 Pill torn 模痕 Mold mark
变形 Deform KT 插反 Inrt KT in rever
凹痕 Dented or recess KT插错 Inrt wrong KT
凸痕 Protruding mark 尺寸偏大活动开展情况汇报 Dimension oversize
漏插KT Missing KT when inrt 导电黑粒 Conductive pill
二次加硫 Post curing 弹性 Actuating force
油压 Pressuring 黑粒置具 Conductive pill jig
漏挖定位孔 Abnce of locating hole
双粒ps魔法棒 Double pill
缺陷模产品相掺 Commixture of different mould
不明数 Not clear number
偏心 Mould eccentricity 粘油印 Adhere to printing ink
印刷不良 Printing defect 表面不良 Appearance defect
导电不良 Electrical defect 移印不良 Shift printing defect
积油 Oil amass 印刷字体斜 Printing slanting
气泡 Bubble 字体偏位期中期末卷 Printing offt
产品相混 Mixing different parts 颗粒 Particle
硫化剂 vulcanizing agent 产品送错工序 Delivered wrong working procedure
键帽刮伤 Keycap scratch 不同型号的合格证相掺 Mixing different product’s labels
资料单与产品型号不符 Production data do not agree with the part number
银粉粒 Sliver pill 整批合格证错 Wrong label of the whole batch
漏印导电 Missing coating 键帽粘偏 Exhibiting keycap deflection
切割图形不正 Lar etched graphics misaligned
多挖KT Dig extra KT 雾面PU Matt PU coating
漏挖KT KT miss digging 粘面 Semi-glassy coating
挖错KT Digging with mistaken KT 千与千寻观后感漏印导电 Missing coating
多切KT Cutting much KT 漏印字体 Missing printing style
印错字体 Misprinting style 切割方向错 Wrong direction of lar etched
漏喷消光 Missing coating 漏切割 Missing lar etched
漏喷读书笔记150字PU Missing PU coating 漏注滴 Missing soft encapsulation
漏塞料 Missing material when inrt 环绕 Around
丝网 Printing stencil 键 Buttons
寿命 Life-span 电镀 Plating
剖面图 Section 不良 not good
参考 Reference 额外冲程 Over travel
参考面 Reference pain 印刷置具 Printing jig
PU不良 Pu not good 喷 Spray
粘胶 Adhere to impurities 冲程 Travel
修改 REV. 圆的 Spherical
感觉 Snap feeling 片 Cave
键高 Key height 回弹 Return force
键盘 Key pad 固化 Solidify
电压 Pressure 电流 Current
品管部 Quality control dept. 业务部 Sales dept.
财务部 Finance dept. 行政部 Administration dept.
ESH Environment safety healthy 供应商 Supplier
VBSS Value bad six sigma 型号 Part No.
IT International technical 编号 Serials No.
ISO International standard organization 样品 Samples
IPQC In process quality control 产品 Product
QC Quality control 班 Shift
QA Quality assurance 过程 Process
加工 Deflash 流程图 Flow chat
冲加工 Punching 标准卡 Standard card
胶印 Tempo-printing 说明书 Instruction
注塑 Plastic injection 控制计划 Control plan
塑喷 Plastic spraying 进料 incoming
制作 Prepared 出货 Delivery
确认 Approved 标记 Symbol
审核 Checked 判断 Decision
结果 Result 正常检验 Normal test
方法 Method 加严检验 Tighten
纠正 Correction 返修 Rework
描述 Description 摩擦 Abrasion
投诉 Complain 划格 Cross cut
追踪 Tracking 温度 Temperature
改善 Improvement 湿度 Humidity
频率 Frequency 反馈 Feedback
更改 Rejecter 油墨 Ink
色膏 Pigment 胶水 Glue
丝网 Sick screen
亮雾 Dim