There was a ten thousand book, and the young man, who was ready to finish the road, asked a wi man, "what should I take to get on the road?" The wi man had no words, just picked up an empty cup and went into the water, even though the water spilled out, but the wi man was still strong.
At this time, the young man reminded the wi man that the water was full. After listening, sage relented. Then pass some empty cups and let him take the road. The young man asked why. The wi man said, "a person's life is a journey, and the process of traveling is t
o absorb all kinds of nutrients to nourish our life." If we take too many things on our way, we will be like that cup, and no more stuff, any knowledge.逢7过
As in the story, a glass filled with water can no longer contain any knowledge. What's more, it's the heart. In today's society, why there are success, lors, is becau of pride, the heart of the heart. If the former is afraid of how much knowledge he has, he will be like an empty cup. The latter is arrogant, opinionated. So even if the knowledge is less, the cup can not be reinstalled, becau it has already spilled out, for tho knowledge has no place for a long time. If there are so complacent, will suffer a day. In a folk ntence, it is: the full bottle of water does not sound, and the half bottle is jingling.
d音>质量奖惩制度In our life, the latter can be quite a few. In fact, they forget their own situation, but in a little narcissistic achievement. An open minded person to be honoured, restless, persistent. Is this kind of person who has no honor, is it much better than tho who are proud and arrogant?
Some people, standing on the podium, a brilliant smile, everyone's pursuit, warm applau, they suddenly become the focus. And some people, mediocre no strange, do nothing. Maybe some people will be sob: not everyone can succeed. But have you ever thought about it, why didn't you succeed? Why don't you do tho successful people? The key is the state of mind. That is to adhere to, adhere to, and then adhere to.
In a marketing guru speaking, many are attracted to the marketing industry experts. Everyone quietly waited for his speech. But experts have moved up a huge clock. He didn't say what, just took out a small hammer, gently beat the clock, you don't There were many discussions. A master, speech, knock this clock. What is extremely boring. The master did not stop, and continued to concentrate. Ten minutes pasd, twenty minutes pasd and thirty minutes pasd. At this time, many people have gone. There were only a few of Liao Liao Wuji left.
Suddenly, Guzhong swayed slightly, with a beat, more and more shaking. The master finally stopped. The people asked excitedly, "how did you succeed?" The master laughed
我们这一家and said, "stick to it, stick to it, and stick to it." A few years later, a few young people became the authority of the lling industry. They succeeded becau of their perverance.
The success of the people can not be parated from diligence, hard work and perverance. Ninety-nine percent of the sweat, plus one percent of the talent, made them successful today. Only the innate effort and the hard work of the day will succeed. This is the truth of the first bitterness and sweet. Let's work together, sprinkle with sweat, and start with success together.
Recently, I read Yin Jianling's "such a girl like you", when read the last page, I couldn't help but be the protagonist in the book touched, but also understand the cret of success.
This book mainly tells the story of Deng and Luo Yinyin. Deng Xianzi original a very full h
防己黄芪汤ou, but now he can only stay home as a memory, there are sixteen square meters, is crowded with six people, relatives do not love their mother and son, Deng Xianzi and her mother had to the beginning of each other's life, out of a growth path of lf-reliance. Luo Jessica's nickname "Camel", she is very cold, is a difficult person, Luo Jessica and mother have a deep gap, but also out of the shadow of the past between mother and daughter, opened up a new path in life, there is a new target and direction.学习标兵
Looking at the experience of two strong girls, I remember another thing. That's when I was 10 years old, my father and mother went to work everyday, and they didn't finish work until six o'clock. After school, I had to go home alone, waiting for mom and dad to come back. Once, the last class is PE, home after school, my stomach "grunt" rang, I quickly put down the bag, the food can carry off all that one has to find, you can find for a long time, did not find food, I look at the table, just four points, came back to two hours mom, how can this do? Finally, I cho to wait. Now in retrospect, it is funny and ridiculous for my behavior. Can't I cook for mylf? With everything in life, we should be brave. Their brains, not sit still.